Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This married A list female singer has a very funny way of working. For example, when she is scheduled to shoot a music video she shows up at one time of day and one time of day only. If the director schedules a 7am shoot, that is great, but our singer is not going to show up until 11. No, not 11am. That would only be four hours late. Nope, our singer only shoots videos at 11pm. No one knows if it is her playing diva or because she can't get going until that time of night. No one wants to work on her videos anymore unless they are paid the very top rate available plus overtime due to all the down time and waiting and waiting. Because of the diva attitude, her videos cost an extra $25,000-30,000 a day to shoot than they would if she showed on time.


  1. I'm confused. If she wants to start working at 11:00 PM, why don't they just make that the time of the video shoots?

  2. I'm thinking maybe Beyonce.

  3. Not Mariah. Mariah exhibits a lot of diva-tude in all other situations, but when it comes to music, she's a true I've heard/read. A lot of producers (Brian Michael Cox, The Dream, etc.) constantly rave about her professionalism in the studio. Plus Mariah hasn't even shot any videos recently.

    This is Beyonce without a doubt. She shoots multiple videos for each album and is known to treat staff badly.

  4. I thought either Mariah or Beyonce, at first, but it sounds more like Mariah.

  5. Beyonce. I've heard this about her before. Apparently she sleeps all day then downs coffee and Red Bull and works all night.

  6. i'd say missy elliot b/c this almost describes her , except there's no way she's a-list or an actual singer.

    hmmm...mariah ftw!

  7. It should also be noted that Nick Cannon directed three of Mariah's last go-round of videos, so why would he complain?

  8. that's my question, paisley. if they know this, why don't they just schedule them for 11pm???? why is that so hard to do when you know trying to do it any earlier is futile?

  9. My guess is that you have to pay overtime to the crew. Not just because they've hung around all day, but wouldn't they get extra pay for being there at night? Maybe I'm just naive, but it seems to me that they'd get extra for night shoots. How do movies work with this sort of thing?

  10. It's just me! provides good points. I guess I'll go with Beyonce.

  11. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I would so call the shame of Canada - Celine Dion as this blind if she was actually current and had any relevance.

    Going with Mariah - seen lots of pap pics of her and her boy toy husband - but only at night!

  12. so pay them whatever the going rate is for working at night! tell them to get there at 9 or 10 or whatever to set shit up if you have to and have everything ready to go at 11 when queen bitch shows up. that's GOT to be cheaper than having them sit around all day waiting on someone they all know won't be there until 11pm.

  13. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I would assume it's someone who hasn't done a morning concert (GMA/Today show), too, right? Both Mariah and Beyonce have done those.

  14. Doing one morning concert doesn't knock somebody out of the running. They could have been up all night anyway and ready to rock and roll by 6 a.m.

    I'm taking Beyonce.

  15. Beyonce's recent videos have been shot in black-and-white and indoors, some even very obviously shot in one day. You couldn't tell if it's a night shoot or not:

    Mariah videos are in color clearly in the daytime, unless it's some weird time zone scenario:

  16. Madonna

    it would take her all day and into the evening to look good enough to be in a video these days, lol

  17. Definitely Beyonce; as stated, when it comes to music, Mariah's the consummate professional. Besides which, after reading about B's car journey of 100yds over here, nothing surprises me about her any more.

  18. I am hoping it is Beyonce because I don't like her and I do have an odd soft spot for Mariah Carey. However, Mariah is a notorious night owl and chronic insomniac. I've read in several places that she has a hard time sleeping and so stays up all night.

  19. Earlier in the week, Ent had section with Beyonce taking a car to go across the street and then back again. He classified as Diva.

  20. seriously, watch Madonna vids and notice they're ALL shot at night

    any "day" shot is (noticably) her in front of a green screen....

  21. "A diva is a female version of a hustler...of a hustler...of a hustler...".

    The repeat of the word "diva" in the blind makes me think it's Beyonce.

  22. It can't be Betonce. I can think of at least 3 videos filmed in the daylight: Deja Vu, this new one on the beach, and Halo. They wouldn't have stuck around 'til mid morning the next day to get those shots...would they?

  23. Aguilera.

    She has admitted before she does not get out of bed before 1pm. (She talked abotu how havign a baby would have to change that, etc.)

