Ryan Reynolds Doesn't Want To Be A Sex Symobl
Dear Ryan,
I just wanted to say first off that despite myself not really liking you as a person very much, I can't help but laugh at most of your movies. I admit that I watch Van Wilder and Waiting much more than is probably healthy, and I think a great deal of that is because of you.
Now, that being said, I don't know how you can give interview after interview saying you don't want to be considered a sex symbol and then show up on four separate covers of Entertainment Weekly not wearing a shirt. Did not they have any? What was the purpose of posing like that if you don't want to be considered a sex symbol?
Was it because you are proud of your workout regimen and Men's Health didn't want you on the cover? Did the photographer not have shirts in your size? Whatever the reason it doesn't look very good when you have been quoted regarding your sex symbol status as "it's really embarrassing. I think I fear more than anything just sounding like a complete a-hole when I have to answer that question."
Ahh, I don't think you have to worry about sounding like a complete a-hole with just that question. I think pretty much everything you do makes you seem like an a-hole. It's nice that you think you sound like one sometimes though. That is the first step towards not being an a-hole.
P.S. Is it true that your wife has been cloned, and if so, where can we all buy one?