Friday, June 26, 2009

Your Turn Part Two

After I posted the Final Tally on Tuesday several more donations came in and so the total amount in excess of what was needed was exceeded by $700.92. So, the way I propose to do this is that everyone can name a charity. At the end of the weekend, I will add up all the votes and the top 4 will each get $175.00. If you see a charity you like that someone has mentioned, say the name of the charity again. People read and donated from all over the world, so I encourage you to not limit yourself to charities based in the US, or even North America. Feel free to list a few charities. You don't have to limit it to one choice. I have three charities that I am listing, but my vote counts the same as any of yours. Mine are Save The Music Foundation, Oxfam, and Doctors Without Borders. Feel free to link to a charity so people can become informed. Also, feel free to champion the cause of your charity. All donations will be given in the name of CDAN Readers.


Beensie said...

This is a no-kill animal rights movement. Check out the website to see all the minds they are changing at shelters around the country. Please help save our furry friends who can't speak for themselves.

Thank you!!!!

Pookie said...

i echo your 3 choices, enty, is this order:

doctor's w/o borders
save the music

Goodgrief said...

Anything for abused animals or children. I cry every time I watch the commercials for ASPCA(The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

TinselSass said...

MENTOR is widely acknowledged as the nation's premier advocate and resource for the expansion of mentoring initiatives nationwide. MENTOR believes that, with the help and guidance of an adult mentor, each child can discover how to unlock and achieve his or her potential.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this great organization with CDAN. No matter what groups win, we are all richer from this experience. Thank you!

McDooks said...

Right on, Beensie I was going to request consideration for an animal charity as well.

wny55 said...

i concur with pookie

jbdean_79 said...
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Clanger said...

Amnesty International
Susan G. Komen
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids

Hilary said...

New Leash on Life- they have a Chicago and a LA location. They take in dogs and give them foster parents that are very carefully screened. Then once a dog wants to be adopted they do a screen and bring the dog for a few days to make sure it is a good fit. I got my dog there. Another animal shelter (remain nameless) was going to put him to sleep because no one wanted him since he was old (14). NLOL took him and found a home for him. He had some leg problems because his claws had grown into his paws. NLOL took him to a doggie chiropractor and after I adopted they paid for several more visits. My little guy is going strong and has so much personality- ( I could tell so many stories about him) that it makes me tear up when I think that he could have been put to sleep if NLOL was not around. They are such a caring, genuine group of people and they are small so the donations would really help.

~BellaBellaBoo~ said...

Susan G. Komen

RocketQueen said...

I second the ASPCA or the Humane Society.
I personally don't agree with no-kill shelters, animals sometimes go mad in those facilities, forced as they are to inhabit such cramped quarters. Sometimes euthanasia is the kindest solution, where keeping them alive is a form a torture itself. That being said, only one SPCA in my province has to put animals down, thank goodness.

jbdean_79 said...
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Hilary said...

in case anyone wanted to see my dog- he is under "happy endings" Dean-

sherri dee said...

Lupus Foundation of America...

totally underfunded and people of both sexes and all races suffer from this disease.

My mom has it and it truly is awful

Fabulous! said...

after the whole fiaso this week, mario/perez posted an apology on his site & promised to donate whatever payout he gets from his lawsuit against to the matthew shephard foundation. considering how ludicrous the entire suit is, we can only guesstimate he'd earn $0.02 & a snickers bar from it, but hey kudos for trying right?

well, the matthew shephard foundation turned around and released a statement flat-out rejecting his donation promise, basically saying it goes against the message they've worked so hard to spread over the last 10 years.

to me, that is just wonderful for them and classy & they definitely get my vote for a cdan donation!

empyrios said...

i'm reiterating my orignal suggestion of Oxfam.

i think one of the biggest tragedies happening right now is the millions of displaced people around the world due to civil unrest

Oxfam encompasses all refugees worldwide much like this site encompasses people all over the globe. Any one of us could be in a situation in which we'd need the help of an organization such as Oxfam.

I stated before that I would match the donation I gave Enty and would encourage those who have the means to do the same. I will match whichever charity is chosen but would like to advocate for Oxfam because it has already helped people I've met so I know the money gets to where it's needed.

MontanaMarriott said...

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research,

Maja With a J said...

Thanks for doing this enty.

my votes are:

Doctors w/o Borders (when my dad passed away, we had people donate to them instead of sending flowers, it was a cause close to his heart and mine as well)

The Childhood Cancer Foundation

The Matthew Shepard Foundation.

