Monday, June 22, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which reality star was too busy flirting with her date in the Hamptons to pay attention to her kids?


Goodgrief said...

Kate Gosselin

Lolita Breckenridge said...

The Countess? Luann? I actually have started to like her, with her faults. This sounds like her though.

Kait said...

I'm going with the ex-Countess

Cheri said...

The gross Kelly chick.

Pookie said...

reality "star" the RHONY have "star" status? i say kate g. ftw.

Babs said...

Does Kate even remember that she HAS children?

I'm on the Kate train, also.

Anonymous said...

Being on reality tv does not a star make.

Couldn't care less who it is. I'm sick of no-name talentless hags being on virtually every television channel.

Angie said...

Kelly Bensimon

selenakyle said...

Oh gyahh, I caught part of a RHONJ yesterday and am in shock.

What a buncha disgusting, ill-dressed, ill-mannered, UGLY crass pigs with money.

It just oozed "RHO MAFIA MEN of NJ" to me.

Sick what is on TV these days.

I'll take Bear Grylls any f*cking day over that load of crap whether he's fake or not.

Hell, I'd rather watch infomercials all day than sit through that vapid sh*t ever again.

Jade, That Girl said...

tell us how you really feel selenakyle.

i think it's one of those housewives. which one, don't know...don't care. they all look the same.

Kimberley said...

selenakyle, couldn't say it any better myself.

angelface said...

That tranny Kelly. She's a wrinkled piece of work.


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