Monday, June 22, 2009



As of 1245pm Pacific Time there have been over 150 of you who have donated for a total of $2,776.69 which leaves us just $3,723.31 short of the goal. I am overwhelmed. Even if there is not another penny raised, I have been touched by your generosity and kindness. Thank you for all the great notes many of you have sent, and I really do appreciate all of you whether you gave or not and I love writing for all of you, and promise not to stop for a very long time. Thank you again.


As of 6pm Pacific Time there have been over 300 of you who have donated for a total of $4590.80 which leaves a goal of just $1909.20. My jaw just keeps dropping. All of you are the most amazing people in the world. I love the notes and e-mails I am getting from everyone, not just the people donating, and they are incredible. I feel the love. I really can't describe how lucky I am to have all of you as readers. It really is like family.


  1. we love you, enty. :)

  2. Hooray for enty, and this site!

  3. so happy. what a great community of smut peddlers.

  4. "GROUP HUG! :)"

    Count me in!

  5. Awwwwe Shucks.....If I could I would
    We appreciate you also.

  6. lol@ Oryx so damn true!

  7. Thanks for doing what you do and, like Onyx said, peddling some great smut.

    It's nice to know there is a place where there are so many people just as geeky as I am with the celeb gossip. Everyone I'm surrounded by is two thousand and LATE and thinks I'm nutso. Ok, I am nutso, so thats a moot point. But, you get my drift.

  8. Nice!

    Now, I need a ticket to Europe in July, I'll give you my PayPal details momentarily.

    Juuuuust kidding.

  9. First time commenting, but I've been reading this blog for over a year. I was happy to donate. Thanks to Enty and all the regulars here for making CDAN a funny, respectful and relaxed place to spend time online.

  10. Kisses and hugs to you, Enty! <3

  11. XOXOXO to you ENTY and to all the awesome readers that participate in this blog everyday!!!


  13. You're welcome!

    Hell, I've pissed away a helluva a lot more than $20 on some dumb sh*t in my lifetime, so I'm glad to help.

    ***And welcome to bezzie and all the lurkers who pony'ed up and came outta the woodwork. Y'all keep posting!

  14. GROUP HUG!

    Much love, Enty!

  15. w00t! Yay Enty!

    ...and am I the only one who giggled at the .69 cents? Because I'm a dirty girl like that.


  16. What Bezzie said... I've been reading for a little over year too and have posted a comment on occasion. I was more than happy to donate, because I really enjoy your posts. I used to read Perez and stopped reading him as soon as I found your site. Your site is much more respectful and entertaining. And it is so nice to not have to scroll through a bunch of 'first' and 'frist' comments. :-) Keep up the good work!

  17. Gahhh. I can find my way around every gossip site known to man, but can I figure out how the eff to work PayPal??? The answer is in fact no. I'll have to wait til I get home to get the bf to help me. Will tonight be too late?

  18. @ Carrie - I payed with credit card. PayPal takes too long to put money in. It's to the left of the Log In To PayPal box.

  19. bonjil--"first" and "frist"--too funny!

  20. Hee! I missed that, AphraelDanae! Every time a post hits 69 comments, I giggle.

    AnonMom, that got an extra loud laugh from me. :) Bonnjill too!

  21. Wow, Harriet, your saying that reminded me of a few months ago when I had an unexpected dental bill, and a certain commenter here offered, completely unasked, to help me out. Luckily I have my mom for that and didn't need to take her up on the offer, but how cool is it that we have all found this kind of support from each other here? I know if I were in a desperate situation, there are people here who would help me if they could. And how many times has Enty passed on a request in the blog when someone's had some kind of trouble? Sigh, so much love and respect.

  22. Your readers are the best.

  23. hey this place is the best glad i cud help

  24. Done! Thanks for all the laughs.

  25. And when you put that 69 cents in the stripper's g-string, Ben (who really is Enty - I've convinced myself), we need pictures. Lots and lotsa pictures. :-)

  26. OKAY, had to create a google account using the hubby's email address..(long story)JUST so I can stop lurking and tell you.....another 5.00 on it's way, give us an update soon on how much more you've received.... Your great!

  27. We need another update so we know if/when you make the deadline! This is like a hostage crisis!!!

  28. Since I only have 25 bucks instead of 50, wouldja ask Amber's dad to just blow a little kiss my way? Pretty pretty please? :)

  29. I can't help now by any means, but I would be completely happy to donate a little bit at some point in the future.
    I wouldn't consider it rude if you wanted to keep the "donate" button in the side bar, so we can help out whenever we like.

