Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Paul Sculfor Says He Is No Longer Dating Cameron Diaz

Paul Sculfor keeps trying to date famous women and I think a lot of it is him trying to become popular. At the Glamour Awards last night, Paul was walking the red carpet and at one point gave an interview where he was asked about his relationship with Cameron Diaz. He said, "I’m very single and happy. Cameron and I are still friends. I’ll be going back to the States soon - I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to meet her as I’m so busy I don’t know what I’m doing.”

So busy he doesn't even know what he's doing? Come on. Everyone has at least a general idea what they are going to be doing. I will tell you what he is going to be doing. He is going to be hitting every event he can to try and find a replacement. No one knew who this guy was until he started dating Jennifer Aniston and then Cameron Diaz. He probably misses being in the spotlight everyday and getting his name and picture out there.

I'm guessing Cameron figured this out and dumped him. It could also be that he is an idiot. What this guy needs is a relationship with Lindsay Lohan. That would put him into the spotlight like never before.


  1. That is now going to be my stock answer when anyone asks me a question at work.

  2. Wait, what does this guy do? You know, aside from famous women.


  4. ah, so he's a little fame whore.


  5. He's so busy. Just like Lindsay Lohan is so busy. Just like Nicole Ritchie is so busy. They all have a lot of imaginary stuff on their plates.

  6. Good luck with that, Mooshki! : )

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    lol@imaginary stuff.

    Just shows you the guy has no brains to come up with a good excuse.

  8. What he really said was, "I'm so ditzy I don't know what I'm doing."

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    gosh he's purdy though.

    I have a thing for the cute and dumb ones.

  10. So this is the future Doug Reinhardt has to look forward to, eh?

  11. Erm... I suppose since I'm from UK, I understand the expression he's using, and I don't read it like you do Ent.

    To me it just means I'm so busy, I ain't got time to fart let alone wonder whether I'm going to meet my old g/f.

    Then again, yeh - busy doing what? The building trade hasn't picked up over here yet, mate.. busy trying to find another famous g/f?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. he is a model? for what designers?

    the only male model with recent fame these days is gabriel aubry, because he is the lucky man who got halle pregnant.

    that's what this guy needs to do. get someone pregnant. kate hudson might be a good choice. set for publicity for the next couple years.

  14. Kat- i would choose the fart over Cmaeron if given the choice.

  15. "SFG said...
    So this is the future Doug Reinhardt has to look forward to, eh?"

    that and herpes.

  16. Well if he wants publicity he could date the Parasite. Then he could be the one dry humping her on dance floor in Canne. It comes along with the nasty need for Valtrex but hey that's just the price of fame.

  17. "What this guy needs is a relationship with Lindsay Lohan."

    I hate to say this, but I like Lohan as an actress. She has real talent. In the movie, "Bobby", her scenes with Elijah Wood and Sharon Stone are really good. I am not too sure of her as a person, though. When she was seeing Wilmer Valerrama, during an interview, he came in to see her as a surprise. Her response was, "Hello, what is this?! Taking some of my screen time??" What a bee-yotch. I am sure they made a lovely couple out and about in public.

    She may just be the hardass that helps airhead figure out what he is doing.

  18. He's done snorting up all Jen's blow and shooting up all Cam's H and now what? Next we'll see him courting Mary Kate for her microdot?

    Gyah, that was mean...
