Monday, June 22, 2009

Today's Blind Items

You know the HIV scare that is going through the porn industry? Well, it turns out this married B+ television/rarely movies actor on a hit network comedy has a girlfriend who is one of the infected pornstars. And no, it isn't Charlie Sheen.


CDAN Mod said...

no surprises here. you can purchase fake hiv negative papers online. i feel sorry for anyone who wants to get into that industry.

Anonymous said...

a juicy one, its a shame its so sad.

Green Wave Gal said...

hmmm...there aren't that many comedies, are there?

Jon Cryer?

Steve Carrell--but he's been in a bunch of movies...

Alec Baldwin isn't married...

What other comedies are there?

Pookie said...

omg, how sad.

*no clue*

bramblewitch said...

Jay Mohr?

Cheryl said...

Not Duckie!

QueenB said...

Rainn Wilson? I really have no clue.

Rene said...

Rarely does a BI make me go "omg" but I'm "omg-ing" at this.

selenakyle said...

Yuk. I'll just sit in the corner and watch but not participate, thank you!

CarolMR said...

I think Jon Cryer just re-married.

Anonymous said...

Hm. Must be the "only" girl at the center of this. There's only one.

MISCH said...


mooshki said...

Yep, Chris "Dickwad" Brown pled out. From TMZ:

Chris Brown has copped a plea in his assault case. He won't do jail time, but he will spend 6 months doing things like road cleanup. He's also been ordered to completely stay clear from Rihanna.

He'll spend 180 days doing hard labor in Virginia which is where Brown lives - it's equivalent to Caltrans or graffiti cleanup.

He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault -- he pled guilty. He'll get supervised probation. He'll have to come back to court every three months.

He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.

The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown "was treated as any other person who comes through this court."

If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison.

Karmen said...

I don't even really wanna guess on this one.

It's just me! said...

I'm not sure I want to guess either. I don't think it can be Cryer or Wilson though. Both of them have done an equal amount of movies and TV, I think.

It's just me! said...

Tracy's done his share of movies too.

Karmen said...

I went to IMDb and it says that Tracy Morgan filed for divorce.

empyrios said...

hope it's not Duchovny...

mooshki said...

Wow, speaking of, Jon & Kate really did file for divorce!

mooshki said...

LOL, anyone else having trouble remembering what has happened in Tracy Morgan's life as opposed to Tracy Jordan's?

Jill said...

Don't think it's Rainn Wilson, he's been in recent movies and has more coming out soon.

Tracy Morgan has also been in a fair amount of movies.

farmgirl said...

Rainn Wilson is married to a writer. This was revealed in a blind last year.

B+ is the biggest clue, yes?
I don't really watch comedies, so I will merely observe!

Jill said...

What are some hit network comedies, besides 30 Rock and The Office? Could it be Jim Belushi (According to Jim)? I think his name alone could make him B+, and according to things I've read, he's an ass.

It's just me! said...

I like the Jim Belushi guess. Well, I don't like the circumstances of this blind, but I like the guess.

Moosefan said...

What about Zach from Scrubs?

Rene said...

Unfortunately, I'm liking the Tracy Morgan guess.

Jen said...

Who guessed Brad Whitfield and Jane K. for the bi the other day? Divorce City.

It's just me! said...

You could call Belushi B+, I think. According to Jim is/was a ridiculously long-running show and it's in syndication everywhere. And he always had some sort of side project going.

Enny said...

Zach Braff is not married

QueenB said...

It doesn't say anywhere what the wife's job why does it matter that Rainn Wilson's wife is a writer?

Unknown said...

i'm liking the jay mohr guess.
he's pretty raunchy in real life. not as squeaky clean as he comes across on TV and film at all. really dirty. i can see him having a pornstar girlfriend. totally.

question is...does he know about her HIV status?

sucks all around. especially for his wife.

whoever it is - bastard!

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I'm on the Jay Mohr train.

ENT, is it the same married bloke who was seen making out with a woman on Melrose recently?

ItsJustMe said...

Jay Mohr is married to Nikki Cox, and in fax legally changed his name to Jay Cox Mohr.

As for Tracy Jordan/Morgan, yeah, i get totally confused, too ... lol. He's married to Angie/Tangiers in my mind.

Miss X said...

Jay Cox Mohr? Oh my ... did he say it out loud first?

shakey said...

Does Bob Saget have a girlfriend? Does Brody Jenner's gf do porn? Jayde ... Nicole?

ardleighstreet said...

This is just tragic. How awful for his poor wife. Criminal.

PollyPureBred said...

Miss X - LOL!
Folks - It is NOT, NOT Steve Carrel. NOT.

Yesch. This is some nasty business.

LauraM said...

I was really liking the zack braff guess, but is Scrubs considered a hit comedy show? I believe it has always struggled with ratings

Enny said...

@ LauraM

Either way, he's not married.

Tania said...

"Jay Cox Mohr? Oh my ... did he say it out loud first?"

Yup - that's why it's not the other way around....;-P

Linnea said...

mooshki - me too! me too!

ellapetal said...

Jay *** Mohr. Amazing, sleezy, cheating, douche-supreme with cheese. His wife/girlfriend before Ms. Cox was a playmate...I can definitely see him making that extra step to full on porn girl. Although I think he's slime I think this is a terrible story and I wouldn't want it to be true, but my limited cash is on him.

Unknown said...

David Spade. That's my guess.

holyrollernova said...

how about bill maher? he likes 'em skanky....

.robert said...

Spade is not married.

Kiradris said...

Bill Maher isn't married, he's pretty anti-marriage.


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