Monday, June 08, 2009

Today's Blind Items

I think when I reveal this one to you, you will gain a much deeper appreciation of what I am going through as I think of a good way to write this item and also trying to get all of the mental images out of my head. I literally just shivered. Anyway, what we have here is a marriage that didn't last long, but oh what a wedding it was. Everyone was there to see this couple getting married. The divorce was just as spectacular. The husband is a celebrity both in North America and in Europe. The wife is a permanent A list entertainer. She will always be A list. Anyway, contrary to everything you would think to be true, this couple did have sex on a fairly regular basis. In fact, the story goes they had sex every day and sometimes twice a day. The only catch to the whole thing was that the husband has OCD in a very serious way and he insisted that his wife remove the sheets from the bed after the deed and throw them away to never be used again. He wouldn't touch sheets either new or not and wouldn't allow anyone other than his wife to touch them or make the bed.


  1. Liza Minelli and David Gest

  2. Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson.

  3. this is mind boggling! who had a short marriage? I wonder if it's new? Always A list everyone was there. Renee and Ken? But I hear from a great source that he really is gay and they had a private wedding. And she is no longer A list. I'm stuck.

  4. Ewww, I think you're right Angelina. EWWWW!!!

  5. @Angelina, with Liza winning the Tony award last night, this could very well be her, I think you are right!

  6. I was thinking Liza and David too! LOL.

  7. Madge and guy were married for like 8 or 9 years though, right? That's a long time in Hollywood. Maybe Liza. But is she really A list?

  8. This lends to be more Liza and David to me. The clue about "they actually did have sex" is what sold me on it, since no one believed they actually did.

    Liza is always A-list. Class-act performer and Hollywood royalty.

  9. "Maybe Liza. But is she really A list?"

    I think my heart just skipped a beat in shock. She's freaking LIZA MINELLI!!!

  10. I'm thinking Liza and Gest too. And he'd pretend to be OCD just to get off on forcing her to make the bed herself.

    Cannot WAIT for this reveal!

  11. I'm on the Liza train. (ewh, I didn't mean it like that)

  12. littlemanwhatnow, you remind that I would give anything to know what the real story is/was with Kenny and Renee. Is he gay? Did he cheat with other women? What??!?

    I'm curious because, for some reason, I really find Renee Z to be quite compelling.

  13. Ok, I changed my mind ... hopping on the Liza train.

  14. Angelina got it. Here's a list of pieces of evidence that fit the clues (I like lists):

    *Liza and Gest were married less than two years.
    *Divorce got a lot of attention.
    *Gest has a house in England, so that explains his fame in Europe.
    *Liza is definitely A-list performer.
    *No one thought they had sex, because everyone thought David Gest was gay.

    Liza and Gest FTW

    PS Sorry you had to get a mental image of that scenario in your head.

  15. Definitely Liza with a z and David Gest. Everyone was surprised about the sex because of her track record of marrying men of questionable sexuality.

  16. I'm on the Liza and David train. They are the first couple that popped in my mind when I read this, and that is why I shall never forgive Enty for posting it, LOL.

  17. @Figgy...I've heard Renee is nothing but a perfect angel. I kinda sorta had a few degrees of separation from her while she was dating Jack White of the White Stripes. A sweet Texas girl who loves rock, that's all I ever heard. (That's not to say she could be a witch in other scenarios, though.)

  18. David Gest has done reality shows and had some hosting gigs in Europe so he is a celebrity over there and we at least know who he is over here.


  20. My first thought was Madonna and Guy Ritchie, but I really like the Liza Minelli guess. Except I'm not sure David Gest is a "celebrity", really? Oh well. I'm on that train.

  21. I can agree with Liza and Gest until I think: Does Liza even know HOW to change bed sheets?!?!?!?!


  22. Also, EVERYBODY from old hollywood legends to Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor attended their wedding at St. Patricks in NYC.

  23. gotta be liza & david. gross.

  24. I immediately thought of Liza & David.

  25. No love for Star Jones and Big Gay Al?

  26. As much as I love the Gest/Liza guess... I find it incredibly hard to believe that David Gest was ever a "celebrity" prior to that marriage.

    And being on d-list shows in Europe still does not make him a celebrity in the US. He has always been seen a a joke here... so I just can't fathom that they are this couple.

    And even thinking about them now, shagging.... ugh...

  27. I don't think Star is permanent A list.

  28. juuuuuuuuuuuuicy!

    i think you guys all nailed it. def liz/gest ftw.

    janepod, i thought that too...but neither one is big in europe, to the best of my knowledge, no?

  29. Liza and David. Enty used the word entertainer, not actor. Liza is very much an A list entertainer. Z list in choosing husbands though.

  30. I like Liza and Gest except for him being a celebrity.
    Liz Taylor and one of her many men?

  31. david gest is DEF NOT a celebrity in Europe.

  32. Yay Liza, but she could have done so much better.

  33. Ewww, they fucked every day? That's one visual I could have done without thank you very much.

  34. Well then maybe Liza and Peter Allen?

    He doesn't say when this took place.

    This describes Liza to a T, but sure doesn't sound like Gest.

  35. Well they had some projects/tour together or one of them must have been out of work... otherwise how could they hang on together, on a daily basis, without conflicting schedules?

    i guess its ALF and a Golden Girl. Both retired, both fitting the celeb/entertainer, and noone ever thought they would share a bed. I totally understand why Ent´s so shaken with this pic in his head.

    hehehe - if i´m wrong, now he has two images to get out of his head.

    @Ent: a good tequila will do...

  36. david gest is a celebrity in the US and europe? uh....i don't think so.

  37. dschingis,

    David has done television in England, including a stint on their version of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. He also had a reality show called This is David Gest. (Thank you Wiki!)

