Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekly Thanks

Once again it is time to thank everyone for a great week. I want to thank all of the readers who have sent in photos. I promise I will get to all of them before the big July 4th reveal day. Thanks to everyone who contributed FFF material and for all the story ideas and tips. Thanks for another great week of comments as well. All of you make me laugh. I want to also thank Gustavo for his report from the AFI red carpet. I didn't know how anonymous he wanted to be after calling Eric McCormack a dick, but apparently he is all for plugs and so you can read his reporting every week at OC Weekly and check him out on the radio every Tuesday at 4pm Pacific time on KPFK 90.7. I'm assuming you can listen to it online.

I also want to thank all of the readers once again who deign to advertise on the site. With photo licensing fees getting out of control, every little bit helps. If you want to see any of the summer tours and need great tickets, check out Ticket Liquidators. Also, the A to D list needs your help and input so help her out by going over to the site and contributing. If you are interested in fashion or shopping you really need to check out Second City Style. After you have spent a fortune shopping you might have a panic attack and so Panic Away is a great program to help you out. Travelatime has great deals and bargains for all your summer vacation needs while Dragon Search Marketing is perfect if you have a site that needs to be seen all over the world.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and that you stay safe and come back again next week. Don't get drunk this weekend and go back to work wearing a Kate Gosselin haircut, but if you do or see someone who has, make sure you take a picture!!! All of you are the greatest!!


  1. Enty, you were even more hysterical than usual this past week. Thanks for all the laughs!

  2. Enty, Thanks for the plug. And yes we are all still trying to work out the bugs and get things rolling over at atodlist! So, again, thanks for the plug and thanks for the witty, snarky commentary that I've grown to love and miss when I'm not able to read the site.

  3. Awww, you're such a sweetie. I can't promise not to get drunk, but there's not enough alcohol in California for me to ever get a Kate Gosselin haircut.

    Happy weekend and to anyone graduating or proud parents of graduates, congratulations!

  4. Not to get all conspiracy theorist here but I'm a long time reader and EL has not sounded like himself at all this week. Overly emotive, extra exclamation points. I'd swear a girl was writing this week.

  5. Ent Laywer:

    Are you America Young's attorney?

    Would you be appreciate being advised of a treatment I've written with her in mind before I pitch it to someone at Disney?

    Please email me at thehollywoodfarmer at gmail dot com.


    Mark Thomas

    P.S.: Pardon the repeat post. Trying to get a message to you, and you were just here...

  6. Thanks for another great week, Ent. You were on fire.

    Really, this site and the people who comment on it help me get through my work week. Word.

  7. We love you too Enty!!!

    Thanks for the "Daytime Entertainment" when I SHOULD be working...but oh well......


  8. oh and califblondy as a mom of a graduate this week~ thanks for the sweet thought!

    Ditto to all! :)

  9. we love you enty.

    httr. :)

  10. Feeling the love :) Thanks for a great weeks read!

  11. we love your big fat ass loverboy!!!!

    have a good weekend all!

    ps- i saw a 20 something mom at the lake last week with the KATE! i tried to get a picture but i think she was on to me and looked the other way before i could snap a pic. it was remarkable that a young women would torture her hair that way.

  12. Love you, Enty and everyone who comments! Most of you crack me up on a daily basis and the rest crack me up with the indignant posts. Too funny!

  13. Thank you Enty and others for brightening my week. Sometimes when work gets me down it is always a pleasure to come here and breathe & laugh like hell.

    As for the "KATE" hair cut I would never torture my poor hair that way. (It would prob. take revenge and all fall out)

  14. I'm sure this is the real Ent writing. He does get like that sometimes. Ok - a lot of times.

    I like how you don't do a cookie-cutter thank you every week. Have a good weekend, too.

    My nephew graduated from high school this week. I cannot believe he is this old.

  15. Anonymous5:37 AM

    sometimes i wont read the site for one or two days on purpose, until i'm in a bad mood or having a bad time, just because i know when i finally DO read it, i'll feel so much better. I don't comment very often but thank YOU for making our days better! the site kicks ass and i hope the snark keeps on coming!!

  16. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Wasn't this a recent blind?

  17. Cashier today, 17 years old TOPS, sportin the Kate. She probably thought I was hitting on her. Couldn't stop staring. That 'do is bizzare up close.

    I'm going back next week & taking a pic. It looks especially stylish with polyester from head to toe :)

  18. Gustavo's no-holds-barred take on the AFI red carpet was the best guest spot ever. And, as always, this is the best gossip blog ever. Thanks for keeping the it going, even though I'm sure it can be a chore.

  19. Good catch, PattyAnn! I can't find the blind, though...

  20. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Mooshki, I couldn't find the blind, either, but I know I read it here.

  21. Enty, I have to say thanks to YOU for brightening my week each week for the last year. I've been dealing with undiagnosed health issues that make my days long and miserable. However, your take on the "current events" of Hollywood are well written and entertaining. The folks who read this board and comment are also good people, and it's just a nice place to get away when I want to think about something less serious and just have a little fun. So thank YOU!

  22. Darn it! I found the blind, but it was an Academy Award nominated actor. :(

    I guess that just goes to show you, for every blind, there are probably a number of people who could be the answer! LOL

  23. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Mooshki, bless you for finding that! And I think he was nominated for Man In The Moon.
