Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos
I put Billy Idol on the top because I love him and also his initials are BI, so that kind of fits in with the site. Has anyone read anything more about him going blind?Hockey God Alexander Ovechkin. If that is indeed Ed Hardy he is wearing, and I dearly hope it isn't, I'm going to blame it on some type of translation problem between Russian and English. Garbage could have more than one meaning in Russian.
It is good to see AJ McLean out and about.
Brandon Boyd of Incubus. Fantastic.
Has Billy Dec been in the pictures before? At this point I can't remember.
Beyonce & Jay-Z - New York
And then Urlacher kicked Piven's ass. Notice that as soon as a guy sees a football player he starts immediately referring to everyone by their last name.
So, I know Canadian television, but your musicians, I am not so good at. I believe this is Classified. No, that is his name not like a secret or something. Ten more tattoos and he is Travis Barker. OK, 20 and one of the girls from Girlsalicious or whatever they are called.
Eliza Dushku, just because when I saw her I didn't know if I was going to have enough pictures.
Speaking of the lovely Amber Tamblyn, not in this post, but you get the point. Anyway this is Elaine Hendrix who was also on Joan of Arcadia.
Emily Osment really does look like her brother. In a good way though.
Want to know how I spent my Father's Day? This is pretty much it.
Heidi Klum does the Kate.
Ummm. Is Heather Locklear allowed to drive? Seriously, I don't remember what happened in that whole DUI thing.
I thought she was supposed to be doing The Shia.
Yes, once again it is Mr. Johnny Depp.
And Christian Bale.
This is probably the first time Marion Cotillard has been kind of an after thought in a movie.
I believe Holly is saying, "Come to Planet Hollywood and see my boobies." Or, if you want to save the $100, just go to Google.
John Malkovich has a clothing line. I know, but it is real and everything. It is called Technobohemian.
This is a much better look for Kelly Clarkson than what she has been wearing lately.
I don't keep up with the Kardashian's. You like that? Yeah, me too. Anyway, is this the wig or did she finally go ahead and cut it?
That's going to leave a mark.
Lights is wearing a Squidward dress.
I have to say, this is a great color on the Queen. I would make some comment about it being Royal Blue, but honestly, I haven't a clue.
I had no idea Radioman was an actor.
He is working on the set of the new movie starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell. It is called Date Night. Looks like Blind Date 2 to me.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Last week it was Bonnaroo and this week is a whole other brand of wtf were you thinking, and Justin must really love you.
Only Rumer Willis could make what Drew Barrymore is wearing look decent.
Did you know it was Yanni? I didn't.
Reese Witherspoon on the set of her new movie and for once, not playing softball.
Seal - Neuilly, France
This is Shiloh. All I know is that she is not Brangelina's daughter.