Today's Blind Items
I think when I reveal this one to you, you will gain a much deeper appreciation of what I am going through as I think of a good way to write this item and also trying to get all of the mental images out of my head. I literally just shivered. Anyway, what we have here is a marriage that didn't last long, but oh what a wedding it was. Everyone was there to see this couple getting married. The divorce was just as spectacular. The husband is a celebrity both in North America and in Europe. The wife is a permanent A list entertainer. She will always be A list. Anyway, contrary to everything you would think to be true, this couple did have sex on a fairly regular basis. In fact, the story goes they had sex every day and sometimes twice a day. The only catch to the whole thing was that the husband has OCD in a very serious way and he insisted that his wife remove the sheets from the bed after the deed and throw them away to never be used again. He wouldn't touch sheets either new or not and wouldn't allow anyone other than his wife to touch them or make the bed.