Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Robin Wright Penn Does A Katie Holmes

Did you get your copy of Psychologies in the mail yet? Yeah, me either. I can't wait either. Every day I rush home from work hoping upon hope that my issue of Psychologies is there and that no one in my family has stolen it so they can read it first. I know, but apparently someone reads the magazine because they have a five page interview with Robin Wright Penn. The interview was done in April. That was after the Academy Awards snub, but before they split again. Got it? It is confusing. I'm just glad it isn't a Shanna Moakler interview because it would be impossible to figure out if a split had been in progress or a reconciliation or if anyone cared.

How did Robin describe her marriage in April?

"You know, all marriages have their cycles and phases. It’s life – we all go through it, if we’re married long enough. If you’re lucky, you grow and you change and you work it out. But it feels good now – if it didn’t I wouldn’t still be here."

Umm. Didn't they split up like a week later?

Talking about the bond she shares with Sean, she said, "Sean and I have a lot of history – there are a lot of chapters in that book. It’s back to what we were just talking about – you have to do the work in your marriage, but it has to be laid on a really strong foundation of love. We have that, and shared history deepens that foundation, I would say."

I must have missed the day in school when they talked about strong foundation of love. Because I think I would have remembered how hookers on a family vacation fit into that foundation.

And in the most sickening quote since whenever the last Katie Holmes interview took place, you have this gem when talking about life at home. "Oh Sean is hopeless domestically. I’m the homemaker, and that’s fine with me, because I really like that. But he’s so completely a family man – he always wants us all to be together and do things together, and he’s the one who injects a lot of energy into the family. I’ll bake, and Sean will say, ‘I know, let’s take a boat up the Colorado River!’"

And the reaction from the judges to that quote? Yes, Tom Cruise is standing and applauding. I think those are tears in his eyes and wishes he could have had Katie say it first.


  1. Where's photoshop when you need it?

  2. "Because I think I would have remembered how hookers on a family vacation fit into that foundation."

    so sean penn was the answer to that BI and not tom hanks?

  3. I think she may be a fembot.

  4. hahaha, harriet, you crack me up! She does look like one.

  5. Still laughing at "...how hookers on a family vacation fit into that foundation." Yeah, that's a lesson I would remember too.

    She was misquoted. It's not that he suggests they take a boat up the Colorado River. I think what she meant to say is that she'll be baking and Sean will suggest that he sell her down the river.

  6. Off topic but-that is a HORRIBLE photo.

  7. I'm the homemaker around my house but I don't have cooks, nannies, and housekeepers. I hate when rich celebrities try to pretend like they are just like us.

    Buttercup, you are pathetic now. This man is abusive in many ways and you are choosing to remain in this situation despite having the finances and resources to leave.

  8. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I feel bad for her, typical battered wife.

    She's such a good actress, I just saw State of Play a week or so ago, and she grabbed my attention every time she was on screen.

  9. Anonymous1:43 PM

    This is exactly why he acts like a total douchebag - she enables him to do so and makes excuses for him.

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Wonder what drugs she is taking to think her life is like Ozzie and Harriet.

  11. That does not resemble in ANY WAY the Princess Buttercup that I watched 2 or 3 nights ago on cable.

  12. DN is right.
    i get so pissed when people assume an abused woman (physically or mentally) is "making the choice" to stay. there is so much more to it than that.

    and robin, honey, it takes more than love. it takes trust and respect, too. after 25 years, i know what i'm talking about!

  13. wait! she forgot to call him "amazing"!

    ugh. so over her. used to feel sorry for her, but not anymore.

  14. I hope they sent her a couple copies of the issue, and I hope she reads the "Make a Fresh Start" section.

  15. Ring ring. Hello Robin, this is coffee. Wake up and smell me!

  16. Did you see the line under her name?
    " Love isn't enough to make a marriage last"

    I guess it takes alot of hookers,
    an abusive asshole and a wife with no backbone what so ever and a strong sense of denial.

    What a very bad photo of Princess Buttercup. Since when is it cool to use such stark lighting on a woman her age in Hollywood?

  17. They really should have given her a free year of counseling. Poor girl needs it.

  18. Looks like Sean has found himself the perfect doormat.

  19. She looks like princess alien-cup

  20. Something tells me there is way more to her than meets the eye...
    I would not be surprised that is her perception of her husband. Because somethings you never
    see the forest from the big azz tree in front of you.
    But in real life, he needs to get his ass off his shoulders. Come on back down to earth and grow the fuck up.

  21. When I saw that picture, I thought it was younger Patricia Wettig. I would not have known it was her if her name wasn't on the cover and if Ent didn't say it was her.

    I like gay tallywacker's response.
