Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which TV star will absolutely scream when she discovers her husband was chasing girls at an L.A. nightclub over the weekend?


  1. Courtney Cox. ("Scream")

  2. Courtney Cox-Arquette

  3. I've heard they have a pretty open marriage, though, so wouldn't she expect it?

  4. I seriously doubt "Miss Type A" Courtney Cox has a open marriage.

    She is the one wearing the pants in that marriage and I doubt David would openly chase after women unless he wanted her to kick his ass publicly.

    Cox freaked out when the Pitt marriage self imploded over his screwing around.... so I suspect she would have the same reaction to her own husband having a wandering penis.

  5. It does say he was chasing, not "catching" the women, so it could be David Arquette. (Who wants him? Yech!)

  6. Rachael Ray. No idea why, I just read she screams a lot.

  7. ditto Hautie.

    oh and thx for putting a "wandering penis" image in me head. teehee!

  8. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Pookie - better a wandering penis than a detachable one. :)

    I think you guys are on target, Courtney Cox.

  9. I dunno. I'm thinking maybe this is a NY tv show, just don't know which it could be. Anyone from the Scream movies working in NY on TV?

  10. Beat me to it, Pookie! Hautie - I'm going to have an image in my head for the rest of the afternoon of a penis, sauntering down a trail, carrying a stick with a bandanna tied to the end, whistling a happy tune.

  11. Neve Campbell is married to husband #2, was in Scream and rose to fame on Party of Five...

  12. @DN: There's nothing wrong with a detachable penis. In fact, there are a lot of things right with one.

    (PS: Loved the video. Very funny.)

  13. it's like NY Daily doesn't even try anymore.

  14. omg, DN, the vid was GREAT! thank you!

  15. Tori Spelling is being guessed elsewhere, which is possible - apparently she was in Scream, too.

    It's been widely speculated that Cox/Arquette have an open marriage since "divorce is not an option", but I'd be pretty pissed if he were showing it too the world, too. Time and place, David!

  16. I'd say Courtney, mainly. But it could be Neve as well.

  17. It could also be Rebecca Gayheart (Scream 2.)

  18. Anonymous1:15 PM


  19. Tori spelling wasn't in Scream, but her name was mentioned in a funny scene between Neve and David(Ithink). It was an insult to Tori.

  20. I forgot, I say Sarah Michelle Geller. Freddie may not be getting any if she is pregnant.

  21. Tori was in Stab - movie within Scream 2 or 3.

  22. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Ashlee Simpson is starring (try not to laugh) in the Melrose Place remake, and she's married to a douche. Just sayin'.

  23. If you want a faithful mate your best bet is to avoid actors of both sexes. Every affair is a role for them to play and they never like to be out of work. I think that almost all long-term established marriages between actors involve an arrangement of some sort. Hell, maybe even short-term marriages have them too but those people can't handle the jealousy or, as in this case, are indiscreet.

  24. Thinking this is a NYC couple and the husband was in L.A. this past weekend.

  25. It does say he was chasing, not "catching" the women...

    I chase women all the time. They're far too clever for me to actually catch one but it's great exercise.
