Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This Academy Award winner/nominee A list movie actor is also a big music fan. Not so much of other music, but primarily of his own. He also has a huge ego. On a recent movie he was shooting he had it written into his contract that once a week a certain number of crew members had to show up in his hotel suite and listen to our actor play his guitar and the songs he was writing. Most of the songs were about himself and things he had accomplished in his life. Needless to say the crew hated him with a passion. Instead of going home to their families, once a week they had to go to a hotel suite for a few hours and listen to the bag of wind go on and on about great he was. In song.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Kevin Costner - played guitar in his band in "Swing Vote"

  2. Billy Bob Fuckwad

  3. Ditto Syd's comment.

  4. Is Billy Bob A-list? I wouldn't think so. I like the Kevin Costner guess.

  5. Sting. Billy Bob isn't A list.

  6. I was thinking Costner too.

  7. Both of them fit the bill for me. But I would never consider either of them to be A list.

  8. Jaime Foxx?

    Although I don't see him playing the guitar...

  9. According to Enty's rating system, if you win an Oscar, aren't you automatically A-list? If so, totally Billy Bob.

  10. Billy Bob won an Oscar for writing not acting and the dude cannot open a movie by himself. Not A-List

    This is Cage

  11. isn't A-list anybody with an Oscar? Both Billy Bob and Costner fit the bill but i dont think it's either. the actor is a big music fan. it doesnt sound he actually is known to play music (at least in public).

  12. Kevin Costner wasn't more A list for me (more B list with A list name) but Jamie Fox is a Oscar winner for Ray and nominated for collateal.He plays music and had a record. He has a huge ego for me(totally rapper ego ! LOL)

  13. Allisonshine72 - Foxx is a great guess!

  14. i'm with wny55 for the russel crowe guess

    he's the only one that fits all the clues, plus he has/had a band

  15. but i like Russel Crowe idea: i know he played rock concert in tiny french towns during filming "a good year"in France!but the songs were not about him and his great life

  16. Yeah I concur, Enty states Oscar winners are immediate A-list, so Fox, Costner, Thornton, Crowe are all viable guesses since they are Oscar winners

  17. ooooooooooooh! could it be johnny depp? he's on the site today and was shooting a movie (or still is) in Puerto Rico.

    hmmmmmm ....

  18. Those poor crew members. :( I hope they got paid time-and-a-half!

  19. Immediately thought Costner.

  20. Ooh, but these are all good guesses, too...

  21. I'm sure neither Depp nor Crowe would stay in a  hotel suite.  They both would require better 
    accommodations  I'm sticking with Billy Bob - A list only because of his Oscar.

  22. "Bag of wind" sorta implies older to me now that I re-read it. Also sounds clue-ish.

    I don't see Jamie Foxx playing guitar...so Crowe, Costner or BBT could all be plausible.

  23. Joaquin? nah. he 'retired' from acting lol.

    Billy Goat Thornton.

    Billy's music is like gravy without the mashed patatos. it's made by drippings you scraped from the bottom of the pan.

    Take that Slingblade!

  24. Def not Depp. I know someone who works for him and the person is always telling me how cool and awesome he is.

    Kinda on topic - I know an executive for a publicly traded company that does the same thing to his employees. He also pays his band members to be in his band. Total a-hole.

    Back to blind - I'm guessing Costner, I think Billy Bob is too obvious.

  25. Enty has said that Oscars don't guarantee a spot on the A-list. Nominations or wins. It's all about how much money you can bring into a movie with your name.

    Sting isn't an actor. I would die a little inside if this were Johnny Depp. Kevin Costner isn't still an A-list actor, IMO. I don't know if Billy Gruff is, either. Does Nicolas Cage sing or play the guitar? I didn't find anything on Wikipedia or IMDb that says he sings or plays the guitar.

    Russell Crowe's a decent guess. Dunno. Too many possibilities.

  26. I'm on the Billy Bob train. Whoever it is, the guy's a douche.

  27. What an asshat whoever it is.

  28. Russell Crowe. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have a story about listening to Russell's music and then giving some feedback and it was not well received.

  29. My friends saw Russell Crowe at the Chicago House of Blues, and apparently he was really bad. They couldn't stop laughing. So glad I decided to sit that one out. :)

  30. While a loon, Billy Bob is part of a real band and has talent (if you like his kind of music). I say Jamie "Halle Beard"-wearing Foxx. Is there not a crew member reading this who can verify?!

  31. No matter who's the ass in this blind, isn't it sad that he has to FORCE people to hang out with him? Pathetic.

  32. Neva, I was just coming on here to mention that story. He got all huffy at Trey's comment, AND had a whole party listen to his album twice in a row. I'm with the Crowe guess.

  33. I think Jamie Foxx has "real" musical talent. He's a good pianist and vocalist. Does he play the guitar though? He filmed a movie in my area and I heard he was a cool guy, but I also heard that about Travolta and George Clooney too, so who knows?