  24. I say Beyonce or Christina.

  25. Okay, so Beyonce's out. Then Christina.

  26. Christina is no longer A-List, IMO. A very generous B+, but barely an A. She's been off the scene, she released a failed greatest hits album when she had no business releasing one, and the whole faux-feud with Lady GaGa knocked her down a few notches. And she's only done one recent video...I think this blind implies someone constantly working or promoting something.

  27. You mean there are videos that one can view on TV somewhere? Golly gee, Wally, I didn't know that!

    I haven't caught an actual VIDEO on MTV or VH-1 in freaking YEARS.

    I'll stick with Adult Swim for my chosen tube-viewing hours.

    Oops, that sounded kinda bitter--sorry!

  28. Madonna's not married.

  29. selenakyle - agree. Can't stand MTV or VH1.

  30. Thirded with what selenakyle said.

    I'm thinking Beyonce, but also wondering if maybe it could be someone from the Country scene- the blind doesn't really specify what genre of music the diva is in. I don't really know who would be considered A list in country though, maybe Faith Hill?

  31. Wouldn't Beyonce be considered an actress too not just a singer?

  32. acting? i don't consider what she does in films acting. it's called, 'playing pretend'.

  33. Karmen ... I think that Madonna is still married. Was her divorce to Guy Ritchie finalized?

  34. i didn't say she was any good at it

  35. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Gwen Stefani?

  36. @ CM - Divorces do take a long time to finalize, but I doubt Enty would've used "married" as a description for Madonna. If she's not completely divorced, she's at least separated. Definitely not married.

  37. Anonymous8:11 PM

    This has to be Beyonce.
    She is known for her diva-like behaviour, her past videos are all shot in the dark/black & white/indoors.
    She is the only singer that I would describe as purely A List. Madonna is usually described as an entertainer, because what she does goes way beyond singing. Plus she's not married.
    And as for Mariah, as someone pointed out, her toy boy husband directed her last few videos. He wouldn't be complaining about it, and he probably would make sure it was scheduled around her.

  38. I think Madonna is a better actress and might treat some people better than Beyonce is/would... Just sayin'.

  39. As my Mom calls her .. "Bouncie"

  40. What an asshole. Having said that, my first guess would be MiMi.

  41. I'm on the Beyonce bandwagon. As for there being daylight in recent Beyonce videos -- since most videos shoot anywhere from 12-16+ hours a day, you'd have no problem hitting sun up if you were to start at midnight.

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  44. Madonna's UK divorce was fast-tracked. She is no longer married, not even in a technical sense. They are divorced.

  45. this just made me think about how much i miss music videos!

  46. Me too. I miss MTV, when it was Music Television. When the only reality show was The Real World (first three seasons). Aaaahhh. I'm probably just gettin' old.

    By the way, I watched "Cadillac Records" a while back and I was actually quite impressed with Beyonce as Etta James. She's a decent actress.

  47. For the record, the director decides the time of shoot, NOT the star. So since the video crew and director go by what he says, they will sit on set and do nothing all day long, because they are going to get union wages for it. So if the star doesn't get there until later, the star is ultimately the one who pays for it. The crew doesn't give a crap because they are all working overtime. Good $$$ to hang around a crafty table.

  48. I'm thinking Christina Aguillera

  49. That's 16 hours late, which is the equivalent of not one but two workdays late (8 hours each). I mean come on. Clearly the diva isn't the dip here if this is how the producers allow their busines to be run.

  50. Anonymous3:00 PM

    My guess is Mariah.

    I doubt it's Beyonce. Yes, she's a total diva but to me, she appears to have a really strong work ethic. Mariah doesn't do anything but release albums. She barely tours to support them.

    As well, what dancers don't want to do a Beyonce video? How many female dancers would kill to have been the backups in Single Ladies?

    B might be a diva but I think she understands the business at hand. M probably wouldn't get out of her trailer unless the right shade of orchids were lining her walkway.

  51. This is Mariah. I believe I saw an article where she said that when she's recording an album, she starts at midnight or something like that because she likes working at night.

  52. lol @ Anna calling Madonna a "better actress". Than what? A turnip?

  53. I do remember an interview a while back where Xtina said she was a night-owl.
