Monday, June 29, 2009

Rihanna's Dad Is An Idiot

In an interview this past week, Rihanna's dad said that he couldn't believe Chris Brown wasn't sentenced to jail for what he did to his daughter. "He should be in jail. Chris should have been sent to jail for what he did to my girl. He's got off lightly. Chris put her through hell."

I know I am old and I have a faulty memory at times, but wasn't Rihanna's dad saying at the beginning of all this that the couple was good for each other and would work this all out? Am I wrong in thinking it was the guy who didn't seem to care that his daughter had been beaten? Why did he change his mind all of a sudden now? Oh, yeah, because he wanted some attention so he drums up some outrage that he didn't have when his daughter was a bloody mess and could have used some support from dad instead of his wishy-washy, don't want to make Chris mad in case I need a loan or favor from him in the future attitude.

I think now, Rihanna's dad realizes no one cares about him and so just like Michael Lohan, he is trying to make himself relevant so he can read about himself in tabloids and feel important. I hate that.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Another asshole.

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Maybe he should look up White Oprah.

  3. No wonder she liked Chris Brown. She was raised by an a**hole and now she wants to date one.

  4. There was an article in Conde Nast this month about Barbados. The writer asked the locals about Rhianna and none wanted to talk about her except to say "she was a snob in high school". I got a little giggle out of that.

  5. jen, are you perhaps a Chris Brown fan?

  6. Nope. Neither, actually.

  7. what is it w/ all these celeb young people (young people? when did i get old enough to use that phrase) having crappy dads? it's so sad.

  8. I'm sorry Enty, you're getting old. I think you're thinking of Puffy.

    This is from a Feb 13 People article, but he was quoted everywhere saying this:

    "In an interview with PEOPLE, Rihanna's father, Ronald Fenty, said that when he first heard that his daughter had been attacked by Chris Brown, "I didn't believe it.

    "I know my daughter," said Fenty, 55. As for Brown, he said, "You think you know somebody, but you really don't."

    Brown, 19, allegedly attacked Rihanna, 20, in Los Angeles last Sunday. He was arrested and may face charges from the district attorney.

    Describing Rihanna's current condition after seeing her on Thursday, Fenty said, "There is some bruising. She will be all right. I think so."

    He adds, "At some point, she will speak out. I hope she will stand up for women all over the world."

    Fenty, a salesman and freelance clothing designer, said Rihanna is spending time with girlfriends while she heals. While Fenty said he wouldn't tell his daughter what to do, he did say, "If it were me, I'd move on."

  9. Thank you janine!
    Enty, seriously, you need to do some fact checking before you diss an outraged father. Pretty sad, old boy, pretty sad.

  10. uhm!! I do remember Mr. Fenty being a lil beside himself when the story broke about her being attacked by Mr. Brown .....I never read that he thought they sould stay together at all!......

  11. When Rihanna went back to Chris, her father said he supported her decision and thought she was doing the right thing. Enty posted about it here.

  12. "Ronald Fenty upon hearing of the couple’s reconciliation:

    'I love my daughter with whatever road she takes. I’m behind her win or lose. I will be supportive. If that’s the road she wants to choose, I’m behind her.'"

    Rihanna didn't want Chris to go to jail, so what happened to his support of her decisions?

  13. That's far from a ringing endorsement, though. I still haven't seen him say that "the couple was good for each other and would work this all out."

  14. Stage Parents ... for the most part they all fucking suck. Greedy, self-serving assholes with no inclination to care about what all this shit does to their children. Hate them with a fiery passion usually reserved for Two-Faced Evangelical, Southern Republican Politicians.

  15. Her father was a crack addict for many years. Probably destabilized his brain.

  16. He needs to shut his mouth and fade back into oblivion.
