Sarah Jessica Parker Surrogate Has Home Invaded By Greedy Cops
This is a strange, strange story. It seems that two Ohio police chiefs are being investigated for breaking into the surrogate of Sarah Jessica Parker's baby. The reason? To dig up dirt for the tabloids and hoping to make a quick score. According to E!, a court prosecutor has been appointed to look into the charges.
Can you imagine two police chiefs doing this? This isn't just two guys off the street or two rookie cops. This was the chiefs of two separate Ohio towns. The television station WTRF says that the surrogate doesn't even live in the house anymore which was broken into. Allegedly. I can't believe someone put these two idiots in charge of the police in their respective cities. One of the cities is Martina Ferry which is where the surrogate lived. You would think the chief would have known she moved out already. Of course you would think a chief would also be moral enough to not break into a house to sell dirt to tabloids. I'm guessing neither of these guys are the smartest people in the world.