Monday, June 22, 2009

Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos

I put Billy Idol on the top because I love him and also his initials are BI, so that kind of fits in with the site. Has anyone read anything more about him going blind?
Hockey God Alexander Ovechkin. If that is indeed Ed Hardy he is wearing, and I dearly hope it isn't, I'm going to blame it on some type of translation problem between Russian and English. Garbage could have more than one meaning in Russian.
It is good to see AJ McLean out and about.
Brandon Boyd of Incubus. Fantastic.
Has Billy Dec been in the pictures before? At this point I can't remember.
Beyonce & Jay-Z - New York
And then Urlacher kicked Piven's ass. Notice that as soon as a guy sees a football player he starts immediately referring to everyone by their last name.
So, I know Canadian television, but your musicians, I am not so good at. I believe this is Classified. No, that is his name not like a secret or something. Ten more tattoos and he is Travis Barker. OK, 20 and one of the girls from Girlsalicious or whatever they are called.
Eliza Dushku, just because when I saw her I didn't know if I was going to have enough pictures.
Speaking of the lovely Amber Tamblyn, not in this post, but you get the point. Anyway this is Elaine Hendrix who was also on Joan of Arcadia.
Emily Osment really does look like her brother. In a good way though.
Want to know how I spent my Father's Day? This is pretty much it.
Heidi Klum does the Kate.
Ummm. Is Heather Locklear allowed to drive? Seriously, I don't remember what happened in that whole DUI thing.
I thought she was supposed to be doing The Shia.
Yes, once again it is Mr. Johnny Depp.
And Christian Bale.
This is probably the first time Marion Cotillard has been kind of an after thought in a movie.
I believe Holly is saying, "Come to Planet Hollywood and see my boobies." Or, if you want to save the $100, just go to Google.
John Malkovich has a clothing line. I know, but it is real and everything. It is called Technobohemian.
This is a much better look for Kelly Clarkson than what she has been wearing lately.
I don't keep up with the Kardashian's. You like that? Yeah, me too. Anyway, is this the wig or did she finally go ahead and cut it?
That's going to leave a mark.
Lights is wearing a Squidward dress.
I have to say, this is a great color on the Queen. I would make some comment about it being Royal Blue, but honestly, I haven't a clue.
I had no idea Radioman was an actor.
He is working on the set of the new movie starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell. It is called Date Night. Looks like Blind Date 2 to me.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Last week it was Bonnaroo and this week is a whole other brand of wtf were you thinking, and Justin must really love you.
Only Rumer Willis could make what Drew Barrymore is wearing look decent.
Did you know it was Yanni? I didn't.
Reese Witherspoon on the set of her new movie and for once, not playing softball.
Seal - Neuilly, France
This is Shiloh. All I know is that she is not Brangelina's daughter.


  1. LOL. I thought of LiLo when my coworker referred to that pic of Lady Gaga as "Fire Tits". Put the 2 of them together you'd have one hell of a need for a "fire extinguisher". LOL

  2. Christian Bale is beginning to look like an 8th grade history teacher...he needs to re-sexify.

    Rumer- Skinskinskinny

    Yanni- Shaved

    KKdash - who cares

    hot dogs- yum

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Was there a blind about Drew Barrymore being back on drugs? I've seen so many blinds, I get confused :) Anyway, if there was one I'd believe it based on her recent ensembles.


  6. I was thinking maybe Drew was trying to get Justin to dump her with the goofy outfits and all. But drugs might be a more reasonable explanation.

  7. Now tell me that shot of Mr. Depp isn't worth your $5, LOL!

    I think I read that it's a wig. Did you hear that Kim K. is going to be a guest judge on America's Next Top Model? Yeah. Where's Clay Aiken when you need him?

    Aw, sweet reader photos! LOL at #3!

    Have you all seen the video of the kid wiping his face with an ice cream bar at the futbol game? Drew is just ahead of the curve!

  8. Yanni?! What?! I had no clue.

  9. Yanni?! What?! I had no clue.

  10. A picture of Brian Urlacher was worth the donation-!!! You put up Pablo Schreiber and I will give an annual donation!

  11. yanni is one rich man who put out some questionable music.

  12. oooh yeah...i wonder what's the latest on billy i.?

    exactly what is the purpose of those hip inserts on beyonce's oufit?

    wow, piv is little bitty.

    *hungry for hot dog*

    enty, no more shia unless it includes the Olive Garden tie.

    GREAT pic of marion c. wow!

    Technobohemian? fail.

    seriously, kelly clarkson is pregnant, right?

    lady gaga is no lady.

    aww, pretty readers and reader babies. yay for the wee ones!

    eep drew. btw, yanni was at the sat. game also in marlins gear.

    no, rumer, NO.

    wow reese!

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Yanni with short hair and no facial hair? Yeah, never would've guessed.

    Cool shoulder tats Reader #4.

    I will be first in line to see the Tina Fey/Steve Carell movie. FIRST IN LINE!

    Shia's bike looks awfully small, is it one of those foldable things?

  14. the gorgeous readers again solidify my idea NOT to send mine in! :-)

  15. Mooshki, have you sent your photo in yet?

  16. Bale looks too thin!
    Depp agrees to hide his dirty hair!
    Cotillard looks great!

  17. Yay for Elaine Hendrix--a genuinely nice person in a rockin' AC/DC tshirt!

  18. WTF?

    Did Drew lose a foot of leg or what? This photo cannot be a true representation or else her legs are total stumps.

