Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Photo Licensing Fees - I Need Some Help

Over the past year or so as the credit crisis has hit, photo agencies have raised their rates considerably. What used to cost $100 a month now costs sometimes as much as $1000 per month every month. I have always been happy to pay these costs, because I like the pictures and there was always a trickle of ad money to help defray some of the cost. Now though, some of the agencies are raising their rates again and with a huge drop in ad revenue due to companies cutting back, I am looking at some very large out of pocket costs to keep providing great pictures.

One of the main agencies I use is going to cut me off tomorrow night at midnight if I don't pay their annual subscription price. So, it is with that in mind that I come to you and ask for your help in defraying some of this subscription cost. I appreciate the readers who have purchased ads and that has helped a great deal but I am still several thousand dollars short.

If you are so inclined I would greatly appreciate $5 or $10 or whatever you are able to donate between now and tomorrow night. I know many of you are suffering through the recession or are unemployed and I love being able to write for you and let you have a few minutes each day where you don't have to think about anything other than how many typos one blogger can make in a day.

Not to make this sound like a PBS pledge drive, but for those of you who donate $50, I will send you a copy of Amber Tamblyn's new book Bang Ditto when it is released or a copy of her older book Free Stallion and have her write in it whatever it is you want her to write.

In addition, whatever money is raised above the $6500 goal, I will donate it to a charity we can all vote on later in the week.

Again, I hate to ask for your help, but I am hoping you will be willing to chip in a few dollars. I am not very good at asking for money and hopefully the economy will pick up before this time again next year so this will be the only time I ever have to ask. If you just click on the donate button, you will be directed to PayPal where you can use a check or a credit card or your PayPal account. You might not think that $5 or $10 will make a difference, but with so many readers, every little bit helps, and it adds up quickly.

Thanks again. All of you are the best readers any guy could hope for.


  1. Done !
    Cant have my favorite website without pictures.

  2. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Does clicking on ads help too???

  3. I hope my contribution helps too! :)

  4. five bucks for the best entertainment around? No problem!

  5. I have less than 3 bucks in my paypal atm and the transfer funds take at least 3 days. I want to help, but would it be okay if I donated in the next few days?

  6. Enty, I'm so glad you did this. I've always wanted a way to give something tangible back, but there was no way to send you a Christmas present or anything without knowing where to send it to. I know you intend this as a one-time thing, but I would REALLY love it if you kept the "Donate" button permanently over on the side of the blog so we can continue to give any time we like. You spend hours every day writing for us, and honestly, it would make me feel so good to be able to give something back from time to time, apart from the obvious "THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU WONDERFUL MAN!!!" messages. :)

  7. Just had another thought - I happily spend $10 almost every weekend to see a movie that may or may not be a total crapfest, and how much more enjoyment do I get from 5 days a week of CDaN?!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. As soon as I can figure out paypal I'm there! Thanks for giving us a chance to give back to you.

  10. lol @ "Not to make this sound like a PBS pledge drive..."

    teehee, you would soooooooo have sucked as a tele-evangelist!

    *off to paypal*

  11. Done!

    I've paid subscription fees for lesser websites. What took you so long to ask?

  12. I'm glad to help out! I bet you will be overwhelmed with the response.

  13. It's the least we (The Villagers, hehehehe) can do. Every little bit helps!

  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Regarding photo licenses, EL:

    I've been directed by Splash to some photo websites that allow you to use great photos without worrying about having the licensing fees. They generally have pictures of just about everything on there, except of course for exclusives. You do have to use their HTML code to post them, instead of saving and uploading...but it sure beats having to pay!

  15. I GLADLY sent a donation! CDAN keeps me sane Monday thru Friday.

  16. I wanted to help so badly, not only because I love CDAN, but because I am a sucker for Amber Tamblyn and her poetry. But I don't have a credit card and am in Brazil, so I just can't =((((

    I'm very very very upset now.

  17. Enty,
    I'm in, I went to paypal as soon as I read this message. I hope you get enough. I'm not a big talker, but i'm on this blog all day long, several times a day. Love it, and you, and everyone here.

  18. Done. Glad I could help out.

  19. Just donated. Thanks for everything!

  20. I don't have much to donate (wedding in 5 farking days o_O), but I'll chip in $10, because I'll be damned if I can't get my gossip fix!

    <3 you Enty! Thanks for a fabulous site :)

  21. Done. It is a treat to come to your site - especially when there is a Daniel Craig photo. *sigh* XOXO

  22. I am not very good at asking for money...
    You're not really a lawyer, are you? Ah, what the hell -- donation on the way.

  23. couldn't do too much, but payment has been made. Love you, the photos, the snark and the posters!

  24. I would love to send you funds but hands are tied (as well as account) until Friday's payday :(

    Leave the link up somewhere though and there'll be some sent then. Can't be without CDAN any more.