  34. I recall reading that in a Vegas club, Foxx would discreetly arrange to have the DJ play "Gold Digger" and then Foxx would act bashful and (faux-reluctantly) get on stage and sing the hook. He's got my vote.

  35. My first guess was Billy Bob. Could be him, Crowe, or Costner. But none of 'em can open movies themselves any longer.

    Hurry up July 4!

  36. @Karmen

    (Belated as my connection dropped out for a while) Sting was in Dune and the Baron Munchausen pic, not that I think this is him.

  37. Robert, I was going to mention Dune and I remember watching a movie where he was in love with a girl in a coma. It was weird, but Sting's acting was pretty good.

  38. Terrance Howard! A friend of mine gave him guitar lessons here in NYC.

  39. Robert, that pair of winged underwear may be A-list, but his acting isn't. Don't forget he was in Quadrophenia.

    Do all 3 have CDs out? I wonder if we can google lyrics and find out which is the more "I love myself" type.

  40. Terrance Howard is A-list?

  41. I'm on the Russell Crowe train...... not that kind of train.....blech!

  42. Nic Cage... Windtalkers & The Weatherman?

  43. If he believes he's so great, why hasn't it occured to him that he shouldn't have to contract for a hostage audience? Because he's not too bright methinks.

  44. These all all good guesses.
    What about Terrance "I leave no air for no one else to breath" Howard of Hustle & Flow fame? If not TH then BB.
    Does anyone remember when promting American Gangster, Mr. Crowe sang and played his guitar on TV)? I dont think he sounded that bad.

  45. Eh, so many actors these days who think they can play an instrument or are singers.
    J Foxx has the ego, but his range of music ir r&B /rap and he makes music with other rappers and r&b artists so I doubt this one is him.

    Does Billy have an ego??Never much payed attention to this guy.

    I go with the Russel Crowe.

    aarrghh but then again, he has kids wouldn't he like to go home himself to tuck them in?

  46. billy bob gets my vote. he's actively in a band and a total douchebag about it. takes it VERY seriously.

  47. I thought Russell Crowe right away, too. Too bad because I lubs him :(

  48. I find it sad beyond words that Jamie Foxx can be considered A-list yet Billy Bob cannot.

  49. Was Keanu Reeves ever nominated for anything? If so, I'd like to throw his name in the mix. I could have sworn he had/has a band.

  50. Russell Crowe. He's well known for demanding people listen to "his music" and got into that weird friendship with a writer a few years back via making the guy listen to him play his music all the time. If you want access to Russell in the past few years, you have to accept, embrace and worship Russell the "musician."

    And HUGE ego. Massive.

    At least Jaime would let the guys get wasted while he tormented him with his musicianship.

    Billy Bob is too easy a guess and it's been awhile since he was A-list.

    Costner isn't a big enough star in this day and age to demand *and* get this in his contract. He's just lucky to get roles at all. Maybe back in the day he could have pulled his off.

    Crowe for the win. He's done this before and it's not a secret.

  51. i'd go with billy bob for this one. foxx isn't a crooner or a guitar player, that i know of. is he? anyway, sounds like thornton to me. wouldn't surprise me if it's crowe---he's a huge asshole too.

    depp would never do anything this douchey.

  52. Billy Bob has a modicum of talent in music. Not enough to sustain a whole album on his own or to be taken seriously as a professional musician but he can definitely write a song, he contributed to albums by real musicians and his cameos were tasty.

    Russell Crowe gets my vote. Parker and Stone from South Park describe his music as "Bon Jovi meets Hepatitis B." What more do you want?

  53. I think Billy Bob/Jamie Foxx have enough connections in music that he could have his own people there. As for Mr. Depp, I'm pretty sure nobody would ever need to be forced to sit in a room with him. I think Russell Crowe sounds good for this. Although, its probably someone we aren't even thinking of!

  54. I acrually saw Kevin Costner's band within the last few weeks at an outdoor festival. Not horrible, sort of pretty good bar band level.

  55. @ robert & califblondy - thanks, I didn't know he was an actor. Went to IMDb and he's been in a few movies, but it's not that extensive. Definitely not A-list.

    I'm going with Russell Crowe.

  56. Russell Crowe....still love him, don't care.

  57. celicia, keanu would NEVER do anything like that! :)

  58. Terence H. sounds like BINGO to me. Great guess!

  59. definitely not Depp. I have a friend who's been an extra in all the "Pirates" movies. He always talks about how cool Johnny Depp is and how he hangs out with the "regular" people, whereas Orlando Bloom wouldn't spit on them.

    I am on the Crowe train. Anyone see the South Park episode mocking his singing? HILARIOUS!!!

  60. This stinks like Billy Bob.

  61. I can't decide between Crowe and Howard on this one.

    However, Howard is considered A List now? Iron Man, I suppose.