ItsJustMe said...

I do like the idea of Doctor's Without Borders since it's international, but my heart belongs to CASA - an organation that supports the children living in the limbo known as the U.S. foster care system.

Anonymous said... - the National Child Abuse Hotline, because abused children are too often left without adequate help and healing.

Demanda said...

The UN Refugee Agency

There are more than 2 million displaced people from Swat and the surrounding area as a result of the most recent Taliban offensive, making it one of the world's worst displacement crises since Rwanda.

ItsJustMe said...

P.S. Empyrios, I couldn't donate much, but I will follow your lead & definitely match my donation to the charity of choice.

Marna Palmer said...

Can I just cast a vote for any animal foundation in general? I don't want to pick between the ASPCA, NLOL, etc. because they're all great orgs. I just want SOME of the money to go to an animal organization of some sort!

Enny said...


(If I say it three times, does that count as three different votes?)

also (as mentioned above)

Marna Palmer said...

Oh, and Hilary, your Dean is a handsome dude!! Congrats on your rescue! My girl is a rescue too and she OWNS my heart, I'm so glad I found her.

Beensie said...

ASPCA and again (I get three votes, right?)

jbdean_79 said...
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Profetissan said...

It´s such an important organisatrion...

Jen said...

I vote for any organization with minimum overhead.

Profetissan said...

organisation..sorry, got carried away.

empyrios said...

AnonMom, you're awesome. :)

I couldn't give much either, but as we've already seen here, every little bit helps and it all adds up!

Err said...

I can't choose so just put me down for one vote for each one nominated.

ENTY - maybe you could do any annual charity drive or something. Such a following here.

Or maybe, if your charity doesn't get selected, send just $20 of your own.

empyrios said...

jbdean_79: sweet! that's excellent!

Nichole Fisher said...

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Doctors Without Borders

Seachica said...

Doctors Without Borders
International Red Cross

Carrie said...

Alzheimer's Association

(Based in the UK, but picked a US charity and two international ones - what a great idea this is xx)

kelly said...

As both of my parents died of Cancer I have a monthly donation taken off my Visa for

Victory Junction Gang Camp (in honour of Adam Petty)

My other choices would be:

Doctors Without Borders (someone mentioned above) and
Make A Wish Foundation

Wzzy said...

My vote is for JDRF (my son is a Type 1 diabetic).

kelly said...

And may I just add how touched I am reading about all of the charities that everyone has mentioned. It is so nice to see that people still care about one another and it makes me proud that I am part of this Great Community (and the only one I comment on)

K. Marie Criddle said...

Equal rights for women around the world...I couldn't attend the "Serenity" screening to benefit this last week. Hopefully this'll make up for it.

Unknown said...

Save The Children


TKO said...

I vote for Oxfam

Moosefan said...

American Red Cross
Make a Wish Foundation

And please-donate blood this Summer at your local blood bank.


lutefisk said...
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lutefisk said...

American Cancer Society & Hadassah Hospital.

Hadassah has really been on the cutting edge of stem cell research. among many other projects.

von said...

Oxfam all the way.


Nicole said...

My vote, in order (though all of the ones mentioned are worthy and it's so very hard to narrow it down):

Equality Now
Matthew Shepard Foundation

Sis said...

Special Olympics
Make a Wish

Thanks Ent & Fabulous Readers!!

Enny said...


JudyPatooty said...

Water for All

An excellent organization which my nephew volunteered for last year. He spent 4 months in Ethiopia helping install water wells in rural villages that had no reliable source of clean drinking water.

Pinky said...

Planned Parenthood always gets my vote. (and my money)

Morgon said...

I would toss out a vote for the Send a Cow foundation, which is a great charity that sends a cow to a poor towns in Africa and Asia to provide milk and so they can start their own herd to provide food, etc. But in the past year they've stopped taking donations less than $500 dollars which irks me somewhat. One of my checks was returned to me with a letter about how they didn't take just any donations anymore, but if I wanted to donated $500 dollars instead of $50 it would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway...I will mention the ASPCA. But really, any of these charities would be amazing.

FrenchGirl said...

i vote for Make a wish and Elisabeth Glazer Fondation!
i love this idea

Vanessa said...

1. doctors without borders
2. casa
3. any children organization dealing with finding a cure for a disease.

Anonymous said...

I'll go with ASPCA, Doctors W/o Borders, and Oxfam.

I also second the annual charity drive. But maybe make it reveal days? That way we get not just the usuals, but the people who show up just for reveals to donate? And what a way to show thanks for the community we've formed, than to donate to the global community?