  25. You are the best Enty and you know that we will always be here for you as you are always there for us!

  26. I'm with West End Girl...REALLY want to help but am broke until Friday...stupid flooded basement....keep the link up for future donations...

  27. @pinkleburr - same thing with my PayPal account. You can just pay straight from your CC. That's what I did.

    Done and done. Glad to help out, Enty!

  28. Done! I'm so happy for the day a friend told me I HAD to visit your site. It's hands-down the best gossip site around and that's solely because of you. You're a good man, Charlie Brown, err, I mean Enty. Thank you so much for giving us work avoidance material every day. :-)

  29. Paging Mr. Affleck.

    We could use your help, dude.

  30. We got your backs, Ent. You owe me a double double and animal style fries.

  31. I gave what I could. With the entertainment you have provided me, I wish I could afford more.

  32. done and done- gave what I could and matched it with my favorite charity- which I feel that I have to do whenever I donate

  33. Done! I couldn't as much as I would've liked to, since I'm jobless, but I hope it helps. I love this site so much, I look forward the posts, the photos and the comments every day! Thanks!

  34. broke as a joke till the 1st! keep the link up!

  35. Anonymous9:38 AM

    More than happy to help out :)

    PayPal sent!

  36. I am also broke as a joke however I did donate a few dollars for the cause. I know its not a lot at all but I can donate a little more later when I get some more money. I love this site.

  37. You gots my money too!

    Ever thought about making CDAN a 501 (c)(3) organization? I mean, your gossip news and blinds are charitable to the masses who follow you!

  38. Done! I had 50.15 in my account and you got the $50! :) the least I could do!

  39. I'm happy to donate to the cause! I love your blog :)

    You should ask all of the readers that donated to send in their pics and have a special post with all of them!!


  40. Off to paypal now...

  41. Aww, that's so sweet, Green Wave Gal! You have to help me brainstorm about the inscription for our books - I'm thinking we should all make Amber give us hints about Enty's true identity. After all, he did say "whatever it is you want!" LOL! (I'm kidding, Enty!)

  42. lol...good call moosh!

    Maybe Amber has some cute, single, straight guy friends she could introduce me too?

    I could meet her first if she wanted to screen me. ;)

  43. p.s.

    Hilary: that's truly awesome. you're a finer human being than i, lol.

  44. Would you mind keeping this up permanentely, or at least as long as possible? I'm out of work right now but would gladly donate once I get back on my feet. You are the best, Enty, and certainly worth it!

  45. I am the worst person in the world with no credit cards or a Paypal account. If I had either of these, Enty would have a nice fat donation from me. I seriously check CDaN dozens of times a day! Good luck with the donations and I'll try to con one of my technologically inclined friends to make a donation on my behalf!

  46. Enty - Thanks for giving us the opportunity to support CDAN. I will donate today.

    For people without online accounts, perhaps you can set up a P.O. Box?

    Also, while your decision to donate to a charity is fantastic - and super big-hearted - I encourage you to wait until the end of the summer. Knowing you have a little extra in your account will allow you to not worry and spend that energy on doing what you do so well - delivering an amazing original online experience.

  47. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Grr. I was hoping to use up the balance on some of my Christmas gift cards on this, unfortunately PayPal won't accept them. :(

    I guess I'll have to break down and give PayPal my credit card #.

  48. Please leave the link up for as long as possible. Pay Pal says it cannot validate my debit card so I'll need to figure something else out. Frustrating!!

  49. Happy to help!
    How do we let you know what Amber should write . . .? Maybe she should just come over for dinner!!
    Thanks for making each week bearable!

  50. Re-setting my forgotten password from Paypal: 6 minutes

    Checking through my online bank statement to see how much I could afford to give: 8 minutes

    Donation to the cause: $20

    Enty's pics and snark: Priceless....


  52. Been reading here for several months but haven't posted before. Glad to be able to help out a bit for daily entertainment! And I agree with the others, leave up the donation button so that we can continue to pay you back for the endless hours of pure entertainment you provide us!

  53. Aww Enty. I hate to think you are stressing. It's my birthday today, so of course I donated. It's my gift to myself. Selfish little bastards around here overlook Monday birthdays :(

    Thanks for all you do for us ((Enty))


  55. Happy Birthday MyGeorgie!!!

  56. Just sent in $10. Hope it helps.

  57. Thanx Chics! Raising my tequila & coffee to all CDaN'rs! Maple syrup rum cake to follow in honour of Big Guy :)

  58. 20 bucks comin' atcha, Enty!

    Keep up the good work.

    Love, sk

  59. donation is sent :)

    Hope it helps ENTY!

  60. So happy to help...

    xoxo ~j

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Emma I see you didn't post but Vitazzzzza just told me and thanks for donating on all 3 of our behalfs :) You know we are a couple of desitute peeps up here, passing around that perpetual 20! LOL ;)

  63. Glad to help enty....Just donated and got my receipt in my in-box...Will you be updating the totals throughout the day so we can see how you are doing?

