Friday, June 26, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which sultry screen siren slept with several of the leading men in her new big-budget flick, but refused to get horizontal with the director? He's so peeved, he's threatening to ban the gal from his future films.


hromaki said...

Megan Fox.

MISCH said...


chcj4 said...

Megan I'll pretend not to see that boy with the rose Fox!
Fox likes the c!x!

Pookie said...

oooh! love the megan guess.

Anonymous said...

How is this even a blind?

So Megan slept with Shia and Tyrese? (I'm going to pretend that Josh is faithful to Fergie, because he seems classy.)

Honestly, I'd rather do Michael Bay than Shia.

Dasha said...

I'm shocked that Megan Fox wouldn't sleep with Michael Bay--she's always talking about him and saying really kiss-ass things. Maybe this is actually Isabel Lucas? Didn't she replace Rachael Taylor from the first Transformers movie? Maybe Rachael wouldn't put out either.

*Miss_P* said...

but i thought fox and bay had already done the dirty? wasn't there a blind about this when transformers 1 fist came out?

addicted to blinds said...

Sienna Miller - GI Joe?

Seachica said...

My first thought was a woman from the new Woody Allen movie. But ewww. Just ewww.

Paperzilla said...

I'm thinking it's Sienna because I've heard rumors that Megan HAS slept with Micheal Bay.

Anonymous said...

Megan ftw.

Vickyr said...

Wasn't Isabel Lucas in the car with Shia when he wrecked it? She was supposedly seeing Adrian Grenier at the time.

Kim's World said...

I don't think this is Fox.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I've read some rumors about Megan and Josh.

Andy said...

Hell, Megan would be several steps up from Methface Fergie. What the hell was Duhamel thinking?

amanda rae said...

Haha, yeah it's gotta be Megan Fox. Good lord I absolutely despise that skank ho and her foot-in-mouth disease. Nobody CARES that you like to have sex (uh duh, everyone does), except for nasty, skeevy old pervs that jack it to your Maxim pics. She's so stupid, she thinks that she's ahead of the game when she's actually being used and manipulated because she's too stupid to know any better.

When you cultivate your looks exclusively, and to the detriment of every other aspect of your personality, you end up being a used-up, pathetic has-been at age 35, desperately clinging to your youth because you don't have (and never had) anything but your looks, which are gone.

But it couldn't happen to a better person, IMHO, simply because she felt the need to run her ignorant mouth about how she wishes that Megatron or whatever would kill all the "hillbilly bible-thumpers" or however she said it. Now, can you IMAGINE if someone had said the same thing, but about Asians, or Hispanics, or any other group? The shitstorm would be insane, but it's only OK to bash white rural christians. Shows what a simply lovely person she is. Hell, I'm the "Republican bigot" yet I do not wish ANY race or group dead....kinda funny, huh? I personally cannot WAIT to see her in 15 years, desperately trying to stay relevant, just like that other used up pathetic whore Denise Richards. I will laugh my ass off, because she thought that being jerkoff material was a viable life choice.

Not that I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to live that (IMHO gross) lifestyle, but don't be shocked when you are thrown out like yesterday's nasty kleenex because your looks have faded. Oh, and don't expect anyone else to give a shit or pity you because YOU made stupid choices.

God I hate that trout-lipped, pathetic wannabe sexy-faced slag!

.robert said...

amanda rae, so you are saying you don't like megan fox?

Maja With a J said...

*LOL* Amen, amanda rae!

amanda rae said...

LOL robert, I can see where you might be confused, so let me confirm: I FUCKING LOATHE THAT CUMBUCKET. In fact, she is my new most despised celeb, I hate her more than I hate Beyonce, whom I hate with the red hot intensity of a thousand suns. So yeah, she just fills me with insane, uncontrollable rage :)

Tug said...

Is Isabel Lucas sultry? Would Ent call Sienna Miller sultry?

Unknown said...

Tug, it doesn't matter what Ent would call Sienna Miller, as the blind is taken from NY Daily News.

I'm jumping on the Fox bandwagon

js said...

You seem like a great Christian there, amanda rae!

Tug said...

Marisa, good point, I missed that.

mooshki said...

DN, Megan & Josh are "been there, done that." They showed up at some Transformers 1 event, and as they got out of their limo, it was clear she had been giving him a bj. He wasn't married at the time, but still was with Fergie.

amanda rae said...


Never claimed to be a Christian, but good try!

Unknown said...

Anybody could be a hillbilly bible-thumper. It's not exclusive to just white rural christians. Just sayin'.

Green Tara said...

First-time poster here....hey, js, leave religion OUT of this. This is an entertainment blog, not a place for evangelical nut-jobs.

And I agree.... Megan Fox is GROSS.

Jungle007 said...

Megan was my first guess and doesn't surprise me one bit. But- hey- can we blame her for being so vapid? She's just too fuckin dumb to know any better, just like every other slut out there.

She thinks that men really mean they things they say to get her into bed, because she really believes those things.

I'm on the can't stand this bitch bandwagon, she needs to shut the fuck up.

janele said...

Thanks to whichever gossip blog it was (TMZ?), all I can think about when I see Megan Fox are her wonky fingers.

I now look to see if she tries to cover them up or not have them in camera view.

selenakyle said...

Yeah, I thought we figured MF did Bay already. That older blind could've been about someone else, I suppose...

allthesun said...

Not to be contrary, but I don't think that sleeping around equals stupidity...I one day hope to become more whoreish and I don't think that I am dumb.
Sex does not equal stupidity a lack of educating yourself does.

"She's just too fuckin dumb to know any better, just like every other slut out there. "

Judi said...

As if Michael Bay saying anything will affect Fox's career.
I think it's Isabelle Lucas.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Isabel Lucas. She plays the "siren" in the movie by trying to seduce and kill Sam. You guys need to look up the word siren in the dictionary. Hello...did you guys even watch the movie, Megan Fox plays the role as heroine in the movie not some fucking slut.

Jungle007 said...

Allyson- Good luck on your quest to become more whorish.

Beautiful women with self-respect just know that they can get any man they want. They do not need to sleep with a bunch of different dudes to feel validated. If i slept with every guy who told me I was beautiful and sexy and he loved me at first sight I'd have a huge gaping pussy and probably a lifelong rx for Valtrex (or worse).

RagDoll said...

Jungle 007 = my hero

Unknown said...

There aren't really any sultry screen sirens except Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. All the famous Hollywood actresses are girl-next door types (at least in public persona) or out and out skanks like Lohan. Jolie is too big of a star to be banned from anyone's films for shooting down the director so I doubt it's her. If you're going to sleep around why not sleep with someone who can actually hire you? Smart move, Megan.

asa said...

scarlett johanssen/woody allen?

Marie said...

memyselfandi said...

Megan Fox hands down. Right now her and Michael Bay have fightin' words all over the internet. I bet Michael Bay bashing her is for more reasons other than her being a shitty actress.


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