  38. How about Lisa Marie Presley and MJ?

  39. Totally thought of Liza, "permanently A-List", and the divorce was as spectacular as the wedding.

  40. I wonder what ever happened to the little girl Liza and David were supposed to adopt?

  41. Was this the wedding on some tropical island or California coast with all the paparazzi and helicopters????

  42. Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

  43. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I knew someone who had OCD and had to shower and do laundry immediately after her husband "finished". I felt so bad for her.

    I do think you're right on the Liza/Gest thing. Ent's definition of celebrity in blinds is sometimes a loose interpretation of the word.

  44. I like the Lisa Marie Presley/Michael Jackson guess. It can't be Liza & David, because he's not really a celebrity in both the US and Europe - he's famous only for marrying her here in the US. Lisa Marie should be permanently A list because of her dad.

  45. i'm with valerie. i think mj/lisa marie fit every element of the blind way better than liza and gest.

  46. My brain won't let me get a mental image. Every time it almost happens, I suddenly get the message "This brain has performed an illegal function and will be shut down."

  47. I like the Madonna and Guy Ritchie guess. There were rumors and even some vakidation if I remember correctly that they werent having sex. Madonna will forever be A list and I would assume that Guy is a celebrity both here and in Europe in his own right, and I can see him doing this to piss Madge off

  48. My first thought was Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson. I'm not sure if Lisa Marie is permanent A-List by association with her father.

  49. MJ & and Lisa Marie didn't have a wedding that "everyone was there to see". Didn't they marry secretly and quickly, with very few witnesses - in the Dominician Republic?

  50. It is David and Liza. Liza is way A list and David is absolutely adored in Europe for some odd reason.

  51. TOOOOOTALLY Liza and David.


  52. Liza Minelli and David Gest

  53. Lisa Marie isn't an A list performer. Family fame doesn't guarantee you'll get the same luck (e.g. Bruce & Rumer).

    Guy and Madonna were married for almost 8 years. That's long in Hollywood.

    Peter Allen and Liza were only married for 6-7 years.

    Liza and Gest FTW!

  54. Wow, I'm going with Liza and David, mostly because I would (if I HAD to) WAY rather picture the two of them than Lisa Marie and MJ. NO WAY did Lisa Marie and MJ have sex, it's JUST NOT POSSIBLE.

  55. I'm with the Lisa Marie/MJ guess. Although, Char's logic is persuasive. Ick.

  56. If it were MJ, he's a celeb all over the world, no reason to psecify N.A. & Europe.

    It's Liza and David.

    --Liza NOT A-list?!!??!!!


    (try living legend. Geez.)

  57. Liza is no prude. It's weird she ended up with one. She plays an orgasm expert in a movie called The Oh In Ohio where she urges women to discover their vaginas and liberate their labias.

  58. My very first thought was Llza & David; she will ALWAYS be A-list and he... well he's just special, right??

    Anyway, i can see them having sex everyday... she's a complete fruitcake and someone who needs reassurance and valediction that they're SOMEONE and important....and he totally, totally fits OCD....

  59. im on the liza david train...

  60. Late to the party but I once dated a professor who had OCD. He used to go through the positions methodically with the exact same time allotted for each... and heaven forbid if I tried to jump on top when it wasn't my turn.

    Yes, Liza and David. I was just trying to distract everyone from the Ick. Nast. with my professor shagging story.

  61. I know this might be unpopular - but my first guess was Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger ... that was a VERY SHORT marriage - divorce was messy because of the 'fraud' allegations.

    I like the MJ and Lisa Marie - but would Lisa Marie ALWAYS be A-list???

  62. Zellweger and Chesney were married in a small private ceremony in the Virgin Islands. And they weren't divorced - the marriage was anulled.

    I can't imagine MJ has ever been able to get it up for anyone over the age of 14, even if he was hot after Elvis' song catalog and/or Graceland. Their split wasn't exactly spectacular, from what I recall.

    Even if Gest wasn't a celebrity before, his marriage to Liza made him a celebrity. He got press during or after the divorce for his allegations that Liza beat up on him. Gotta be these two.

  63. I thought MJ/Lisa Marie initially, but they didn't do it up on the marriage or divorce. I'm leaning towards Liza & David.
    Weird related story - I was in Philly 3 years ago for a convention & one night a few of my girlfriends & I went out on the town. We ended up at the Ritz Carlton for a few drinks and when we were leaving, we noticed a funny looking guy totally checking us out. He nodded at us in a leering sort of way as we left. He looked really familiar, but none of us could place his face. A few days later I realized it was David Gest, which confused me because I was certain he was gay. He actually looked a bit less freakish in person, though.

  64. I just realized - we only have to wait 3 1/2 more weeks until this is revealed! Whee!!! Reveal days are the best!

  65. I was totally going through old reveals and new blinds yesterday in anticipation of the upcoming reveal! One of my favourite days of the year :)

  66. I can't get that image of the open-mouthed wedding kiss out of my head. That's where he tried to suck out her soul.

  67. *girl--HAHAHAHAHA LOVE that story!!

  68. I think that the word entertainer and celebrity are key here. Liza is clearly an entertainer of A stature. Always. Gest is a celebrity here and abroad. Maybe not a big celeb, but one nonetheless. If it had been Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson, I don't think that the word celebrity would have been used for MJ. He is/ was an entertainer. I don't think that she would be A list by virtue of her birthright.

    Lastly, getting an image out of your head ... Liza and David are up there for horrid visuals. I could tolerate Lisa MP and MJ. David Gest is waaay too freaky.

    I'm still baffled that they were having sex once or twice a day. Ewww if it is them.

  69. Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett?

  70. Liza/David fit for me, but not something I ever want to get mental images of.

  71. Its totally Madonna and Guy, who else can afford new sheets that often
