Thursday, June 18, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which ditsy blond didn't seem to care when a crowd of ladies caught her sniffing Colombia's finest - right out in the open - in Atlantic City?


  1. Jessica Simpson or perhaps Kellie Pickler? I don't know. Too easy?

  2. Was Goldie Hawn in AC recently?

  3. Canada's finest: Pam Anderson.

  4. Pam makes sense.

  5. Paris Hilton hosted a party in AC last weekend where she was seen dancing on tables.

  6. Picture of Paris in AC:

    But "ditsy blonde" doesn't exactly describe her accurately...

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    LOL - "diseased" blond is more like it for Paris!

  8. Tmz ran the photo of Courtney Love with a bag of sumthing.

    You cheated Entity(or whatever your name is..

  9. Totally Jessica Simpson!

  10. Second Time Around Mom: If you mean 'Enty', than this isn't his blind item (just a repeat of an NY Daily News one - as the title shows) ;)

    I like the Simpson guess. All the rest are either 'crazy blondes', 'diseased (lol) blondes' or already known druggies.

  11. Paris hosted at Mur.Mur this past weekend. While she is diseased, she also isn't that bright....

  12. Kristen Cavallari, or however it's spelled. She's hosting a party there this week. (Not sure if it's already happened.)

  13. I am certainly no fan of Paris but I don't think she can be called stupid or ditzy... She may be a huge fame whore & and whatever you may like to call her but the girl is in the business of selling herself & she has done it successfully. A truely ditzy person couldn't pull off what she has - IMO anyway...

    Jessica Simpson is the epitome of Ditzy... I'm more likely to go with the others on that one.

  14. you really should retract those claws, second time around. 1-this isn't enty's blind. you may want to pay closer attn to the headers. 2-pot shots at his nick are not only grade school lame, they denote a complete lack of class.

  15. but if jessica simpson was doing blow...wouldn't she be skinnier?

  16. Not necessarily. Ever heard of coke bloat?

  17. Sheilahd - Its down to the smarts of those she and her family hired (as well as her fame whore ambition).

    She is dumber than a rock.

  18. What stiffkittens said. Someone leaked the transcript of a deposition she had, and she really is that dumb. (I don't think she'd be faking stupid in a private session with a bunch of lawyers when she was accused of assault.)

  19. sounds like school's out for the summer.

    i vote paris.

  20. mygeorgie - please don't remind people that Pam's Canadian. It hurts. That being said, I don't think she's ever been considered dumb (more her characters), and these days she's just trashy.

    That being said, I'm going to go with Heidi to mix it up. I think Jessica's far too worried about her image to do something like that out in the open.

  21. @stiffkittens Thanx I did not know Ny Daily Post Blind Items.

  22. eh, I say Paris. Being ditsy doesn't mean the person has to be stupid.

  23. ENTITY !!!11 -- new nickname!
