Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Else Could T.R. Knight Say?

"After a five-year break, it feels great to be on stage again." Uh huh. So sayeth the man who fought his way out of a contract paying him almost six figures a week for a three month run doing some play in Los Angeles. What else could the guy say? I am surprised he didn't say that he has some other projects in development, or something that at least pretends there are other things in the works. Of course then all we would have to do is go over to IMDb and see there is nothing on it.

I am also wondering if he is going to start missing that paycheck when the new season rolls around and he sees Katherine Heigl who was going to be his walk out buddy still getting her paycheck and not even coming close to a theatre stage. I really don't understand why people want out of contracts that pay them over a million dollars a year. I just don't get it. My personal philosophy would be to ride the thing out until the damn thing grinds to a halt and keep collecting the paycheck. It is too easy in the acting business to see your career fade away into nothing and just turn up at some ten year reunion show and be forced to sit in the back row because you have been gone so long.

You work and you work and you finally get the break and then you just throw it all away. Why?


  1. I wonder what this will do for his "friendship" with Heigl.

    My guess to your question-ego. Or maybe he truly was miserable. I hope the Greys anatomy show is the answer to the blind about the tell all bookj with the writer posing as one of the actors' life coaches. I think "lost" was the popular answer though.

  2. "My personal philosophy would be to ride the thing out until the damn thing grinds to a halt and keep collecting the paycheck."

    That's what most of us do every single (week)day of our lives. :) And I suspect a lot of us have even crappier jobs than working on Grey's.

  3. Hey, if they get rid of Ellen Pompeo and Heigl, I might consider watching again.

  4. pale, i was wondering the same thing...the vibe between him and heigl must be so weird right now. eep.

  5. I wonder why he quite in the first place if he didn't have a job lined up.

    I wonder if his manager told him that to leave the show was totally stupid.

    I guess it sucks to not have a lot of lines but if you are paid a million a year to not say much just go with the flow.

  6. self sabotaging one's self? you don't miss the water until the well runs dry.

  7. Vanessa, I agree with your last sentence. I'd be happy to get bank and just sit there and look happy as a clam, say my one line or two and head to Europe or the Carribean for the down time!

    A nice Paris apartment, and one in Madrid and a beach house on the Spanish coast, all easily paid for with just one, perhaps two weeks pay!

    He's an IDIOT, and he'll realize it when he's back to waiting tables.

  8. Supposedly it was his boyfriend telling him he was so very, very talented that the show was beneath him.

    Everybody thinks they're going to be the next George Clooney, the one who makes it big.

  9. ^^^ i wonder how long his boytoy is going to stick around when the well runs dry. i hope that he has good investments and savings.

    haha, a HIT show being beneath an actor!!

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    nutty - his 19 year old boyfriend? Geez, he should know better -- TR is not a movie star, he should've gotten in while the golddigging was good.

    And TR, a random stage in LA isn't even the Guthrie. You got 3 months off guaranteed when you did Grey's, and I'm sure if you weren't needed they would've let you take time off to prep for the stage. Poorly played, TR, poorly played.

  11. Maybe he really has invested his money wisely. I know if I had a couple million in the bank and I absolutely hated my job, I wouldn't think twice about it. I could live very comfortably for 40 years at 50,000 a year. As a matter of fact, I've lived on much less than 50k a year. I don't know if that's possible for an actor, though.

  12. Perhaps he thought the show had jumped the shark? And it was better being the first rat off of the sinking ship? Instead of being one of the later group all searching for work at the same time, he could be looked at as the smart one who called it correctly.

    He wasn't getting any good story arcs. Perhaps he knew the show runner had it in for him? Maybe there was some Shonda Rhimes behind-the-scenes drama we know nothing about?

    Anybody remember the mess with Rod Lurie, the American President and the late scripts. Press agentry can cover loads of crapola.

  13. oh it'sd all in the name of his craft i'm sure.

    what an idiot. that's like one of us desperate to become astronauts, getting the job and not liking that you weren't the first one out the door onto the moon so you quit upon re-entry. and then watch a million other people clamouring for your job. did i spell clamour right? fuck it. anyway. actors are a dollar a dozen and he just opened the flood gates for a new McHottie.

  14. "As a matter of fact, I've lived on much less than 50k a year."


    Bwahahaha, once this recession is over, I've got to get a better-paying job... :) Hmmm, is being able to surf CDaN all day worth the paltry $20-some grand paycheck? Tough question!

  15. He's a FOOL to leave the Grey's paycheck!!! It buys him the freedom to wait for better opportunities. Soon we'll be seeing him on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here or Dancing With The Stars. =[

  16. TV work is very different than theater. If he wasn't happy doing it, why should he continue especially when he's made enough money to set himself up for life? Working in a job you hate is soul killing. If he wants to do theater, so be it. Maybe his idea of "making it" is a Tony vs. an Emmy.

  17. This guy isn't talented or charismatic enough to throw away his TV series income. Poorly played, T.R.

  18. "I really don't understand why people want out of contracts that pay them over a million dollars a year."

    I couldn't agree with you more.

  19. His shmuck behavior to dump a big paycheck for what he has now is laughable.

    He could have taken his paycheck and did THEATER (said dramatically)
    on his off time. Hell he could have taken the Greys $$$ and done indy movies. He never learned the hard lesson of not leaving a suckass job until you have a better one lined up. SAD little man will wind up doing dinner theater in the Pittsburgh Ramada Inn.

  20. "Perhaps he knew the show runner had it in for him? Maybe there was some Shonda Rhimes behind-the-scenes drama we know nothing about?"

    I tend to agree with this... Shonda has made it a point to have his character get less and less time. All over her being forced to fire Isiah Washington. Which she never wanted to do.

    Now he is without a high paying job... which I don't think he wanted to leave. Yet somehow Princess Ass Talk probably got a raised and won't return TR's calls now.

  21. Probably a combination of things - b/f telling him he could do better, Shonda writing him out of the good stuff, cast tensions... couple all that with an actor's ego and you get a lousy work environment. I bet he called their bluff and then had to go with it or back down like a pussy, which his ego wouldn't allow.

  22. Maybe is not abut the money, it is about the art?
    Naw, something else prob jumps off and they are not reporting on it.
