Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Will & Jada Are Always Talking About Sex

Have you ever noticed that when either Will Smith or Jada Pinkett is interviewed for a magazine they invariably discuss their sex life? I don't think the reporters are bringing it up either. I think that for some reason Will and Jada want the world to think they are having sex 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If you go by what they say, it seems like the two would have time for nothing else but sex. They are always talking about spicing things up and keeping things fresh and blah, blah, blah. I think when two people talk about it as much as they talk about it, that chances are they are both sitting on opposite sides of the living room and watching television together until 10 and going to sleep.

Take for example Jada's latest interview with RedBook Magazine. Not normally a magazine that is known for provocative, sexy questions, but they have never had Jada Pinkett before and so she took matters into her own hands. She started talking about how she and Will keep things sexy.

"Be sneaky... your girlfriend's house at a party. The bathroom. A bedroom. Think of places outside that are comfortable to have sex. Anything like that can keep it going. Anything it takes to keep the flame alive."

They talk a lot about this flame. I think what they should be talking about is how many invitations they are going to get to people's homes now that their hosts know the chances of seeing Will and Jada getting jiggy with it in a closet during a baby shower are pretty high. I'm sorry, but I don't buy anything they say. They say it too much. Constantly we hear it drummed inside our heads until the first thing you think of after Will's ears is the fact that this is a couple that is always spicing things up. They want us to think that. They have worked at it for years to make us believe it and they just keep pounding it in. Got it. Move on to something else now please.


  1. There's a Big Flame in that marriage, all right.

  2. Another interview where one of them talks about their hot sex life. Has there ever been an interview where they haven't? Over compensation for sure.. Trying to bury those homosexual rumors looks like to me.

    And is it just me or does Will Smith and Jada look more gay every year?

  3. Red flags start waving when a married couple feels the need to convince us they have a wonderful and exciting sex life. Yeah, right. There's nothing happening between them.

  4. She did the same thing on The View this morning. Even hinted at freakiness in the green room. I don't get those two.

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

    If they get caught doing it in someone else's home and there's a photo, what's the legal situation? It was the other person's home, so they would be able to sell it, right?

    Sign me up for a visit from the Pinkett-Smith's!

  6. They are both successful and likeable so they don't NEED to do this. They WANT to talk about their sex life but it sounds fake. Even Brad and Angelina don't talk like this and I would believe it from them.

    The Scientology rumors are probably more damaging than the gay rumors anyway.

  7. Is that Tommy Girl in the poster behind Will??

    LOL @ Enty's: "the first thing you think of after Will's ears..."

  8. check out the photo - it looks like Tommy boy is jealous as hell of the tongue action and is coming to get his!!! LOL

  9. I believe they are having sex at all these 'sneaky' places (friend's houses, bathrooms), just not with each other.

  10. LMAO @ figgy

    i was thinking the same thing ;)

  11. Actors? Lying about their sex lives? Colour me surprised. I love when their private lives become more of a farce than their movies.

    That being said, I loved the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Will Smith's comedic timing is gold. Gotta watch me some reruns!

  12. yep, a cover for their other activities. but i don't believe they will ever divorce. jada is allegedly the one who had will turned out? i guess she's bi, but way more inclined to the ladies.

    sign me up too, dnfrommn

  13. these 2 lost all credibility with me a long time ago. i bet they haven't had sex (with each other) in a very long time.

  14. Miranda, watch early episodes where Will is still learning to act and is mouthing the other actor's lines; it's hilarious!

  15. methinks they doth protest too much!

    bummer. i really like will smith.

    teehee, figgy!

  16. Regardless of his sexual preference~ although I would be SO freaked out if Will was the one we keep hearing about in blinds, having adored him since Fresh Prince days, Jada, ehh~ who cares~I truly think that Will Smith is a talented actor.

  17. I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw this on ET last night."Jada Pinkett shares her tips on how to have a great sex life". All I could think was "that's all Jada Pinkett ever talks about!".

    Oh, and if I caught my girlfriend getting it on with her husband in my house at a party, I'd kick both of them out. That's just rude. What if Jadas friends read that? If I was her friend I'd ask her to pay for new upholstery on my furniture right about now.

