Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This Academy Award nominated/winner A+ list actor doesn't get much publicity for all of the good he does, and so I thought I would share one of the things about him which he did for no reason other than being a great guy. While shooting a film our actor was introduced to a young girl. The girl had wanted to meet our actor for a very long time. Because she was dying of leukemia, her parents had asked Make-A-Wish to make it happen. For whatever reason they had not. Well, someone on the set heard about this little girl and asked our actor if it would be ok for her to meet him. He said sure, and the girl came. At the time she visited him she had a few weeks to live. When he asked about her medical treatment he was told there really wasn't any money. Our actor paid for all her medical bills and three years later she is still alive and still in touch with our actor.


  1. wow.

    that's the coolest thing i've ever heard of an actor doing.

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Johnny Depp, of course.

  3. WOW that's totally rad. Thanks for sharing, Enty.

  4. Depp hasn't won as Oscar

    I'm seconding life is but a dream and saying Clooney

  5. DiCaprio
    young girl, Titanic fan?

  6. I get a lot of google hits on all named above.

  7. sorry, hasn't won "an" oscar

  8. yay, a kindness! love these.

    omg, will smith? (nominated for 'ali' and 'the pursuit of happyness').

  9. Johnny Depp. Or maybe Tom Cruise, although I don't know if he still considered A+ given the past few years. I do know that he helps a lot of people out and is really nice to the "little" people. I knew some girls who worked low-level jobs at Cameron Crowe's company who spoke very highly of both Cruise and Crowe.

  10. oh wait...my bad...actor has to be winner? i was thinking the "nominated/winner" part of the blind meant either/or...not necessarily both. help.

  11. Sounds like Depp.

    I think the clue can means either a nominee or a winner, not just a winner.

  12. I don't care who it is, HE IS DEFINITELY GETTING SUM OF THIS, LOL.
    I find this type of selfless kindness uber attractive

  13. Enty says the actor doesn't get publicity for the good he does, so I'm taking that to mean the actor gets publicity for only shady/scandalous things?

    I'm going to throw Jamie Foxx out there just as a guess, just because he's Oscar nominated and a winner, and he's primarily known for his antics.

  14. Johnny Depp never wins Oscar.
    Georges Clooney!!!
    several years ago,there was a story on fraud help with him! he helped someone who said to be ill(cancer)but it was a fake! if i has good memories!

  15. i always thought the / meant both

    but i think a lot of things that are wrong, lol.

  16. Anonymous2:11 PM

    People, please read. It says nominated/winner. NOT JUST WINNER.

  17. A+ is a lofty group---i'd say clooney and depp fall into it for sure. matt damon isn't A+. neither is affleck or was that a joke? i don't even know if dicaprio falls into that group.

    i don't know who it is but it's a really nice story.

  18. Could be Denzel, too. He was my guess for the actor with the heart attack blind.

  19. oh, dicaprio never won an oscar. tom hanks could be in this group too but would anyone be surprised by that? he's done a lot for vets and gotten publicity for it.

  20. Matt Damon has an Oscar, doesn't that automatically put him at A+, or is he lower because he does B+ films? So confusing...

    I like Depp, but I was thinking older a la Harrison Ford. Depp fits better, though.

  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russel_crowe

    Won for gladiator
    nominated for a beautiful mind...

    very charitable towards kids...schools...and usually only his temper tantrums are covered by the news

  22. Depp.

    Whoeveer it is - Kudos. All class.

  23. The slash means "or". If he's a winner, he was previously nominated, wasn't he? The precision he was nominated wouldn't make any sense. It's the same thing with "child(ren)": saying that somebody has one or several children might be too large a clue.

    Depp has been nominated three times to the Academy Awards and, if I were a little girl, I'd rather wish to meet Johnny Depp than George Clooney or Tom Cruise. It's just that Depp has done more films suitable for kids. A dying little girl's dream wouldn't be to meet the director of "Good Night and Good Luck" or the main actor of the "Mission: Impossible" trilogy.

    Regarding the "A+ list", without Depp, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie would have never turned into such a big franchise.

  24. Enty, you have got to tell us who this man is so we can move forward with his nomination for sainthood. Seriously. I want to make sure to see all of his movies just as a thank you for this. All I can do, really.

  25. you can win an oscar for one category and be nominated in others over the years...

    just sayin'

  26. That even made my black little heart smile a little.


  27. "Doesn't get much publicity for all of the good he does."
    I'm going to say probably not DiCaprio (environmental causes) or Depp (he's a good guy and people know this) or Hanks (veterans' causes, etc.).

  28. AWESOME! Gotta find out who this one is.

    No idea why, but I first thought of Tom Hanks.

  29. While I'm not a huge fan, for those who are, I would highly recommend the Johnny Depp interview in Vanity Fair.

  30. No idea, but I sure hope this one is revealed on July 4!

  31. ...but I'm liking y'all's Crowe or other typically bad boy media imaged person. If it were Crowe, I would like that.

