Tuesday, June 23, 2009


As of 930am Pacific Time, the total amount raised is $6,030.12 which is unbelievable. I know it is still short of the goal of $6,500, but this is just mind blowing. I don't know how I will be able to thank of each of you, but I will certainly do my best. There are really no words for how much all of you mean to me. I kept reading all your notes and e-mails which came from all over the world, and I promise I will write all of you back. About 400 of you have donated, and I appreciate your generosity very much. This check is going to be much easier to write now, and whether you donated or not, I do the blog for all of you and I love doing it and thanks for helping me want to keep doing it in a daily basis. Well, except for weekends and traditional drinking holidays.


  1. Wow! That's awesome! YAAAAY CDANers. Keep the smut coming!

  2. wow. that IS mind blowing.

    even if this had just been some kind of social experiment, i still would've gladly donated.

    this blog- and whoever you really are- simply rocks ;)

  3. Add ten bucks to that total :-)

    Hope you make it Enty!

  4. Ent - no need for a Thank you to a Thank you. LOL

    And in my best mom voice "Please don't wait until the last minute to ask for help again".

  5. Agreed with jlb. You should've asked sooner, Enty!


  6. Amazing....The impact of 1 person

  7. Amazing....The impact of 1 person

    You are the best -- and so are all of your fabulous readers. I always look forward to clicking on this site and read all your great gossip, AND being able to post things and getting positive and engaging feedback from other CDAN'ers. You all brighten my every day ;)

  9. Traditional drinking holidays? I thought those were every day after noon! Maybe Enty should put together a calendar every year indicating which holidays are TDH? Sell them on cafe press or something.

  10. Perhaps this happy occasion calls for a Blind Item Reveal? Just one teeeeeensy tiny one? :) *sigh* i tried... On the upside.. its almost July 4!!!

  11. Will you be leaving the donation box up for a while? My birthday's in two weeks and I know I'll be able to donate by then ... I really want to be able to support my favourite gossip hound!

  12. "Traditional drinking holidays? I thought those were every day after noon!"

    Exactly what I immediately thought!!!!

  13. Thank YOU Enty for the best gossip blog online! Looking forward to lots more!

  14. aww enty...that's amazing. *applause, applause*!!! gosh, we CDANers are a classy bunch. :)

  15. Hey, I agree with the post above, this should warrant some BI reveals!

  16. Here, here Carrie! Just a little reveal - like MV maybe? Hmmm? Come on, Benty (that's my new name for Enty 'cause he's really Ben Affleck so it's the best of both worlds - brilliant aren't I?). Pretty please with Chicken in a Biskit on top? :-)

  17. I'm contributing as soon as I get home tonight! Well, maybe as soon as the LSU/TX baseball game is over. Geaux Tigers! :-)

    I'm somewhat of a newbie here, but I enjoy this site very much!

    Keep on rockin' in the free world, Enty!

  18. I'm unable to donate @ this time, but, hopefully next week! Thank you to all that have donated & to those that will donate!
    Enty, don't those fine CDANers that have donated deserve to have EVERY single blind item revealed?!lol Thanx Enty for a wonderful snarky site! Ben Affleck, thanx to you too for being the subject of so many of these blinds,wink wink!

  19. Lil, love the Benty name. An Enty by any other name is still an Enty!

    You rock Enty .. but I do think one or two reveals before the 4th is a small price to pay for such devoted fans.

  20. That is awesome! Although I can't donate right now (until at least one of us is employed) I hope you'll leave the button up so we can do so in the future.

    Thanks for all you do. My lawyer-fiance and I love your blog.

  21. Great news! This is the best entertainment blog ever and I don't know what i'd do without it.

  22. You do a Great Job Here!!!

  23. Enty, I would love to contribute but don't have the funds as this time. As others have requested could you leave the info up so more can donate at a later date? I would even make yearly contributions if that would help. I love this site and am most happy to help keep it going smoothly.

  24. Enty: You are our Gossip Angel. A 400lb, nekid cherub with bacon wings, hovering over our reality with snipets of snarky love.

    John Candy's got nothin on you ;)

  25. Oh wow, that's great! Goes to show that a little donation can go a long way!

    Now don't spend it all in one place!

    I mean...uh...I guess that's exactly what you'll do...*L*

  26. So who donated 12 cents? :)

  27. Mygeorgie, you've just inspired me for a new Facebook profile pic for Enty. :)

  28. We have till tonight, right? I gotta get some money in the bank!

  29. John Candy? That's pushing it.

  30. I totally agree with the others, I can't make a donation until payday (stupid brakes, who needs to stop a car, anyway?) but if you will leave the info up, I will gladly give as much as I can spare when I have it. If you want to charge an annual fee to be able to get into the site, I'm down with that also. I love it here, your posts and the people who comment here ROCK!

  31. Mooshki: Whoever/whatever the hell Enty is, he reminds me of John Candy, who I adore so much he is on my 'Freebie 5' (even though he's dead)Funnily, Enty included him in my FB Birthday wish yesterday. Spot on!

    John Candy/Enty > Georges St. Pierre ('My Georgie')?? Tough choice, non?

    I'll keep a look out for your "Enty Candy". Yummy! Keep me posted :P

  32. Sorry I couldn't do more than $10, but I have been unemployed for the past 6 months AND I live in NJ, which is too expensive to live in even if you HAVE a job. Once I get a job, if you ask again, I will definitely help!

  33. Glad to help. Wish I could've afforded more. This is my favourite gossip site.

  34. You are welcome. I am glad I was able to donate---it was the best money I've spent so far!

  35. o.k., i found it (that's what i get for starting at the bottom and reading up!)!
    absolutely, enty, i agree, don't wait until the last minute! even if i don't make it here for a day or two occasionally, i depend on you. i don't subscribe to any more gossip mags, so i've got no problem sharing what little i can.

    and WOW. what an amazing community we have! great going, gang!!

  36. I don't comment much but have been a faithful CDANer for over two years and would love to donate a few bucks for my weekly fix of smut

    Thanks Enty for doing this for all of us every day!

  37. I donated via PayPal but pushed SEND before adding my note... so here it is:

    To ENTY and the CDAN Community -

    Thanks for adding color, humor, sass, outrage, justifiable intolerance, kindness, smarts and inspiration to my days. You make them less crazy!

    PS - Please consider throwing a CDAN party in LA. I'd rather attend it than any premiere!

  38. of course, I didn't have to stop and think about this for a second. Then again, I wonder what this will do to my karma ... maybe confuse it? :)

  39. Enty
    Consider it the drink (or a round
    of them)we would buy you if we could. This place is second best to partying with friends.
