US Weekly Drops The Ball - Again
I'm picking on US Weekly, but only because they ran with this headline. "Madonna: I Am Ecstatic To Adopt Mercy James." All of the other tabloids were a little more subtle in their love of all things Madonna. Apparently her publicist Liz Rosenberg must scare them and they don't want to say even one thing negative about Madonna. In this article from US they report exactly what Liz told them to report and nothing else. No one bothered to even ask Madonna or Liz why if she is so ecstatic that she couldn't be bothered to pick up Mercy.
I know I discussed this in detail Friday but it continues to tick me off and then to have all the tabloids just take it for granted that this is the norm just further pushes me over the edge. I wasn't expecting Madonna or Liz to actually answer the question, but it would have been nice to know someone at least asked and there was no reply or a no comment or something to show they at least made the effort to pretend like they were journalists.
Is it so much to ask to not just regurgitate press releases of famous people, but to actually show that perhaps you do have a spine. Celebrities like publicity. I am sure that whatever ban you would get from a publicist would not be long lasting. I know they are loathe to report anything negative about a celebrity, but at some point don't you just get tired of being a sheep and doing what publicists tell you to do and say?