Monday, June 15, 2009

Sienna Miller Has Never Been On A Date

Sienna Miller is featured in Vogue this month and so I read the interview to see if I could find anything out about her. I will get to that in a minute, but did you know that Jude Law and Jonny Lee Miller are best friends? Since the age of 10. But, when I think about it I don't ever remember seeing any pictures of Jude and Jonny and Angelina together when Angelina and Jonny were married. I have seen plenty of pictures of Jude and Jonny after Jonny and Angelina got divorced, but never any during the marriage.

Anyway, back to Sienna. The interviewer who seemed to be madly in love with her asked her about her love life and she said she is single which if you read the next paragraph seems a lie, but whatever. Anyway she responded by saying, "I've actually never been taken on a date in my whole life. I have never had a one-night stand. I'm a real relationship person—contrary to public perception. I'm either in one or I'm not. I get kind of emotionally involved very quickly, and I'm not going to spend time with someone unless I love them. But it's not hard for me to fall in love."

You probably don't think I believe her, but I actually do to a point. I can't believe in high school she never went on a date, but since that point she has pretty much met guys on the sets of movies many of whom were married so I can see why it went straight from how are you to spending an hour in a trailer. When they emerged from the trailer they were a couple and so when they went out to dinner it really wasn't a date.

I can't believe she is only 27. It feels as if she should be much older. Anyway, if you have some time and want to read the interview it is interesting enough as far as celebrity interviews go.


  1. i have really never understood the fascination with Sienna Miller.

    she's a crap actress who seems to bring slutiness to a whole new level.

    oh, ok now i get it

  2. i'm sorry, i couldn't get past the first paragraph where you admit to reading vogue to get thru the rest of the post. ;)


  3. "but it's not hard for me to fall in love".

    Define "fall in love". I think that's where your problem lies.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Was the interviewer Jonathan Van Meter? He's the worst. Ought to be writing for Tiger Beat, the way he fawns over the most inconsequential dingbats.

  6. I agree with empyrios, and I think her publicist wants us all to think she is more important than she is. Most people who don't read about celebrity gossip have never heard of her.


  8. When I hear her name I always have troubles picturing her face. And then when I see her picture, I'm kind of like "oh right, THAT one."

    I think that explains both my feelings towards her as an actress, and as a human being.

  9. The residents of Pittsburgh, PA were going to open a 6 pack of WhoopAss for Ms. Miller for disrespecting the town when she was here filming. She appears to be more famous for her numerous men rather than her film work.

  10. I can totally buy her response. Heading over to someone's hotel room soon after you've met doesn't seem like a date, and a loose not-quite-relationship with someone doesn't qualify for one night stands.

    Still, she should probably take whatever money she has left in her career and head straight to a therapist. Just sayin'.

  11. I also agree she had potential at one point - she was great in Layer Cake. Too bad she confuses "love" with "lust".

    And "..have never had a one-night stand." ?! Mendacity. It sickens me. (sorry, I watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof last night - mendacity is the word of the week :))

  12. Dear god. The thing that disturbs me the most about this is that she's MY age. How is that possible? I really need to work on my homewrecking skills.

  13. What KellyLynn said.

    And I did have a relationship where the chemistry was so right that from the moment we met, we were "together". We slept together the night we met and that was IT. Lasted six years. But we still went on dates, for goodness' sake!

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Don't like Sienna. Don't think she is that hot, don't see the appeal people have on her. Only thing I see is that she likes to break marriages and jump from one relationship to another.

  15. So she never rated a bag meal from Mickey Dee's? They never cared enough to so much as take her thru the drive thru before she "fell in love"? I don't know who I find more sad her or all the men she "loved".

    Oh by the way Sienna, Pittsburgh still "loves" you. They'd be more then happy to show you their three rivers --from the bottom with a weight tied to your ankle.



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