  18. people who talk about it all the time generally aren't having it - well they aren't having it with each other

  19. not a sexy chick, her edges r too sharp. and even if she is walkin the talk, their sex life sounds boring. venue changes? yeah, i guess that's better than laying on ur back and starin at the same ceiling every other thursday.

  20. Ummmmm, yyeeeaaaahhhh...

    But I do like that tongue-ear action going on there...they look fabulous together even if it's all fake. If their public persona helps married couples feel hot and comfy with sex, then it's a good thing.

  21. Yes I'm sick of them talking about sex. Jada brings it up in every interview. Will does it about 75% of the time.

    Every couple has an image, I guess Jada decided theirs is solid couple with the super hot sex life.

    Jada, shut up and sit down. You look and a act like a hardcore man.

    P.S. She was really pretty when she was on A Different World. I guess she came out to Will.

  22. some of you guys would be upset if your very good friend was in some bathroom down the hall getting it on? and kick them out?

    it would tickle me, but i would ask them to stop. teehee.

  23. methink jada has had too much cosmetic surgery. yeah, she was much better looking earlier in her career.

  24. hmm, i would never ask anyone to stop consensual sex, even in my bathroom. but, if they mess the place up they need to put it back together. i hate cleaning.

  25. I'd want to clean the bathroom very well if my friends were doing it in there.

    I remember when Will and Jada were on Oprah before they were married and Jada said something like "If Will is not the man, then I'm calling Ellen." At the time, I thought it was a strange statement. Like, if it's not this man, then you're gay?

    Now, however, it makes perfect sense. Because she is, and he is, gay. And they have to hide it for some dumb reason.

    Wouldn't it be fantastic if just one closeted powerful and bi or gay couple came out and was open about it?

  26. ^^^haha. i would hope folks would tidy up behind themselves.

  27. yeah, totally ^_^

  28. Ewwwww, that pic creeps me out!! LOL @Figgy! :)

  29. I'd hand them some Lysol wipes when they walked in the door.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Their FRIENDS would probably just have the maid clean up the mess.

  32. darnit Pookie - you took what I was going to say :)

  33. "They just keep pounding it in"...I spit my tea all over my monitor when I read that line.
    And "keeping the flame alive", all I can say is girl Bye! I remember in HS that those that talk about it the most are getting it the least, sounds like its true in Hollywood.

  34. Anonymous1:55 PM

    People that brag too much about their sexual activities for sure have something to hide. They should be more private about that.

  35. LOL Figgy.

    Those that talk about it aren't getting it.

  36. Figgy, you made me laugh out loud.

    Jada has always struck me as weird and kind of scary. Long ago she used to blather endlessly in interviews about how she considered herself a "queen" (in the context of her marriage) and said that she insisted on being treated that way by Will and his young son from his first wife. She claimed it instilled the respect and reverence with which all women should be treated or something.

    She must have retired that bit in favor of the helpful tips on having sex on friends' children's backyard trampolines. (I note that she includes "places outside" in her inventory of orgasmic locales.)

  37. Something tells me that "being creative" would not work both ways.
    I do not see Jada being happy if her friends disappear to get jiggy in her bathroom or her bed during her parties.

    I wish they would just shut up about their sex life. I don't care who you sleep with. You're paid to entertain me not bore me to tears rehashing how often you get freaky.

  38. Note to Will and Jada's publicist:

    Tell them to SHUT UP about SEX. With every get jiggywidit comment, they lose credibility as a couple and star luster. Once upon a few summers ago, Will was THE man. Now he's looking more like Tom and John's bathhouse buddy.

  39. I agree that the marriage is for show.

    Jada is apparently a huge bitch, too from stories I've heard courtesy of an LA friend.

  40. Will was linked the the guy of their own produced show All of Us. Dewayne Martin who is married to Tisha Campbell(My wife and Kids) for many years.
    I watched the movie InkWell and Dewayne does look suspect.

    Why do gay people marry and pretend their sex life is the best? Yes, best with other people.

  41. I have heard it too many times...where there's smoke, there's fire. Hm...
    I mean, flames!!!

  42. I will simply say .. those who can ... do. Those who can't .. usually make a huge noise about how good they are at it.

  43. @palealebrew10 - yeah i second that! Tell us!

  44. Lisa (original) - yup, it's the GMD. No wonder Will's feeling frisky...

  45. "The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Makes you wonder...