    I love him in movies and am sad about his persona as a total dick. Just watched Gladiator the other day for the umpteenth time and I love him in that film!

  32. I wish these weren't blind. Just need a nice fix of, well, niceness after the Hogan Family and Lohan skank crap today.

  33. One can be an Oscar winner without being previously nominated. See: Jennifer Hudson.

    One can be solely a nominee: DiCaprio, Depp.

    I like to use the Susan Lucci theory whenever Enty uses the slash. It's gotta be someone who's especially notable for mutliple wins and losses. Someone you can think of off the top of your head.

  34. The "she is still alive and still in touch with our actor" portion of this BI really makes me think it's Depp. I don't think most actors would actually keep in touch after doing their good deed.

  35. One more thing about Russell Crowe--Lainey had a piece about the robin hood movie today and who's gonna see it.

    I got one big answer for her--ME!!! I'll sit in that theater all by myself if I have to.


  36. i thought it meant it was someone who'd been nominated AND won.

  37. Also, Enty says the actor doesn't publicity for all of the good he does; yes, we all know Johnny Depp is a great guy, but maybe he actually does MORE than we realize?

  38. I got chills reading this. If you disclose who this is, I will actually pay to see his movies in the theater, regardless of anything else. Awesome.

  39. Yep the BI states that the actor in question is not known for doing nice things so it can't be Depp or Clooney. My money is on Russell Crowe since his famous for his bad temper and diva behaviour.

  40. You've really got to reveal this one.... Whoever it is, he deserves the recognition.

  41. I've seen the source for this and it's Johnny Depp. He does a lot of kindnesses, especially for sick kids, that never get made public.

    Lovely, lovely man.

  42. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Another clue is that it's a young girl. I like the Russell Crowe guess, but what movie of his would a young girl have seen and enjoyed?

    Depp would work because of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

  43. Enty - PLEASE reveal on Reveal Day!

  44. Ent reveals all kindness blinds

    Shit July 4th is not that far away

  45. This kindness and sweetness and humbleness all rolled into one brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. There IS good out there - even in Follywood.

  46. This made me cry. My guess is Johnny Depp.

  47. If you reveal this, I will personally write him a thank you note. This is absolutely fabulous. It's too bad you can't say this about all of Hollywood.

  48. Wow! I love these! He gets it: "The more you give, the more you will receive" such a simple, yet powerful law of life most of us fail to follow. I hope you don't have to withhold this kindness Enty; can't wait for reveals in two weeks!

  49. I can't imagine a young girl wanting to meet Russell Crowe.

    Have to go with Johnny Depp, although my first thought was Tom Hanks as well.

  50. My instinct said Tom Hanks or Leo

    Leo only gets credit for being a womanizer, but he's politically active and I know he's an environmentalist.

    I'm going to go with my final answer being Leo.

  51. WOW, I'm totally speechless! WOW, WOW & WOW!
    This is the one best Kindness gestures ever done by anybody.
    Kudos to this wonderful person.
    My guess is either Russel Crowe or Leo

  52. FYI - re: Russell Crowe. A few years ago he was filming a movie in Canada, when a Jewish day school in Montreal was firebombed, and their library destroyed.

    He made a very nice donation towards rebuilding/replacing all the books that were lost. This got quite a bit of publicity at the time.

  53. I don't have any guesses, but I do love this blind item.

  54. surfer, I never heard of this at all - I don't get The Gazette, but I watch CTV news, and they're all about Hollywood.

    I'm with DN though - why would a young girl want to pick Russell Crowe of all people? Denzel may be a dick to us, but he's a pretty large role-model for others. Don't forget, he did that movie about the man whose son needed a heart transplant.

    OTOH - the phrase "no reason other than being a great guy" throws this guess off. I hate seeing both sides of an argument.

    I'll have to mull this over.

  55. Johny Depp. The lil girl probably saw P.O.T.C. What a great thing to do!!

  56. Adrien Brody or Johnny Depp :-)

  57. shakey - if you Google United Talmud Torah + firebombing and/or Russell Crowe, I'm sure something will come up.

    I remember when it happened, everyone was kind of shocked, but touched when he made that donation. It just seemed so out of character from what we usually hear about him.

  58. I think if this were Russel Crowe, Enty would say something like "despite his usual behavior" or something like that. I'm sticking with Johnny Depp, although whoever this is just went up in my book.

  59. My guess is Sean Penn.

  60. that's amazing. i don't even want to know.

  61. I like the Sean Penn guess too.

  62. Cruise- three years ago he was A+. Or Depp

  63. Yeah, I'm on the Johnny Depp train. Whoever it is though, it's a great kindness!

  64. I also can't wait for the reveal on this one. C'mon July 4! --

    As for guesses, I'm not seeing a lot of clues in the blind itself. But A+? Jack Nicholson? He's won and been nominated, and I have never heard a good thing about him.

  65. Clooney or Depp.

  66. That is so great to see. I do not care who it is, just good to see that this actor doing something great for someone else.

  67. What a wonderful act of kindness!

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Will Smith.