AF said...

Doctors without Borders

selenakyle said...

I vote for any org that feeds starving children FIRST.

Kristen S. said...

Innocence Project
St. Louis Genealogical Society

Cooper's Mom said...

Anything to do with helping abused children.

jax said...

AMFAR for aids research.

right now they have a great drive to 'adopt a scientist' on their site.

teddymac said...

Doctors w/o Borders

Melanie said...


crazycalimom said...

St. Jude's
Doctors without borders

Furiously Curious said...


Animals are hurt so badly by the recession. Every little bit helps, and can mean the difference between life and death for creatures who cannot speak for themselves.

All the other charities mentioned are wonderful too. I would support any choice listed, but did want to give the ASPCA a shout-out.

GoddessNow said...,Oxfam.Dr's w/out Borders, RHINO (New Orleans)
However, I am cool w/the majority of the room. It is just a privledge to be able and aware to help.

Dijea said...

Nothing But Nets
Red Cross
Save The Children

farmgirl said...

Doctors without borders!
Matthew Shepard

Thanks everybody!!!!!
This is an awesome crew.

L. said...

National Bone Marrow Registry.

Anonymous said...

UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)

copperkitten said...

Doctors without Borders

cdoo said...

Doctors Without Borders

Judi said...

Doctors Without Borders.
ORBIS International - travels to third world countries providing sight-saving surgeries. In memory of the Hon. Oliver Foot.

Ells said...


nunaurbiz said...

I'll repeat my original suggestion, The Actors Fund, which helps the many actors who are never going to be in the gossip columns, but do become homeless and hungry in their efforts to honor the craft of acting.

Other than that, I like Enty's suggestions. (No offense to the many other charities listed above :-)

Unknown said...

1. Heifer International
- they provide a supply of starter livestock,(chickens, ducks, goats, pigs, cows, etc.) and instruction and support to hungry families in third world/undernourished areas, so they can both sell and feed themselves.

2. Doctors without Boarders

3. Oxfam or UN Refugees

ardleighstreet said...

Anything that helps abused animals find second homes. (Please make it a no kill place and not PETA)

Since many people in these times are out of work and need help how about a food bank.

ellen said...
Both groups work to empower children through education, reading,and role models. Something I think ENTY would be behind.

Binky Melnik said...

Please put me down for the Make a Wish Foundation.

pandora said...

Lupus Foundation of America - (it's been 50 years since research has provided a new drug to help those suffering from this disease.)

I also like the Doctors without Borders and the Make a wish foundation.

Mother Campfire said...

Pan Can network
Planned Parenthood

Moxie said...

Doctors Without Borders

Thanks Enty!

Unknown said...

I know charities need it now, but what about saving some for next year?

Carla said...

St. Jude's Children's Hospital
Susan G. Komen
Habitat for Humanity

Bxrlvr said...

Here's my vote ...

New Leash on Life
Mathew Shepherd
Water for All

Maureen said...

Howard Brown Health Center
New Leash on Life

bits of moxy said...

Matthew Sheppard Foundation.
I know it is US based, but the fact that they came out and said they won't accept a dime from Perez Hilton.

Just a kick in his little nuts, while helping fight hate crimes.

Jess[ie] said...

save the music

Little Baby Jade said...
(they take in orangutans & chimps from entertaiment, research or pets. Michael Jackson's Bubbles now lives there)

New Leash on Life (thnx for pointing them out Hilary!)
Salvation Army

Cheryl said...

doctors without borders
the fistula foundation
salvation army (then we could re-loan the money, over and over on behalf of cdan)

thanks for everything, enty :)

-other cheryl

Unknown said...

Doctors w/o Borders
Matthew Shepard

Anonymous said...

Doctors w/o Borders

Dr. Lizardo said...

I'm with a donation to anything for the critters. Have had many rescue kitties, all with FLV. Gotta stand up for the Shriners, as they did so much good for a friend's little boy with spina bifida. And definitely the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Wish I had a million, I'd spend it all on all of them! And as someone said "Think global, act local" helps folks too! All y'all are the bestest!

Unknown said...

Animal charities--one of the best is Pasado's Safe Haven ( . It's a 4 star charity.

Since we're talking charity, I'd encourage people to visit etc. It's free to give!


