Friday, June 19, 2009

PS 22 - Just Dance - Lady GaGa

If you haven't seen the 5th graders from PS22 in New York City perform their versions of top 40 hits you have been missing out. I have been meaning to post one of their videos for awhile, and now, for their end of the school year they did their version of Just Dance. It is definitely worth 3 minutes of your time.


  1. Despite the cognotive dissonance of seeing a bunch of 10 year olds sing these lyrics, these kids are talented!

  2. Wow. That little girl sounds better than Lady GaGa does. hah.

  3. if you've never heard their version of Fleetwood Mac's Landslide, i suggest you find it immediately and be in awe of it's awesomeness.

  4. That was fabulous. Thanks for making me smile - BIG ;)

  5. The music teacher seems to be really into it.

    Pretty girl singing - great bone structure. Imagine how she'd look if the stylists got at her.

  6. Empyrios, you are so right. Their version of landslide is really beautiful.

  7. yeah, that teacher is so into them and inspires them i bet.

  8. I love to watch and hear these beautiful kids sing. I love to see the natural joy and exuberance they have before the real world sets in. Or maybe this school is a respite from the real world for them.

    Whatever the case, one of the best things is you can tell the teacher loves his job.

  9. i love ps22! they do GREAT tori amos too! awww enty, you should post their blog link. they've got great stuff.

    and i'm w/ rachel...the little girl does a far better job than gaga ever could. go her!

  10. Hahaha, I love these kids! I see someone already suggested "Landslide", so I will just agree. It's pretty.

  11. That was fantastic, totally made my shitty day! Thanks ENTy, will search out Landslide at the recommendation of the comments in here.

  12. I got about half way through this and HAD to comment- that was AWESOME. That little girl singing has that certain "don't know what it is" (and got NO clue how to write it in French) and I got goosebumps watching those kids rockin' it out. How fun and how refreshing.

  13. Thanks for sharing that Enty.

  14. hey, let's hear it for the TEACHER. that's what i love----this is what a great teacher can do for kids.

  15. Another great argument for stopping all the cuts to arts funding for schools!!!

  16. Let me just add that this is a welcome palate cleanser after posts about Beyonce and Dina Lohan.

  17. I danced with my son at his wedding to their version of Landslide. I cried when I first heard it and knew I have found "the" song.

  18. Kudos to the teacher!

    Awesomeness all around!!!!

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I love how enthusiastic this teacher is, and agree with you, Mooshki. Don't cut arts!

    They sang beautifully, and I'm going to check out Landslide.

  20. Mooshki, I was just twittering about keeping $ in schools for music/arts. GMTA. :)

  21. wowie. lady gg better swoop in and get her little mini me a job!

  22. This chorus teacher always comes up with the most brilliant songs for the kids. Kudos to the chorus.

  23. That was outstanding, and I really appreciated that they changed a few of the words so she wasn't talking about turning her shirt inside out but the party instead :)

    I really wanna see landslide as it is one of my favorite songs!

  24. Wow.. I just watched Landslide and a bunch of their other videos. They are awesome! Surprised I never heard of them before!!

  25. What an awesome music teacher! And what a bunch of talented kids. This is why the arts need to remain in schools.

  26. McDooks: It's "je ne sais quoi" and I agree with you wholeheartedly. Those kids have got it, whatever it is. :]

  27. that was my grammar school! and one of the girls is my friend's daughter. Go PS 22!

  28. Love these kids, esp. the girl singing! Thanks so much for sharing this Enty, it's FABULOUS.

  29. Their tacher is also to be commended. He really works w/these students. Did anyone see PS22's AI competition. These kids are so talented. I hope it brings dollars to expand and continue the music program.