  64. Glad to help too! Many thanks for all that you do. :)

  65. Done! Can't wait to see how quickly you make the needed money, Enty! Not only is your site good and your writing funny, the fact that you eventually reveal Blind Items makes this my favorite ever gossip site.

    Oh, and the other people commenting here are a lot of fun too!

  66. Jenn, Vitazza no problem!!! We love you ENTY :)

  67. Happy Birthday, mygeorgie!

    I'm so happy to see everyone helping out! Even to all those lurkers out there who donated, too.

  68. please keep the donate link up and let us know when your goal amount is reached.

  69. Karmen, that's 'cause CDaNers KICK ASS!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  70. I love seeing all of this love from the CDAN readers! I feel it too, off to paypal!

  71. I'm with the other poster who doesn't have Paypal or a c.c. Can I just mail you some Canadian money, Ent?

  72. Dang Enty, wish you would have asked on the fifteenth or the first of the month..I could have given more.

    Donated $5. I hope it helps!

  73. $20 to you Enty! It's the least that I could do for the hours of entertainment you bring to my work week :)

  74. Done and done! Thanks, Enty!

  75. Donation is en route. Thanks, Enty!

  76. Done. It's a small price to pay considering how many hours I've spent on this site.

  77. Wow. Just wow. It's bad enough you lie about who you are, what this site is and deceive all these people (good people who've taken you at your word) but to do this is really low. Your taking their money. Heather, how do you sleep at night?

  78. Littleoleme, you're an idiot.

  79. And even if you were right (which you aren't), it's not like we're not getting our "money's worth." Even if he (she) made up every single thing on the site, it's still amusing as hell. How much would you pay for a good book? And Enty has given us far more than a book's worth of humor.

  80. Thanks Mooshki!!!! Agree with you 100%

  81. good point Mooshki

    but don't be baited by the morons. that's exactly what they want and it's not worth your time :)

  82. there's always one sociopath in the bunch, lol

  83. Happy Birthday, mygeorgie!

    And littleoleme, it's you're, not your. If you want to accuse Enty of something, put your name on it. Don't hide behind an empty blogger profile.

  84. Mooshki, your entitled to your own opinion as we all are. I just think it's disgusting to lie to people every day. She's lying to people who believe her and take "Enty" at his word. Who go so far as to defend him. And as Bad Fish pointed out there are ways to legally get photos without having to pay for them. My point is she's ripping off her own, devoted fans. I think that's terrible.

  85. Glad to help out! Thanks for all that you do, Enty.

  86. The day I donate money to an entertainment lawyer will be the day pigs sprout wings and fly.
    And to make one little point to you Mooshki (whom I respect btw, just to be clear): it's one thing for a writer to write a book and be paid for it; it's another to spread gossip and (in some cases I am sure) slander and then put a hand out begging for money.
    The very idea of bleeding people for money in this economy is disgusting. If you can't afford the pictures then maybe you should spend less time gossiping and more time working at your JOB as a lawyer.

  87. You're right, empyrios. It's been so long since we had a good trolling, I'd forgotten the proper procedure for dealing with them. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  88. Thanks for the spelling lesson Lil!
    I find it interesting that you want me to out myself. Why? I have to give you my social insurance number before I can have an opinion? I have to list my favourite movies before I feel bad for other people being lied to?

  89. Just tell me the singer with aids and I will pop in $500. Ok, I will donate something even if you don't.

  90. You know, you can call me a troll or whatever but in case you're (see Lil, I can learn!) you are all missing the point, I'm trying to call this blog writer out for the horrible way she's treating all of you. I think readers always assume I'n yelling or ranting my remarks. I'm not. They are always meant to be read in a calm manner. And WBotW - that was great. I couldn't have said it any better. And you made a really good point. So a lawyer, an entertainment lawyer with celeb clients, can't afford to pay photo fees?

  91. Well then hopefully this donation puts more good karma my way!! Regardless who needs it and what they need it for.

  92. littleoleme - I would call you a loser, someone with too much time on there hand, petty, without a sense of humor, needing to get laid, but never a troll.

  93. Done and I don't care what the deal is. Like my $15 is going to break me.I've help others with Enty(Derrick Brown) and its seemed legit before. This is a great website. And I hope it stays that way.

  94. KO Ent - went and got a prepaid cc so I could open a pay pal account and the money is going your way - even US$ - lol

    Thank you yet again for the community that I have enjoyed for years now - this seems like such a small token in exchange for the smiles you've given me and the countless number of days your words have made a shitty day seem okay.

  95. Beautifully said, Emma. :) No matter what, the spirit of generosity so many of you have demonstrated is beautiful.

  96. Littleolme- Enty is not Heather, i am not Heather, Enty is not a women and I am not a man. Hez and jax are two seperate people.

    if you're going to waste your own time, fine, but at least get your information right. a lil simple search around blogger would get you the answers you sooooo crave.

