Monday, June 01, 2009

Put On My Television Show Or I Will Hurt You

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be one of your country's most popular television stars? People calling out to you wherever you go and your show the highest rated in the country. Then, one day the show gets tired and so gets canceled and you start to fade in popularity. After four or five years, people still remember who you are, but it is nothing like you once had. So, what do you do to get it back?

If you are Israeli television host Dudu Topaz you pitch your new ideas just like everyone else. However, unlike everyone else, if you said no to Dudu, apparently he would get someone to beat you up. Dudu was arrested yesterday on charges that he was the mastermind behind the assault of a television agent and two television executives who had rejected his ideas for new television shows. Dudu allegedly hired several people to carry out the assaults and they were also arrested.

On the bright side, Dudu now is famous again.


  1. I can't believe a guy with the name Dudu made it big in the first place.

  2. I can't believe the first comment about this is slandering an Islraeli name.


  3. eep. i can't get past how funny his name sounds to my americanized ears. ;)

    not slamming mr. topaz (last name is fun too!), but teehee.

    $5 my name would sound pretty funny to him too.

  4. And I can't believe you're taking it that seriously. I doubt Ms. Cool even thought about the origin.
    It's just funny.

  5. Oh shoot. I really wasn't thinking about the origin - just pronouncing it out loud in my head when reading the post. Sorry about any lapse of class on my part.

  6. ms. cool, you've done nothing that requires apologizing. to call it "slander" is a stretch. regular CDANers know your post history isn't slanderous to any race, color or creed.

    lighten up people.

  7. We're all in deep Dudu now.

  8. Who are the Islraelis?

  9. Thanks, Jax and Pookie. It is my first comment slam (that I know of). :-(

  10. Ms. Cool, it IS a funny sounding name to us as it appeals to our inner kindergardener. I second Pookie; lighten up people, she meant no harm. :-P

  11. Dude, Dudu is in deep doodoo.

  12. C'mon. I don't give a rat's ass what country the dudude is from, personally.

    Who wouldn't make fun of it? I got $100 says plenty of Jewish Americans would do the same!

    I know we should be adult and mature and understanding of other cultures, but this name just screams for some good old fashioned ribbing, like the Korean Taepo-Dong missile did...

  13. Anonymous1:33 PM

    dudu does sound funny.

  14. Oh, and how odd that that the guy's name gets defended but his alleged despicable thug ways are not even mentioned?

    That's what I can't believe...

  15. added to my 'to do list':

    buy book with names from every country in the world so i won't comment that a name is funny and piss off some thin-skinned asshole on CDAN.

  16. you said Dudu

    *giggles in corner*

  17. lol@nancer. made my day.

  18. dudu is a nickname for david just trying to clarify

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. yeah, like mooshki isn't a funny nickname (lulz at moosh)! :)

  21. On one hand, beating up television executives is a terrible thing to do. On the other hand, maybe it's not.

  22. Understanding, yes, unless you've actually worked in Israeli show business. Ugh.