Pasado’s Safe Haven: rated a 4-Star Charity for a record five years in a row!
According to Charity Navigator, the nation’s premiere independent evaluator of charities:
“Only 4% of all charities in the U.S. have received at least 5 consecutive 4-Star evaluations.
This indicates that Pasado’s Safe Haven outperforms most charities in America in its efforts to operate in the most fiscally-responsible way possible. This “exceptional” designation from Charity Navigator differentiates Pasado’s Safe Haven from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.” ~ Michael Smith, Chief Operating Officer, Charity Navigator

blossom6673 said...

1 - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - my brother committed suicide and it is devastating. I co-chair the annual charity walk in my area. A person dies by suicide every 16 minutes - its pretty epidemic. Their website is

2 - Oxfam


And thank you Enty, and everyone else for naming all these awesome organizations

abigail7881 said...

St Jude's
Susan G Koman

Unknown said...

Make A Wish Foundation gets my nod. I'm a mom who lost a child to cancer, and this is an amazing gift to someone who must leave the world too soon, and the family who is often too tapped out to grant a final wish.

newsgrrl said...

Doctors without borders

Demanda said...

Kiva definitely has my second vote, after UNHCR.

lutefisk said...

jhh--I am very sorry about your loss.

Anonymous said...

St. Jude's or Make-A-Wish are both amazing foundations that have done some great things for children.

lapin said...

Doctors without Borders
Make a Wish

Dick Insideu said...

Everyone who gave ENT money is a dumbass. ENT claims to be a connected Hollywood lawyer. If he is what he claims to be, he is rolling in dough.

ENT: Here I am -entertain me.

MoodyBlueEyes said...

Doctors without Borders
Make A Wish

Jasmine said...
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Jasmine said...

EQUALITY NOW/Planned Parenthood (tied for first place)


Matthew Shepard Foundation

SugaMama said...

sarahcis said...

doctors without borders

Father Chris Riley does a great job with these kids. I know its extremely specific to one region - but hey its always worth a try.


thanks to all of us for donating -I always think its the small things that count

Carrie L. said...

Because I've seen firsthand the good it truly does - Make a Wish.

gay tallywacker said...

1. Medicins Sans Frontiers
3. Lupus Foundation

I have lupus and it's hell.

bramblewitch said...

I agree with Beensie at the top of the list:

or Best Friends.

It's all about animals for me.

Unknown said...

We have a child with Autism so how about:

Autism Society of America
Doctors w/o Borders

Jade, That Girl said...

Invisible Children
Planned Parenthood
Save the Music

GladysKravitz said...

Doctors Without Borders
Make A wish

Weirdbear said...


Goodgrief said...

I like the lupus Foundation also. My mom found out a couple of years ago that she has it. She was told that it usually skips a generation which means my future kids could get it.

Unknown said...

Natural Resources Defense Fund
Planned Parenthood

Unknown said...

Natural Resources Defense Fund
Planned Parenthood

Aline said...

My votes are:

ASPCA--or any animal rescue organizations
Doctors without Borders
Matthew Sheperd Foundation

However I'm perfectly fine with any of the fine choices. I feel so proud to be part of community Enty has built.

Thank you everyone!

Unknown said...

how about the WSPA, this is an international organisation for animal welfare. I also like the doctor's without borders idea and oxfam.

Kim said...

Doctors Without Borders

Any animal charity is a winner to me, too.

Unknown said...

I agree w/Beensie. Animals are taking a big hit in this economy :-)

JJ said...

Susan G Komen
JDRF (juvenile diabetes)
Doctors without Borders

: )

GauchoGirl said...

Make a Wish
Doctors Without Borders

annie cat said...

Our vote is for any human rights, hunger and children's charities. Thanks, Enty.

Dick Insideu said...

Morons - If he is what he claims to be, ENT is a fabulously fat Hollywood entertainment lawyer, which means our budding Irving Producerberg is loaded. Why the fuck is he asking for our money, particularly if it only involves a measly 5K? Pocketchange for a real Hollywood entertainment lawyer.

I suspect ENT is just another teenaged moron who can't get dates or a teenaged enema nurse in bondage.

AH HA HA. Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Cooper's Mom said...

I posted when this first showed up the other day, but i guess i never published it -oops!

So, my vote is for anything to do with kids - missing, abused, neglected etc. also, the Matthew Shepherd charity would make me happy too. Kids need all the help they can get, IMO.

figgy said...

Hey Blossom6673, I did the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention walk this past weekend! And I agree, it's a great charity. It gets my vote.

bionic bunny! said...

i'm probably too late, but
ronald mcdonald house charities
doctors w/o borders

Leah said...

Salvation Army


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