  97. @mygeorgie: Happy Birthday

    @Elaine: That Form 1023 is about a million pages long. Yeah, I exaggerate, but it really feels like it's never ending.

    @WBotW and littleoleme: It's entertainment. Budweiser doesn't give me beer based on whether I want to pay for it or not. Plenty of actors and studio execs make more money in a month than I will make in my lifetime, but they're not putting out many movies for free. I think everyone here who has donated feels they've gotten a pretty decent entertainment bargain. I know I feel that way.

    Whoever Enty is, I <3 Enty.

  98. Mooshki, may good karma come ALL of our way. We all been in a "time of need" no matter what it's for.

  99. littleoleme - Out yourself in the manner you describe? No, of course not. It certainly isn't necessary for you to provide a social security number or your home address before you call someone out. However, when criticizing someone, it lends credence to your argument if you're not hiding. I mean, come on. Own your criticism. I don't have my last name on my profile but I do have information about me, I have my name, my blog address, and other details that show who I am. If I thought Enty was trying to scam all of us out of money, I wouldn't hide while I called him on it.

    That said, even if it isn't really an entertainment lawyer running this site, he/she does a damn good job, has some good info, and is incredibly entertaining. The persona is part of the fun of the site. If he/she needs a little help providing said entertainment to all of us loyal readers, then I'm happy to contribute.

    And thanks for fixing the your/you're thing. It's just a silly pet peeve of mine. :-)

  100. Donated, and happily. As has been pointed out by others, I subscribe to other blogs and sites that aren't nearly as enjoyable, so this was a no-brainer.

    @WBotW and littleoleme: Why are you here? Why do you read anything on this blog? Take your absurd self-righteousness somewhere else. Trolls.

  101. After thinking about it, I think that you have good intentions - crusading for the 'truth.' I just don't think that the truth has much relevance on an entertainment gossip site. :)

  102. I'm afraid I'm paypal'd out due to very sad circumstances for a local family.

  103. Jax is right -- do a simple search, and you'll find the answers. It took me a LONG ASSED TIME to get with the program and figure it out myself.

    Go, Ent, go, Ent!

  104. I've been enjoying your blog for some time. Here's 20. bucks.
    Hope it helps.
    p.s. If you get more than you need...maybe you could keep it for next month? Donating is great but it looks like you could use it this time.

  105. "this seems like such a small token in exchange for the smiles you've given me and the countless number of days your words have made a shitty day seem okay."

    Ah, poetry to my ears, jlb! :)

  106. Happy to donate! Hell, BI reveal day alone is worth a donation!

  107. Done! I live for my 20 minutes of CDAN!!

  108. ps Enty- feel the love from your readers...i am amazed. i'll donate from home tonight, my work has blocked portions and can't complete donation!

    If is could i'd give you the rest...god knows $3726.31 wouldn't make up for how much you've inspired in all of us.

  109. believe it or not, I've made some good friends here...even if we don't see each other...the support is there. I can honestly say that during my recent cancer scare, mooshki, adrian and bunny were more supportive than some of my real-life friends!

    That's priceless! :)

  110. @ jax:

    so true. you really can't put a price on actually laughing out loud while you're stuck in front of a computer at a job you hate. sometimes this site is my escape. sometimes it just inspires me enough to get through my day.

  111. Who are Hez/Heather/Ent? What? I think I'm late to the party.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. lol @ Sue Ellen. I hear ya.

    and man, don't eff with Selenakyle! :D Nice use of the word "nebulously" btw. I love that word.

  114. I kinda remember something about Hez back in my non-posting days. I think it involved Jax and Bad Fish(who used to be another name) I think people were accusing one or the other(or both) of being Ent or something along those lines, but I don't know the true e-hollywood story on it. Can someone fill in the blanks?

  115. Sue Ellen, back in the bad ole days, there was MUCHO drama on the site. Hez (I didn't know her real name was Heather) was a regular commenter, and many people were convinced she was actually Enty. And then a bunch of people decided that Jax was Hez/Enty as well. LOL! I read the blog back then, but not much of the comments, and I'm glad I missed it. I've looked back at some of it, and I wouldn't have wanted to be in the middle of that mess. :)

  116. Removed my last comment 'cause I'm a dork but basically, I don't care if jax is enty or mooshki is enty or enty is Paris Hilton. The site is fun and entertaining - end of story.

    However, I do think we're overlooking who Enty obviously is. Say it with me now:


    There's a reason he's the answer to all the blind items, dontcha know. :-)

  117. And that probably has a lot to do with why I get so touchy when there are hints of drama getting started again.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. LOL, Lil!!! Okay, for the most part, I agree with you, but this:

    "...or enty is Paris Hilton."


