Dear Ryan,
I just wanted to say first off that despite myself not really liking you as a person very much, I can't help but laugh at most of your movies. I admit that I watch Van Wilder and Waiting much more than is probably healthy, and I think a great deal of that is because of you.
Now, that being said, I don't know how you can give interview after interview saying you don't want to be considered a sex symbol and then show up on four separate covers of Entertainment Weekly not wearing a shirt. Did not they have any? What was the purpose of posing like that if you don't want to be considered a sex symbol?
Was it because you are proud of your workout regimen and Men's Health didn't want you on the cover? Did the photographer not have shirts in your size? Whatever the reason it doesn't look very good when you have been quoted regarding your sex symbol status as "it's really embarrassing. I think I fear more than anything just sounding like a complete a-hole when I have to answer that question."
Ahh, I don't think you have to worry about sounding like a complete a-hole with just that question. I think pretty much everything you do makes you seem like an a-hole. It's nice that you think you sound like one sometimes though. That is the first step towards not being an a-hole.
P.S. Is it true that your wife has been cloned, and if so, where can we all buy one?
Maybe he and Matthew McConnaghey are just allergic to shirts.
ReplyDeleteenty, that was awesome of you to call him out. now i'm so thinking you need to do the same to sean peen!
ReplyDeleteI met RR years ago while he was doing "Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place" in SoHo, he was with some friends shopping and let's just say that he had more SUGAH IN HIS TANK than at the DOMINO's Sugar factory. I can believe that he and Scarlett are a marriage of convenience especially since she is a lesbian.
ReplyDeleteHow drunk are you Enty?! I thought it was morning over there lol
ReplyDeleteah, a wee bit reminiscent of the Dear Richard letter...
ReplyDeletethis is SO much more fun than reading about the shitstorm that is katie/lohan/hilton/heidi&spencer etc......
He can talk?
ReplyDeleteEnty, that's it, I'm moving to LA so I can hang out with you in the basement - I LOVE your taste in movies. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL, I had forgotten about the ScarJo clones!
Montana - what's this about sugar in his tank? I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI know you think Ryan's an ass, Ent, but thank you for the shirtless Ryan (btw, he did do a Men's Health cover a few years ago, back when they put shirtless celebs on the cover -- now they're always wearing shirts, boo.)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYeah, LaineyGossip has several stories from readers about what an asshat he is IRL. A friend of mine was invited to the Meet and Greet for the Wolverine: Origins premiere in Phoenix and said he was a complete jerkface during the entire thing.
ReplyDeleteHe wants it both ways. Too bad he's played the same character in every single one of his movies (and I like Waiting and Van Wilder.)
Damn. That body ... that ... incredibly cut body ... is too good to belong to a straight man.
ReplyDeletehahaha @harriet
ReplyDeleteOops sorry about that, sugah in his tank is slang for uber effeminate homosexual a la Paul Lynde, RuPaul variety
ReplyDeleteI don't care about whether he's wearing a shirt or not. I just find it interesting that his face doesn't look like his face, y'know.
ReplyDeleteI want stories of why he's an a-hole. Yes, I always want IRL stories about celebs. Cuz inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeletei don't care. have they cloned him? i would totally buy one, asshole personality in all. cause he would look GREAT on my christmas card this year.
ReplyDeleteEnty is definitely female.
ReplyDeleteclara - if enty were a female, he'd be drooling over the cover, not complaining about it.
ReplyDeleteagree to disagree Enty. ryan has done a lot of local work for charity and is loved by a lot of locals.
ReplyDeletehe's canadian-of course he doesn't want to be a sex symbol.
Montana: Really? Now that's the kind of gossip I adore.
ReplyDeleteHe does absolutely nothing for me. He's too pretty or something.
The chick who does my highlights died his hair darker for a movie role and then back to normal when he was done shooting. She said he was totally down-to-earth and sexy as hell in person...Different strokes I guess, but can we add a
ReplyDelete"P.S. Please never put a shirt on again"
to Enty's letter?
um... i want to put him on my mantle and look at him all day. droool.
ReplyDeleteenty, IIRC, the clones came from germany, where "the finest clones are made". actually, i thought it was you that posted the letter from that guy.
ReplyDeletemaybe jax and gladyskravitz can cover the blog while you run over there for a few days?
lol Enty - your PS made this story. On behalf of Canada, I would like to exchange Ryan Reynolds, Avril Lavigne and Nickelback for Justin Timberlake, Jon Stewart and Seth Macfarlane.
ReplyDeleteSincerely, Canada.
speak for yourself there Rocket..lol.
ReplyDeleteJustin Timberlake is one of the biggest dicks in the bidness to his fans and employees.
But I will co-sign the Nickelback for Jon Stewart. any freakin day.
actually eff that, i'll trde Ben Mulroney for Jon Stewart and trade out Nickleback for Kings of Leon.
Aw jax - FutureSexLoveSound is just a great album. Period. I think when Michael Jackson is donedone, Justin should be crowned the new king of pop. Boy has MOVES and on SNL - classic. The Bee Gees skits and the mascot skits? Classics. Got shitty taste in women these days, though. Let's discuss naked at Wreck Beach. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Canada, you will never get John Stewart. Never, not even for the big goose statue in Wawa.
ReplyDeleteOh, and please keep Celine Dion up in Baffin Bay and away from the border. Merci!
Also, Canada, please take Pamela Anderson back. thxkbye
ReplyDeleteWe'll take Pam back if we can send Ryan's ex Alanis Morrisette on over :)
ReplyDelete......Wait...No... I'd rather listen to "Jagged Little Pill" on repeat than have to look at Pam's aging potato sack ass one more time.
If we gotta take Pam back Celine should be a trade-off.
fine but we have an iron clad against paris, Lilo, Britney and the Gosselins. and don't even think about sending us fuckin ryan seacrest.
ReplyDeleteEnty is female.
ReplyDeleteAnd is not a lawyer.
And does not live in the US.
Where can I buy a clone of Johnny Depp?