    Not Billy Bob--who to me, is B+ List.
    Jamie, has a big enough entourage that he probably doesn't need the crew there. And like someone else said, I domn't see them complain because Jamie is probably the type to make sure the thing is a party and no one would complain.

    I can just imagine Terrence Howard doing this. Just see him.

    .....on second thought...didn't Robert Downey Jr make an album a while back?

  62. RDJ! That's probably something somebody in AA might have to do to ensure that their companions were sober.

  63. billy bob is an oscar winner, therefore A list.

    i don't think RDJ would do something like this---he's popular with the people he works with from what i've read.

    this guy sounds like an arrogant prick.

  64. Russell Crowe ftw > Kevin Costner & Billy Bob Thornton.
    1) he can still open a movie/be cast in big budget movies, hence more clout than Costner/BBT + satisfying the A list requirements of Oscar nom/win and box office draw
    2) the whole South Park debacle about how awful his music is
    3) plus he's just an ass, maybe as much as BBT is...

    I would say no to Terrence Howard based off the fact that he was dropped from Iron Man 2 for demanding "too much" money and was replaceable

    With all that said, I'd also take BBT as the answer too :)

  65. Pointed out by others, but I agree:
    NOT JOHNNY DEPP! He is known as the #1 autograph signer out there. He will literally spend HOURS chatting with fans at a rope line.
    No one would mind hanging out with him, either.

    BBT does have talent, and a regular gig. Not that needy.
    (WBotW, BBT is an A-list actor in my book. He may be a douche, but he is one of the few modern actors who can absolutely blow me away.)

    RDJ: Super humble, down-to-earth guy. Cool.

    I really like the Crowe guess, especially because Trey's word is gold to me.

    I think Terrence Howard may just be a B+. He was dropped from "Iron Man," which doesn't bode well for his career or status.

  66. Whoever the hell this is, he/she is extremely sad...

  67. Long time lurker, first time poster. I usually would think it would be either BBT or RC, but something about this blind makes it sound like he might not necessarily be known as a big music fan. For some weird reason Mel Gibson kept popping into my head - "hated him with a passion" (Passion of the Christ); "instead of going home to their families" (family man rep); and "bag of wind" (made me think of bagpipers/Scotland/Braveheart).

    Oh and his current baby-momma is an artist on his record label. I assume someone who has their own label is probably a big music fan.

    Oh an random side note, I swear I once was hit on by his twin (or maybe him lol) at a bar in Flagstaff, AZ. Really creepy.

  68. lol!!!
    Should not be BBT...i cannot see him as such a box office draw so people would actuallz sign this shit of contract...

    i would think bigger..i like the Russel Crow guess, isnt he shooting the Robin Hood flick??

  69. James van der Beek just got separated from his wife...any of you sleuths know of a recent blind about this? Seems very familiar!

  70. I agree Ice Angel...I thought the same thing about there being a previous blind, but haven't found it yet.

  71. I am thinking Russell Crowe is too obvious. I have also read many first hand stories about what a nice guy he is. I am going with good ol boy Billy Bob.

    And BTW, the producers would have to pay me some nice cash (under the table) for me to sit in a room and endure some wanna-be sing.

  72. Crowe, Costner, Cage and Thornton seem to be big old douches, so I vote for all of them.

  73. Lol - mngoddess - you've heard stories about what a nice guy R Crowe is?? Do you work for him? ;)

  74. I like the Cage guess -
    From Baer: Windtalkers & The Weatherman (bag of wind).

    Not going home to his family - Family Man.
    Not know as a music lover - most of the other guesses are established (more or less) musicians.

  75. I find it highly unlikely that Jamie Foxx would put that into any contract, plays the guitar, or needs to beg for attention. Although, he may have a huge ego, he is incredibly talented and so far has been exceedingly successful at his acting and singing endeavors. If he wants someone to listen to his music, all he has to do is walk into a club and have the DJ play it. His latest is a top 40 song currently played on the radio in regular rotation.

  76. Anonymous5:11 PM

    It says the person is an Academy Award WINNER. Key word is WINNER. So it's not Johnny Depp or Joaquin Phoenix or Terence Howard. It also does not say he wasn't known to be a music fan.

    I was going to say Jamie Foxx because I've heard he has a huge ego and is very much in love with himself. I know he plays piano, don't know if he plays guitar.

    However after most of the comments, I'll go with Russel Crowe.

  77. love this blind. So funny. No idea on the answer.

  78. Janice - good guess. I agree that it could be Mel Gibson.

  79. Terrence Howard is a musician: guitarist and pianist. Credited on Hustle and Flow soundtrack. Ray, too, I think. He is also a self-described "songwriter." He is an Oscar Nominee. He is also crazy. And self-involved. And an ass. He's Multi-talented!!!!