  120. I've been wondering what to do with that silly money in my paypal account....sorry it wasn't more, ENTY, but I'm heading to LA in September and need all the coin I can save!!

  121. The internet is pretty retarded and gross sometimes. It makes me think of a Chapelle skit where he puts the idea of the internet in a shopping mall. Nast.

  122. wow. way to bring back 2006 board drama.


    i think the important thing to keep in mind is that this is a great blog w/ an awesome community of CDNAers. we may be united in the name of gossip, but we are a world apart from the tmz and perezes (first!) of the world, and that's a really great thing.

    enty has been able to bring us all together...we are all ages, from all over, we belong to all races, creeds, and political affiliations. how absolutely freaking cool is that? we are beautiful in our diversity and have enty to thank for that.

    so thank you, enty, for this functionally dysfunctional boardie family. you keep us entertained and brighten our day more than you know.

  123. Sue Ellen, I remember a few years ago I dipped my toes into commenting on IMDB, and I quickly learned my lesson - that place is a CESSPOOL! Communities like ours are very fragile and precious.

  124. To add to the drama - props to Enty for even asking. I would think that might be a little embarassing/mortifying. So good for you, Enty, for reaching out to your friends for help. Whoever you are. Love you!

  125. Mooshki:

    I know all about the internet dramz and even when I feel like I want to call someone out or tell them they are boring, I don't because that isn't what this site is about. I also like that the people on here aren't 12 and actually have some well thought out posts in addition to the fact that whomever Ent is, he/she reveals blinds. That being said, I am also not convinced Ent is who they claim to be, though they must have some sort of connections, being able to get readers into events and such, plus the guest posts. So I don't know. All I know is that I like reading it and as long as nothing bad happens to me I don't care much who Ent really is.

  126. *sheepishly*

    Yes, when I get pissed I use a nice lingual mix of the vulgar and the imperious.

    Sorry for lashing out irrationally at littleoleme.

  127. @Pookie - well said. I feel as though that should've been prefaced with "Ya know, gang, I've learned something today."

    @Lil - Agreed with Mooshki! I almost choked when I read that.

    @ Green Wave Gal - Sorry to hear what you've been going through. I think it's awesome that you've been getting so much support from all the CDaNers.

    Now for my bit: Although I love Dlisted, I love commenting on here so much more. This is a really good blog community. Ew. I feel all sappy and stupid now. Gotta sip on my haterade to level it out.

  128. Dlisted requires too much energy. Everyone over there tries to be MK.

  129. Selena Kyle, first off, I never called any of the readers here idiots. Go back and look at the comments here and show me where I used the word idiot to desribe the commneters. I did not use that word at all.

    Heather is a freelance writer who some feel is the creator of this blog and one of its multiple writers. She is based in Vancouver. She also used to comment on this site under the name of Hez when it was first created.

  130. Sue Ellen, oh, I agree completely, "Enty" is a mixture of fantasy and reality. I think it's funny when people speculate about Enty in a friendly way.

  131. After thinking about my last comment I decided to delete mine as I didn't want to add to any negative vibes. So I will just say Thank you to all the bloggers on here whose opinions are shared and, no matter what my opinion is, I don't feel shamed into not sharing it. For the most part you are all very welcoming and, when I do decide to share a story, I feel welcomed even when someone finds something funny about what I posted. It has happened and, when it was pointed out, I laughed also knowing the spirit in which the comments were posted.

  132. I'm usually just a lurker, but I love CD&N so I'm happy to help support the site!

    Thanks Enty!

  133. I'm such a cheap ass....but I donated some money...its not much but I hope it can help.

    Just know if this was perez hilton asking I would have never donated a dime.

    Just saying.

  134. What I find even more interesting than a supposed entertainment lawyer not being able to pay for photo fees is the fact that he doesn't even appear to be posting exclusive pay-per-use photos. He raids the StarPulse.com bins when its time to do a picture dump. For free. All the time. Go compare the ones SP has and the ones he always has.

    And do you see him posting batches of pictures just for the hell of it, like Dlisted or Hollywood Rag? No. Its usually only to illustrate his point, and even then its a solo picture here and there. I don't believe he has need to pay thousands of dollars a month.

    He doesn't need this money for photos. He should at least be up front.

    And let's not forget that most of these blinds are simply reworded from the more obscure celebrity stories, he's most certainly not an entertainment lawyer...in fact I'd be willing to bet the farm he's just some wannabe writer who's testing out a lot of his material on an unwitting audience. I'm glad you're all entertained (though for the life of me I barely know why, considering his confusing style of writing is subpar and his jokes are lackluster at best.) and that you feel you got your money's worth, but I for one won't be participating. Especially when they are alternatives to using expensive photo agencies. But I guess that's a lame option in light of a free and clear 2000 bucks from your lap dog readers.

