Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Do You Think?

Marilyn Manson is a master of manipulation and I wouldn't be surprised if his latest interview with Spin is just to drum up sales for his new release. In the interview he says that many of the songs on his new album are about his breakup with Evan Rachel Wood and his murder fantasies. "I have fantasies every day about smashing her skull in with a sledgehammer."

Uh huh. Tell us how you really feel. He says that, "My lowest point was Christmas Day 2008 because I didn't speak to my family. My walls were covered in scrawlings of the lyrics and cocaine bags nailed to the wall. I was struggling to deal with being alone and being forsaken and being betrayed by putting your trust in one person, and making the mistake of that being the wrong person."

But wait, it gets better. I know. It's hard to believe it could get any more bizarre, but this is Marilyn Manson we are talking about. Oh, and Marilyn, don't you think perhaps Dita von Teese may have had those same feelings when you dumped her and your marriage for a 19 year old? Karma my friend. Karma. Anyway, Marilyn said, "I made the mistake of trying to, desperately, grasp on and save that and own it. And every time I called her that day - I called 158 times - I took a razor blade and I cut myself on my face or on my hands."

Remarkably he has no visible scars. Maybe they are beneath the makeup. You would think that 158 cuts with a razor blade would leave a mark. And I also have problems believing that he cut himself that many times. I would think that after the first 60 or 70 times you would realize she isn't coming back no matter how many times you cut yourself and would have probably moved on. I think this is just publicity and maybe he called her a few times just so he could arrange a time for her to pick up his stuff and he got a paper cut or two while wrapping up her stuff in a box. Those paper cuts can sting so maybe he equated that to 158 times with a razor to the face.


  1. How could he possibly have preferred Evan Rachel Wood to Dita von Teese? The latter is SO much classier.

    And oh yeah, he's a douche. I thought he might be okay for awhile after I saw him interviewed in Bowling for Columbine, but turns out, no.

  2. Oy, this guy.
    IMO, he is afraid that he has become irrelevant, so he's come up with a story of how tortured and depressed he was in the hopes that it will make him "news" for a few more minutes. Whatever. have a beer and calm the f*** down. Sheesh.

  3. he's either trying too hard to remain relevant, or he's someone i don't need to be left alone with.

  4. Sad thing is, he is actually a pretty intelligent person!

    Do I believe he cut himself 158 times? hell no. Thought about it? Yes.

    Marilyn Manson. Love the music, fear the person.

  5. When he said he had fantasies of killing ERW and bashing her head in with a sledge hammer, I decided this guy needs a straight jacket.

  6. but wait, didn't Manson leave Dita at Xmas? you didn't see her trying to drown hereself in a giant martini glass or cinch her waist into suffacation. please.

    go buy a new lipstick and watch Twilight like all the other 14 year old emos cutting themselves.

  7. KARMA


    DVT is probably relieved at this point!

  8. A friend of mine once worked on a music video with him. She said she sat down in the makeup trailer with a man giving directions, very business-like, in control of things, and it took her a good 5 minutes to realize it was Marilyn Manson, sans fards (I HAD to get that in …lol). She said, he’s brilliant – he knows exactly what he’s doing.

    I can't read him ... who knows what's really going on behind the fards.

  9. How that creature is attractive to any woman I will never know. Scary, that one.

  10. it's always the sames stories with him when he promote a new disc."Drug,alcohol,girls!i'm sad,alone" boring!

  11. Anonymous10:21 AM

    What self involved melodramatic bullshit. This is the kind of stuff my gothic sister would say in high school to get attention. I wonder if he lit up a clove cigarette with his "ironic" goth Hello Kitty lighter afterwards.

    His entire career hinges on shock, and sadly, we're all jaded now. The only thing he has left to do is mellow out and showcase the depth and intelligence he so obviously has. Its easy to be hateful. What's really hard is being a decent person despite all your reasons not to be. He's too old for this shit, seriously.

    Its all about reinvention...if he was to mellow out, I might actually take interest again.

  12. He shouldn't bother trying to be relevant. He is irrelevant. I've never liked him or his music.

  13. He is so over...Why does he think he still shocking people?

  14. This foolio and his whole zombie look is so lame.
    Boo hoo zombie, go suck on a chicken bone.

  15. Him, Lady Gaga and Megan Fox should start a "special people club". They would meet every Thursday and sit around and say Shocking and Different things.
    What a fucking turdburglar.

  16. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I'm with Cheri - never understood his 'music', and can't imagine people would listen to it now.

    And a razor cuts pretty cleanly, assuming they were short, they could heal without scarring.

  17. >>Karma my friend. Karma.


  18. I agree with AnonMom's friend. From some footage I've seen in the past with camera's following him around, he seems to be very in control, all business and knows exactly what he's doing. I think he's a lot smarter or intelligent in many ways than people realize or give him credit for. Freaky and a drug addict? Of course. Fits in nicely with part of the MM image and act he's worked hard to keep going. But I remember a comment he made years ago on some MTV special with camera's following him where he seemed to know his way around a Home Depot and wall repairs to which I found both fascinating and amusing at the same time.

    I'm surprised MM and his music has lasted as long as it has. But as I like to say, long before MM there was Skinny Puppy, and I much prefer them over MM. (BTW, I saw Skinny Puppy back on their "Too Dark Park" tour in 1990 and it was amazing! Saw them again about two years ago and all these years later, they still know how to put on an amazing show...)

  19. I have often scratched my head wondering how in thee hell this guy got these milky white beauties like DVT and ERW....oh and Rose McGowen.

  20. the amazing thing to me is that this guy gets any pussy at all.

  21. M- when i came home from summer vacation with my parents when i was 12, Skinny Puppy were sitting in our living room with my brother all gothed out. my parents were not amused, my mom thought he was having a satan worshipping meeting. LOL. i still don't know how or why...

  22. Anonymous1:42 PM

    It sounds like he's trying to appeal to a new group of consumers/teenagers, the ones who don't already know his shtick.

  23. Publicity stunt to the max .. but this just seems so 13 and pathetic. Maybe that is his new target audience? Everyone else seems to have grown up and moved on from his music.

    I actually found myself kinda liking him after the interview he did with Michael Moore in "Bowling for Columbine" .. now though .. now I just think he is a sad pathetic loser .. kinda like when he was a kid.

  24. Sick stupid eff.

  25. When he says he cut himself on the face or hands 158 times, 10 bucks says he means his picture.

  26. god I love you guys! And I haven't thought about Skinny Puppy in over 10 years! Cools story Jax!

    Thanks for the chuckle inducing comments!

    I would love to see an SNL skit of MM and Brett M trying to out preen themselves -a strutt off- that's GT..