  30. Group hug is right :) This is the first [sometimes only] gossip blog I read M-F... I loves it, muchs!

  31. And I agree with what KellyLynn said - keep the button on the side.

  32. Just logging in for the first time today....been at an out of town funeral all day (not quite home yet...). I can't get the donate button to work on my Blackberry but I will donate when I get home. Even if we go over the subscription fee, I'm happy to donate. I love this blog!

  33. count me in Enty's site is better entertainment than the 300 cable channels i have of which most are unwatchable reality shows.

  34. Enty: More than the money request, I am really very sad that you'd be stress'in. Money stuff sucks :( Bless you for not inundating us in the past with sponsorship bull & popup ads. Perhaps it's time to find a half-way point?

  35. "It really is like family."

    Uh, no. If it was family, they'd tell you to go f&ck yourself! (ergo the plea)

  36. God Bless all those that donated. I'm not in a financial position to donate, but sure am in a position to show support emotionally!

  37. oh, I came on late & just saw this!!!
    I vote on keeping the button up!

  38. Oh, mygeorgie, that is too funny!

  39. Count me in. This is my favorite blog. Keep up the good work! XOXOXO Polly

  40. Enty, this is the least I could do considering all the awesome gossip and scandalous stories you have shared with us over the years. You should keep the donate button on the site so we can help you out with those crazy fees. Seriously, celebrities should be paying you for mentioning them and giving them exposure!

  41. A total lurker, will (likely) never comment (except today), but had to donate. Best wishes to you. I hope we raise extra. Please leave a donate box up at all times.


  42. Enty, I am having trouble with the PayPal form (which is weird because I use PayPal often). Can you post your email again as another way to send a donation?

    Thank you!

  43. I'm quickly poking my head out of the lurker's den to show some support for CDAN and Enty. Although I'm not in a position to help out right now, I love KellyLynn's suggestion of having a permanent "donate" button so I may when I'm able to.

    Ahem, stepping back into the den.

  44. I would LOVE to donate, I cant use paypal as I am in Middle East - is there another way - Im totally ready to donate

  45. I, too, have been coming to this site for almost a year, never commenting. So happy to donate and give something back!

  46. i wanted to give you $1 per pound but i can't afford 450 right now! instead i settled for the number of animal style double doubles you could slam

    moeny well spent!

  47. its on it way big guy....i too loved my facebook birthday wish - although i do want to hear how the rest of your Mexico story went LOL

  48. My donation is on the way which is ironic since I only usually read the site on my Blackberry - without images! I also don't watch tv, rarely post a comment, don't read other gossip sites and almost never go to the movies! LOL

    I just know that the amount I donated is a small price to pay to read all the gossip that matters. But even more entertaining are all of the witty comments made by posters. Ya'll crack me up - so thank you for the past couple of year's entertainment!

    *going back to lurking*

  49. Done.....small price to pay Enty for the entertainment value you provide....keep it up big guy!!

  50. this is my FAVORITE gossip site. thanks so much for keeping it going.


  51. This decision was easy.
    You are a light in our lives - a wonderful escape from the dregs of reality.
    I wish it could have been more - good work should be rewarded!

  52. I have been a long-time lurker and am more than happy to send a donation to thank you for all the fun I've had reading your site. Plus the fact you sent me such a nice note on my birthday on Facebook. Love you Enty.

  53. ... and you just don't see spelling like CDAN spelling anywhere!

    Long live Reveal Day!

  54. Enty, I'm so glad I could help and wish it could've been more. I've been a lurker for a few years, and just recently started to comment.

    I love this site, your snarkiness and the 'regulars' who post comments here! It's funny, relaxed, and respectful. Truly great!

    I vote to keep the donate button up. I'd be happy to make contributions to such a great cause (saving my sanity!) as often as I can afford to!

  55. Hey ENT--Can you put some of that money to good use and post more JOHN STAMOS, pretty please?! My daughters have been watching "Full House" episodes like crazy on DVD, and man, he is hot!

    P.S. I don't know who you really are either, but I love your witty style. Happy to donate.

  56. hahaha@carrie, i know exactly what you are talking about...

  57. Greetings and salutations to all the lurkers who popped up for this. Even if you don't comment, we know you're awesome just by your choice of interweb reading material. :)

  58. what did i miss and when?
    now i have to go searching. what ever you need, enty, i'm there!