  135. Please, no more drama. I can hardly raise my head from the desk after having to hear about the Perez/will i am debacle. I come here for comedy, drama and smart people with brains and heart. And I like the majority of the commenters and stories. Couldn't donate much, but couldn't afford to pay for all the laughs/tears/excitement this site has given me over the past couple of years if I was billed for it!

  136. I remember Hez but never knew her name was Heather.

    I apologized and meant it.

  137. I Want To Go To There, I'm honestly curious, why do you come here if that's how you feel about his writing? Time is so much more precious to me than money, when I don't enjoy a site, I'm out of there.

  138. Selena, I'm hoping LOM was composing her message and didn't see your apology before posting. Another thing to love about CDaNers - the ability to listen to someone else's perspective and admit when you're wrong. :)

  139. I'm in for $10.00 which was all I could afford but hope it helps a little!

  140. And don't YOU start calling us stupid, either, IWTGTT.

    A "lap dog" I'm certainly NOT. A successful business owner who happens to work from home and doesn't get out much, I AM.

    So I spend my afternoons hopping onto CDAN--BFD.

    Since TV is too vacuous to even tolerate and my industry doesn't lend itself to being friendly with colleagues, I like the camaraderie here regardless of whom is the real writer..

    Deal with it.

  141. If he was a writer by trade his posts wouldn't be confusing and hard to read at times. He/she/whatever would automatically practice proper grammar, structure and punctuation.

  142. That's it, I'm officially referring to Enty from now on as "He/she/whatever."

  143. Mooshki - That's what I don't get, either. If you don't like a site or someone's writing, then don't go there. Don't read it. I can't stand Howard Stern so I don't listen to his show. If other people like him, hooray for them. Life's too short to waste that kind of time and energy on something I don't like. I like Enty (he/she/whatever - ha!) so I'll waste my time (and a little moolah, too) over here.

    Besides, Ben's got two kids and a wife to feed. He needs our help! :-)

  144. Lil, not to mention the stripper bills!!! Hell, if I knew my donation was going down someone's g-string, I still would've made it! :)

  145. LOL Mooshki. Heck, I should have donated more. I totally forgot the stripper bills. *headsmack* Poor Ben.

  146. Happydog - that is hilarious!

  147. I have never understood for the life of me why some people who claim to hate/dislike certain sites/things and yet spend so much time commenting on them. So much time that they can write paragraph after paragraph pointing out what they think is wrong. In order to do that you would have to spend a significant amount of time on the site that you supposedly hate. How hard is it to click the little (x) in the corner of your browser window if the website you are on bothers you so much?

  148. @ cajun cutie - Amen!

  149. Hmmm, I've had two comments not make it to this site in the last half an hour.

    First off, Mooshki you were right. I did not see Selena's apology as I was writing my response, got interrupted by work and then was able to send it.

    For those who ask why I keep coming here - it's a combo of I'm hoping some day this will all be revealed and seeing what other people are figuring it out. I don't like people being manipulated. Hey, I could be completely wrong. But if I am right I don't want people giving money to a person who is manipulating them into doing so. If you read all the comments I'm not the only one who questions this plea or this site.

    If you're entertained and want to give money then that's your right. I didn't think it was a horrible thing to question CDAN's creator as to how they could do this and not feel awful about it.

  150. littleoleme: it's never horrible to question anything. it's your right to do so.

    but short of showing everyone photographic proof of some evil genius rubbing his/her hands together while doing a MUAHAHAHAHAHA sound and rolling around in a pile of money, i don't think anyone really cares or sees any harm in this at all.

  151. "I didn't think it was a horrible thing to question CDAN's creator as to how they could do this and not feel awful about it."

    All I know is that from my perspective, you are accusing a person that I care about (whoever He/she/whatever may be) of being a bad person, and that upsets me.

  152. Oh, drama llama!

    In the past, I've been thoroughly disappointed with the real-life identities of some of my favourite bloggers/forum posters in my day, but I don't give a shit who Enty is in his/her/whatever real life. I am happy with the image of a sweaty fat man in a darken basement drinking 40s of vodka.

    This site has been a must-read for me for at least a couple of years now. My day is not complete without scandalous blind items and the tireless commenting of the posters.

    Drama belongs in the headlines, kiddies, not in the comments!

  153. Apart from the entertainment of the blog, when I've posted Facebook updates about being upset, or not feeling well, He/she/whatever has sent concerned messages to me to make sure I'm okay. And He/she/whatever takes the time to send personal messages to many other Facebook friends. If it is all a scam, it's the most elaborate/ extensive one I've ever heard of. Hell, even at minimum wage, whatever amount of money He/she/whatever gets today wouldn't be worth the amount of time put into this site and its people. :)

  154. Majik--where in LA? Vacation? I live in LA! :)

  155. Hez was a busy poster when I first started checking out the site. Wasn't there even a luncheon for readers and pictures posted?

