Friday, June 19, 2009

Susan Boyle Cancels A Few More Shows

After hearing about the fact that Susan Boyle needs more rest days after just performing for six minutes in the past four days, I really am starting to wonder if maybe she should just go on home to Edinburgh and call it a career. Oh, I think she can record some albums because they can do it on her time and work around her needs, but it's pretty obvious that this is someone who doesn't need to be performing full-time or even once a year.

The latest incident allegedly involved Susan standing on her balcony at a hotel and crying and screaming for her cat all night and how she needed her cat. The tour then promptly decided she should have the next few nights off. I think she should just call it off for good. I also start to wonder about reports that Simon Cowell is trying to set her up for a Las Vegas run of shows and whether he is really that greedy or if the reports are false. If she does a series of shows in Las Vegas, it will push her off the edge. She can't do them. There is absolutely no way. They would require at least 60 minutes of singing and probably closer to 90 and she would have to do it several times a week. It would be a disaster.

I know she has a record deal. Great. Go home and record some music once or twice a month and just keep releasing album after album. She would get to sing and I don't have to worry about her health everyday and what is going to happen to her.


  1. i just want her to go away. i never got all the hype about her to begin with. who's going to buy her albums? WHY would anyone buy her albums?
    and if simon's really doing all that, then he's an even bigger asshole than i thought. how much money is enough for you, simon?

  2. i don't care what anyone says, i always feel so bad for this woman.

    it's like watching people harass your grandmother. it really bothers me.

    i wish she would just record an album and that everyone would just let her be. i do like hearing her sing, but can't stand to watch what "celebrity" is doing to her.....

  3. Michael Jackson is no different than her...

  4. This nutcase needs to go away and never come back so she can stop cluttering up my CDAN

  5. Can't we just send her some Panic Away?

    It sponsors Enty... it must be good!

  6. Awww, man, that's sad. I had hoped she wouldn't become a laughingstock.

    Homesickness is a bitch. It can take down sterner people than this admittedly very simple woman. Anyone who hasn't been there should not judge.

    Yes, she should go home to her little town and her pub and her cat.

    Sounds like a great existence to me--only having the people around her who like her just the way she is and always was.

  7. amazonblue, LOL - awesome!

  8. Oh, and I will definitely buy her album. Or maybe just steal a few choice songs off the internet...

    I want a Christmas carol album out of her and then I'll be happy if she goes away.

  9. I just feel so bad for her right now. :(

  10. hey now, i've been known to cry for my cat while on tour too. damn those dog people, thinking they're the only ones w/ feelings.

    i still say SB would be brilliant at doing studio session work. she could make a highly profitable living at it. poor thing. she needs good counsel (you avail, enty?). how locked in is she and what can she do to renegotiate the terms...

  11. i agree with enty. no way she could have had any concept of what "a singing career" would entail.
    i HATE leaving my buns, even to go on vacation. maybe if they'd let her bring her kitty with her, she'd be happier?

  12. pookie, that's a great idea. in addition, she could also earn a nice living singing commercial jingles. although some people look down on that.

  13. She thought she wanted to do musical theater (or should I say theatre), but there's no way.

    Poor woman. I feel so badly for her. I've always thought my worst nightmare would be instant fame. She must have terrible anxiety issues.

    Like Enty, I hope she goes home and does studio recordings only from now on.

  14. She isn't ready and never was ready. I don't believe anyone around her believed she was ready with this kind of behavior.

    I really do hope that she goes back home to her simple life with her cats.

    She doesn't deserve the fame. Fame is only for the tough, smart, cutthroat people.

    Please send her home and stop discussing her.

  15. Since Simon offered her the chance to leave the competition if it was too stressful for her, I doubt he would push her to do Vegas. Seriously, how can everyone not see that she can't handle the spotlight.

  16. I'm so over her. She needs to go back to her village otherwise she's going to have a major breakdown... oh wait, she just did. Well, she needs to just go home period.

  17. i have a hard time sympathizing with her. she signed up to be on a talent show & expected to win. winning= fame. she might not have expected THIS amount of attention, but she did create a lot of it. don't want it? it's not too late to walk away. oh, that's right. walking away wont line her pockets.

  18. Um, this woman obviously mentally sick. It pains me to see how these people are using her. But then again, if they don't put her on tour they'll be bastards for not giving her a chance. Please get this woman a psychiatrist so she'll be diagnosed that she shouldn't be doing this. She shouldn't tour and she shouldn't be a singer. She'll have multiple breakdowns with all the ups and downs her career will have. My heart goes out to her.

  19. Nice article by Simon -- he actually sounds human...

  20. I really think she is too emotionally fragile for showbiz. Maybe is just meant to sing at home or at weddings, not large tours that could be very damanding. Her mental health is far more important than anything.

  21. It's really sad. Nobody who signs up for Britain's Got Talent expects the amount of media attention that Susan got. I never thought she was that great of a singer-- good, sure, but nobody can deny that most of the hype was due to her supposedly 'misleading' appearance. She's clearly not emotionally ready for any of this, and it's people are clearly just using her to cash in on the hype. Give it a few months and her fifteen minutes will be over, but I doubt she'll return to normal in that time.
