Friday, June 26, 2009

Zoe Kravitz & Woody Harrelson? How Did I Miss This?

Apparently my powers are fading or something because I never saw the report that Woody Harrelson & Zoe Kravitz hooked up. The report also said they spent the night together at a hotel, but it turns out that isn't the case. According to The NY Post, Woody and a friend of his were joined by Zoe and a friend of hers at the bar of the Jane Hotel in Manhattan. They all chatted away and Zoe's spokesperson says Zoe left the hotel at midnight and didn't go to the married Harrelson's hotel room.

What Zoe's spokesperson and The Jane Hotel have yet to address and chose to ignore in hopes it would go away is what a minor was doing drinking in a hotel bar. What I am sure Woody would like to go away before he gets home is all the internet connectivity in his home so his wife doesn't have a million questions about whether Woody did sleep with a 20 year old or in fact was just sitting in a hotel bar drinking with her.

I am going to say that this was just a friends thing and that nothing happened other than the getting together in a hotel bar. Nothing wrong with that. Happens all the time. Plus, Woody and Zoe go way back, and so I am sure everything about the evening was innocent.


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