    Anyhoo, I'm here for my own enjoyment and I don't need to know anybody's true identity or even their sex for that matter.

  156. I just like to live vicariously through the use of words like "nebulously" and vicariously!! Seriously, I'm gonna use that tomorrow for my word of the day. Don't know how I'll fit it in, but by God I will!

  157. I love Enty, because he/ she/ whatever does seem to care about the readers. Remember when Enty revealed that BI about Jon & Kate? That's because I asked him/ her if it was Jon & Kate. After posting it, Enty sent me a message saying that it was revealed for me. Whenever I've contacted Enty, I've gotten a response. He/ she/ whatever doesn't have to. And I think it's awesome that Enty takes the time to do that. That's why I'm so loyal to this site.

    Now, for those of you questioning the validity of photo fees, here's a link you should read. Usually I do my own research, but my sister did it this time. She's a lurker, so she told me to post this for her:

    "Perez Hilton's popular Blog was shut down after his hosting service received complaints about him posting copyrighted photos. Hilton says he refuses to pay license fees claiming because he is a "journalist" he has the right to use the images for free." (here's the link: http://digg.com/celebrity/Perez_Hilton_Shut_Down_2)

    So yes, you can get shut down for not paying your fees.

  158. It is the spirit of the gift that counts. When you send it out to him/her/whatever, it doesn't matter what happens with it. You've done a great thing, no matter the size or generosity & that's all that matters to the 'universe score card keeper'.

    I did think Enty's request sounded odd, but I choose to give anyway. What he does with it doesn't matter to me. Hell, I've been duped by welfare slugs before, pimping their kids & I still felt good for the gesture.

    Enty: drink up, by some photos, or make another alimony payment. You bring copious amounts of sunshine. Hope your day gets better :)

  159. Sorry I couldn't give more, Enty! Love you!

  160. Wow, some crazy stuff went down whilst i was sleeping!

    I'll throw my voice in with Mooshki et al, i don't give a flying fuck who Enty is - he's entertaining and provides some well needed escapism from the hum drum of everyday life. Why people are obssessed about 'outing' him/she/whatever baffles me. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter that he/she/whatever says some cheeky fibs about being married half a dozen times and being the size of an airbus? No. It's just a character, right? I've happily donated and would do so again if asked.

  161. Well, you kow, I don't care about his identity, either, but I find it surprising that, if he is as connected as he says, he hasn't been outed. Hell, nothing is secret anymore.

    I haven't really liked the photos, can see photos on a zillion sites, so I didn't feel inclined to donate.

    However, as a professional writer, I have questioned the writing style, which at times seems extremely female. Choice of phrasing, etc.

    And finally, I can say for sure that blogging eats up a tremendous amount of time, so ENTY wouldn't have much time for his job as a lawyer.

    I think this is a mystery that will eventually be solved. All I found on the net was the Hez/Jax debate.

    Oh well.

  162. i'm in!!!!!!love this blog!!!!

  163. Is thing going to be a regular donation drive like PBS or a one-time thing?

    Lawyer, indeed; can't even pay his photo bills.

    Let's have less photos and more blinds, I say. I can do without the photos and comments cause i can get that everywhere else online.

  164. It's my pleasure to help, Enty!

    xoxo ~j

  165. Donated! Wish I could give more, but I'm a poor vet student. Hope it helps!

  166. I'm a day late and a dollar short but I'm in...for the whole $3 I have in my Paypal account! :)

    The personal birthday wish I got on Facebook was worth so much more than that!

  167. I'm a longtime lurker who wanted to comment (and donate). Regardless of whether or not Enty is an attorney - I am and so, on behalf of my 'brethren' don't make assumptions about the resources of the legal community. We have taken a hit just like every other field in this economy. And certainly don't make assumptions on time. I don't know a single attorney that wouldn't fuck around for a while to avoid doing 'real work'. That's why I work late! Oh, and most of us can't (or don't care to) write for shit. That's what the clerks are for.

    I love visiting this site, and I love having a few stress free minutes at the end of the day visiting this site - so if the money is going to strippers, I'll still sleep well tonite. And I'm back to lurking.

  168. I am also an attorney that uses this website for stress relief. I am happy to donate. Enty is wonderful, and I love how you judiciously choose what stories to run and what not to run, unlike the other gossip blogs that run whatever they can just to get "hits". I love the pics, too. Keep it coming!! We love you!!

  169. LOl, if anyone is on facebook, they know that hez and i are two different people. otherwise attending her birthday on wednesday would be...awkward.

    get over it already,old news and no one cares. its entertainment, not brain surgery..UA...oops i mean littleolme.

