Monday, June 29, 2009

Ted C Blind Item

Celebs aren't exactly known to be truth tellers—Toothy Tile continuously lying to himself and every ridiculous excuse Lindsay Lohan's made to get out of pretty much anything are proof enough of that. But Melinda Miscreant is another story. Dame's fibbing 'bout her own flesh 'n' blood, incredibly tacky.

Mel, who somehow still gets TV work despite peaking years ago, is as guilty of desiring followers on her Twitter page as every other Kutcher-like celeb with an online presence.

But that's not the truly heinous part. The despicable side of M.M.'s Internet persona is that she's totally painting a prettier pic of her motherly abilities, and the ones who are totally paying for it are her kids:

M.M. has gotten on enough people's nerves in her recent attention-seeking antics that she's doing whatever she can do to get her former fans to like her again. Instead of her sexuality (hasn't worked in a while), she's focusing on winning Mother of the Year—without really working for it.

Mel is known to tweet that she's at the park with her kids, when in actuality, she's really she's off tanning! So say totally tight M.M. sources who are with the babe while she deceptweets right in front of 'em! She'll totally update her status to say she's with her kids at, say, an ice cream parlor, when really she's at the spa, sans offspring. We're surprised she's putting this much effort into faux-mothering her kids instead of just schlepping them outside for a photo op. At least then your kids would actually see ya sometime.

And we thought the kids' father was the badly behaving one. Hardly. Certainly he has his own parenting problems, but at least he barely tweets a thing, let alone lies.

And It Ain't: Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Demi Moore


  1. denise, but no one thinks she's a good mom, do they? no one's that stupid. she thinks you are though.

  2. She was my first thought.

  3. i first thought pamela anderson...except ted says she still gets tv work, which doesn't really fit unless you count guest spots here and there... hmm. *stumped*

  4. Shanna Moakler. See her tweets.

  5. Screams Shanna to me, and I haven't even seen her tweets yet.

  6. Not Moakler; Travis never shuts the frak up on Twitter about what a parenting god he is and how crappy SHE is. They both suck blech.

    I didn't think of Denise but this does seem to fit.

  7. I agree with Shanna - although I see her and Denise's tweets, and it could be either of them.

  8. I immediately thought of Denise -- she's still getting work (like Dancing with the Stars and her own show on E -- still, ugh.) and Charlie is generally known as the "badly behaving one"

  9. Denise tweets often about how she's at the park, having ice cream, etc...


  10. I am getting the Jada vibe on this.

  11. First thought was Tori, but this could totally be Denise as well.

  12. Sharon Stone??? but i don't know anything about the dad...

  13. Totally Denise Richards!

  14. totally Denise, TRVSBRKR is on that shit constantly.

  15. JoElla does Jada tweet about those two children?

  16. Ted C's verbosity gets on my nerves. Man does he love to hear himself pratter on. He needs a good editor! The juiciness of the quote is lost in his writing!

  17. I meant, juiciness of the "blind" is lost...

  18. My first thought was Heather Locklear... don't know why.

    But Denise is a good guess as well. *shrugs*

  19. Brooke burke. Always sounded too sickly sweet to me

  20. I hate to admit that I watched 2 episodes of Denise Richard's show ("it's complicated") (hey, I was really REALLY tired and lazy!) and almost felt myself liking her. Which I know is impossible, cuz she's a sleazeball. So I hope this is her so I can go back to thinking she's just a buttmunch.

  21. i like brooke for the demi moore connection

  22. why was my first thought Courtney Cox- does she tweet?

  23. Dunno ... but this is the first Ted blind I actually didn't have to re-read 5 times just to absorb the details!

  24. Denise Richards is with her kids in photos a lot. Even today she is having ice cream with her kid in the photos. Is this a clue, or is it someone else?

  25. I vote Lisa Rinna too. She's always tweeting about doing stuff with the kids.

  26. Brooke Burke is always twittering about Mommy stuff, and she just started a big website about being a super mom or something too. Altho most of her tweets are usually about working out (surprise).

  27. Hmmm....I see Brooke Burke tweets about her kids a lot, but I don't get the "gets work" thing for her, so I'm going to have to jump on the Denise Richards thing (clue in pictures?), if not, how about Shannah Moakler (or, whatever)?

  28. Hmmm....I see Brooke Burke tweets about her kids a lot, but I don't get the "gets work" thing for her, so I'm going to have to jump on the Denise Richards thing (clue in pictures?), if not, how about Shannah Moakler (or, whatever)?

  29. Hmmm....I see Brooke Burke tweets about her kids a lot, but I don't get the "gets work" thing for her, so I'm going to have to jump on the Denise Richards thing (clue in pictures?), if not, how about Shannah Moakler (or, whatever)?

  30. Hmmm....I see Brooke Burke tweets about her kids a lot, but I don't get the "gets work" thing for her, so I'm going to have to jump on the Denise Richards thing (clue in pictures?), if not, how about Shannah Moakler (or, whatever)?

  31. Totally Pamela Anderson (Pam-el-a An-der-son, three syllables in each name, keeping in step with Ted C.'s blind item noms-de-plum syllabication).

  32. The first person I thought of was my SIL.

    Second person I thought of was Denise Richards.

  33. It's definately someone with a bad-boy as the father of her kids. Charlie Sheen definately fits that part perfectly! I also think it's Denise.

  34. Denise was the first one who came to mind.

  35. Yeah, Denise.
    I don't think Travis B has been known for behaving badly. Also, he has a lot of good will built up from the plane crash. Because of Travis, I don't think this is Shanna.

  36. Soleil Moon Frye or Denise Richards

  37. Warmislandsun-

    I was just gonna say that about the pic of Denise Richards with her kids eating ice cream. Her horrendous reality show is on right now, God only knows why I'm even watching it. Maybe I should get a job? LOL, nah!

  38. UK whore, Jordan and her husband, Peter Andre.

  39. i really hate to say this but i think it's soleil moon frye...fraud!