    And that's MR. Ehrlacher, Enty :)

  19. ...or however he spells it.

  20. Is it me or do Drew Barrymore's legs look really weird - not the tights, but almost like they were photoshopped or something.

    I hate to criticize the kids of the famous because they really were born into their situation, but WTF is going on with Rumer? Can't pose, hideous dress, bad hair... hello, stylist??

  21. Reader #4 .... wow!!!!

    "I'm out!" {slams money on table}

  22. MNgddess, I work with a lot of people so there's a chance I would be recognized, and then I couldn't post as freely anymore and that would break my heart. :)

  23. LOL, see what I posted in the entry below this one, and you'll see why. I could NOT have talked about that if I thought my co-workers were reading!

  24. Re: Yanni - when I was younger, many moons ago, I had a friend Emily. Emily asked her mum what she wanted for her birthday. Her mum said a Yanni CD. Why? "Because his music heals people. Or maybe you could get me an alarm clock..."

    Good times.

  25. I have a second question for Heather Locklear: Are you ever going to see a hair stylist again? 'Cause it's been an awfully long time since that mane looked good.

  26. OMG did y'all see the photo of Beyonce in this gold get-up that MK posted today?

    WAY too bulgy and WAY too unflattering. Shes not gonna like that...I know I wouldn't.

    ('Course I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that get-up.)

  27. Aw, I love the reader pics. #3 - that's great!

  28. Aw, I love the reader pics. #3 - that's great!

  29. Lady GaGa! Damnnnnn girl! Let's see Madonna top THAT!

    Great reader photos!

  30. AJ McLean looks like Paul Giamatti. And real classy look, AJ, carrying a pack of cigarettes and a lighter around.

  31. Is Beyonce looking really thick, or is that the intent of the outfit? Either way, she's looking awful.

    I'd kill to own and fit into Reese's dress. Gorgeous.

    I like Emily Osment. The real highlight of Hannah Montana.

    Geesh, I sound like I'm 14 years old today!

  32. Billy Dec is a douche. I can say that with absolute certainty!

  33. Thanks for putting my pic up Enty (I'm #3!) and for people's comments. I love this blog!

    I foresee lots of people copying Lady Gaga's outfit at this year's Pride parade in SF.

  34. I don't get Lady Gaga. Just what we need another tramp for our children to adore. Gross.

    My son has Billy Idol's hair color and cut. Hilarious. Billy is still cool as hell.

    I guess no daily dose of Twilight today. I heard Rob got hit by cab when fleeing fans one day and then the next day was attacked (!!!) by fans trying to hug him. Poor guy. No wonder he is fearful of crowds.

  35. AJ looks like he could be slappywhite's cousin. Holy hips, Bébé! Classified must be classified because I've never heard of him.

    Ent, that's not a nice comment about Eliza!

    Heather Locklear looks cracked out in that pic. Is it me, or do all those Technobohemian shirts look pretty much the same? Kelly needs some Technobohemian. The Queen does look good.

    Pachuquita, you made me laugh! I didn't realize Reader 4 had tattoos. I thought it was a reflection.

    Judging by the crowd behind Shiloh, they don't know who she is either.

  36. Billy Idol looks wonderful

    Heather Locklear needs some serious-ass conditioner for that 'do

    Johnny Depp - yum

    Love Malkovich... Ever seen the video on the underground trunk show?

    I want GaGa's outfit for a temper tantrum at work :)

    Love the reader photos - I can't send mine in for the same reason as Mooshki's

    Drew needs fashion intervention - but I like her shoes and want her hat.

  37. Billy Idol looks great!

    I'm not a "Deppaloonie" but I just *love* that pic of Johnny. So cute! Can't wait to see him in Alice in Wonderland next year!

    Gaga has got to gogo.

    LMAO at the 'Squidward dress'

    Awesome reader photos - great tats #4!

    Rumer is unfortunate looking and fashion-challenged, but she appears to be getting scary skinny too.

    Reese's dress is hot!

  38. Regarding the pic of Reader #4...

    Hi. My name is Jerry. Come here often?

  39. I don't get why people talk up B's legs...they are so shapeless in the thigh area. Those are cheerleader tights.

    As for Drew's legs...I think the high top chucks and baggy leggings are the culprit. Just the other day my friend and I were recalling the peg-leg stirrup pants we wore in middle school with “boyfriend” blazers in primary colors…why, why, why?…it is as if we were trying to make our figures look bad…cankle city.

    Kim could have on a wig but I am sure she also wears extensions so who knows how long her hair really is.

    Rumer…I just don’t even know where to start but it continues to amaze me that Demi and Bruce had such unfortunate looking children. And Rumer’s weird hair and wardrobe choices don’t help.

  40. reese is beautiful.

    reader no 1&2 - awwwww!

    i will see any movie with fey and carell...

  41. I saw Billy Idol and thought it was Siegfried from Siegfried and Roy.

  42. what's up with the AJ comment?

  43. lol

    reader #4 ( thats me! ) says thanks for the tattoo compliments!

    I actually have my right arm sleeved now and I luuuv it!

  44. Rumer always looks like she's trying way too hard.