  170. Anonymous5:53 PM

    hey enty - happy to help - hope you get there!!

    your site has given us all a lot of entertainment (ummm...well most of us!) and I have met some very cool, lovely people who have been nice enough to let me chat with them when I have the time!

    also I don't care who you are in your "real life", but I am pleading with you - if you ever out yourself please make it a photo of you and your fat rolls all naked and sweaty rolling around on a pile of money - because that would be terrifying and brilliant!! (yes reading empyrios and Miranda's comments so close together put that scary, funny image in my head!!!)


  171. Enty, you rule. Donation made. xoxoxo

    other Cheryl

  172. Enty wish it was more. You caught me paying bills. Gave what I could. Heck, you and the others are way better than cable and I didn't feel like I got hosed after paying like I do with my cable bill. You guys bring an enjoyment and a distraction from a day I'd rather forget sometimes. So I consider it a "club dues" to be included with the best bunch of people I have never met---yet.

  173. P.S. Afterall when Hugh and Daniel hit Broadway we are gonna need pictures. Team Hugh can't be without pictures. ;)

  174. Anonymous8:00 PM

    wish there was more i could do, but i am so very happy to help in any possible way! love ya enty!!!

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Just because he ain't footing the whopping bill of nearly $7k doesn't necessarily mean he's not a lawyer; i don't care who you are, but paying $7k for some photos to put on your site is a fucking lot of money. It's like when Brandon Davis said that LiLo 'only' had $7million... once again, that's a fucking lot of money. I'm just happy to help, and even happier that so many of us have too. Hope we get to the total :)

  177. How do I b/c Ent and Mooshki facebook friends?

  178. Gave what I could for now. Like others, I'd like to see the Paypal button permanently added to the site. We could pick a pet charity, and what isn't used for upkeep could be donated for Christmas or whatever. Just an idea. Hugs

  179. Enty, If I was employed I'd give $50+, but unfortunately I could only give the bare minimum of $5. Hope this helps! Thanks so much for everything Enty!

  180. jbdean_79: that was very well put.

    i'm still laughing at "YSL tribute shoes"

    wicked visual :D

  181. I'm glad I had a chance to help and donate a little money.
    Thanks for all you do!

    Has anyone come up with an interesting caption for Amber's book?

    Dear blank,
    I've wrote this book and thought of you. When reading my book, please think only of me,
    Always and forever,

    I think it'd be cool if it was actually "dear blank" or maybe "dear no-name" "whatsyourface?"

  182. I'm 34 days smober (cigarette-free) and figure donating some of the money I'm saving is sooo worth it!!! Thank you Enty, Enty's helpers and all the wonderful, insightful CDAN fans!

  183. Long time lurker, now a happy donator. No matter what it's going to, I'm glad to be able to show my appreciation in some way for all of the entertainment.

  184. done! of freaking course.

  185. i dont care who enty is. s/he makes me laugh and not a lot of people do that!

  186. Vanessa, email me: mooshki at gmail.com

    VA Girl, CONGRATS!!! I've never smoked, but I've watched friends go through the quitting process, and it is HARD! Almost as hard as it would be for me to give up my Pepsi, LOL! At least with soda it's possible to consume in moderation, phew!

  187. Ardleigh, LOVE the new avatar!

  188. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I couldn't do much, but I hope it helps, Enty!

    CDAN commenters, you all go hand in hand with why I come here. I've seen some of the other sites, and this is an oasis of thoughtful discourse, civility and (no small thing to me), proper grammar.

    Plus, you're funny! Oh yeah, AND good looking! (Sounds like I'm trying to get into your pants.) Thank you all!

  189. I've been reading and lurking this blog faithfully for .... 3 years now? It cracks me up, it's witty and I appreciate the different angle on the celebrity bull shit.

    Enty - my birthday was last week and you left a birthday comment on my facebook page. I had a terrible day and that was literally the highlight of my birthday!

    I plan on coming out of hiding and commenting from now on. Thanks for a great blog and great readers!

  190. Sent a few bucks just to say 'thank you.'

  191. Thank you Ent! I like the visuals of:

    A dark smelly basement
    Too much booze
    (drunk blogging anyone?)
    Comments that beg another answer
    Actual blind reveals and not one
    at a time!

    Loving it! Another dark secret is I will laugh outloud at Lainey's conversations and descriptions of her mother (I love that too!). Yes, I know my sense of humor is morbid at best! With some of things I have to deal with its the little things that can turn stuff around!

    Thanks to all here and Ent too!

  192. Sis-if Lainey only wrote about her mother i would read that shit everyday...becasue that is funny stuff. and original.

  193. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I just sent in my donation. How could I not? The blind item reveal days alone are priceless entertainment. I love this site and had no idea photo licensing fees were so expensive. I also agree with the above comments: leave the donation option on the site year round so we can "give back"!

  194. Ann Marie- i must apologize then. my spelling and grammar is grade 2 at best,lol. something's gotta give when you are working fulltime and surfing at the same time.

  195. I am jazzed about all the lurkers comin' outta hiding!