    Thinking as a little girl - I'd wish to meet Will or Johnny (or even Leo) rather than Clooney, Crowe, or Cruise. JMO :-)

  68. "doesn't get much publicity for all of the good he does" makes me think it's not Johnny Depp, who's renowned for signing countless autographs.

    I would love for this to be him, because this would just make me love him even more, but I'm still not sure.

    No guess.

    But I'm with everyone else: Enty, please reveal this!

  69. Oh I so hope you plan to reveal this one at some point. I'd love to know who this marvelous person is.

  70. Definitely Depp - a close friend works for him. The man's generosity knows no bounds.

  71. Sorry, original post is correct. It is Affleck.

  72. I am torn, I feel strongly it is Affleck or Crowe.
    I remember reading a story about Affleck and JLo helping out a girl who was very sick. I even think it was leukemia. I never heard about the story again. He was nominated and won for writing the screenplay. I have heard so many times that he (Affleck) is extremely generous. Hm...?
    The reason I thought of Crow is because Enty said he doesn't much publicity. I have heard about Crowe donating and visiting places (hospitals, firestations, etc.), but it's been so brief. He gets a lot of bad publicity ("doesn't get much"). Also, I remember a line from that movie he did with Angelina Jolie where they sang the Rolling Stones' song, "I can't get no...satisfaction" and "not getting much" and the whole"he's a great guy" line in the movie.

  73. Nope, having seen the "Random" photos...
    Bourne Identity
    He's known as a nice guy
    Did the Tsunami benefit and visited children
    Loves on-set visits by fans
    Very down to earth

  74. omg, i LOVE this story!!!!

    no idea who it is, not sure i even care. what a great, make you feel good item :)

  75. Lovely story...
    If it's an old blind I guess Kevin Costner for Robin Hood, Baseball Movie etc.

    For todays kids I'd guess Depp over the other nods. My sprout just turned 12 this month.

    The only actors I can recall featured on the folders kids need for school since 1st grade are Depp/Pirates. Maybe the co-star.. Orlando?

    So I say it's whoever has been on a lunchbox.

  76. Great blind.

    Penn got a lot of attention for his Katrina-work.

    My money is on Depp though...

  77. I knew it right away, that it was Johnny, but here is proof: http://johnny-depp.org/johnny/articles/entry/1581/

    “Well, without getting too personal. I have always found him to be one of the most down to earth actors I’ve ever worked with. He is generous to a fault with his knowledge and his wealth. For example, he helped a young girl recover from Leukemia by paying for all her treatments in Mexico and didn’t even know her. She was just brought to the set to meet him by a friend of mine. She couldn’t get Make a Wish to bring her so my friend called and ask if he could and JD said, ‘yeah sure’ and the rest is history. She wasn’t supposed to live past a few weeks after she met him and that was now over three years ago.”

  78. Nice find, Dotty!

  79. That's just plain nice.

  80. Crowe does have a soft spot for children. Watch him in 'Master & Commander.' He's totally different around all the young midshipmen than his adult crew. I know it's a film and he's in character, but it shows through anyway.

  81. What a beautiful story. Johnny is a great man.

  82. Don't care who it is... GOOSEBUMPS... that's rad. OOpsie.. Johnny Depp.. My man.. of course.. that just MADE MY DAY.

  83. I love the Kindness blinds. Not all of those in the limelight are selfish, greedy, a-holes.

  84. Johnny depp is awesome

  85. I don't care who it is, they are the gold standard of coolness in my book. Wow, just wow.

    I really hope this one gets revealed in a few weeks.

  86. Johnny and Leonardo are no Oscar Winners!

  87. Please make sure you reveal this one, Enty. I burst into tears reading it. Whoever it is may just be an angel on earth.

  88. Listen to Michaela! Depp has never won an Oscar.

  89. I don't feel like this blind means he was an Oscar winner. Enty probably would've just said that he was an Oscar winner without the slash.
    Dotty thanks for the find on it being Johnny Depp! Good work!

  90. I haven't a clue, but I'd love to know, if only to make sure I'm sending my good vibes to the right person! This is a very nice thing for this actor to have done.

  91. Thanks Dotty, I've always loved Mr. Depp, he's true class. You sure found that confirmation fast!

  92. Sounds just like what Michael Jackson has done for so many children with his foundations. Too bad he doesn't get the credit he deserves.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Great research, Dotty! Oscar nominated Depp it is then.

  95. I didn't look for the answer, i went on this site and then on johnny's like almost every day and then there was this article XD

  96. scratch that--looks like no AA nom or win for Kevin Bacon.

  97. I think this is my favorite celebrity of all: johnny depp. He's supposed to be extremely kind and approachable. And, this sounds similar to another story I read about him. I believe he surprised the pediatric oncology ward of a hospital in London by showing up in full Jack Sparrow costume and character to be with the kids all day. It was the hospital that treated his daughter when she got sick while he was filming in London and he did it to show gratitude to the hospital and entertain the children. The parent of a child patient in the ward revealed it to the media over there - he went out of his way not to publicize it.
