Note To Perez - 911 Works In Canada Too
Let's say you are out somewhere. A hotel perhaps. And perhaps at that hotel you are allegedly assaulted. Perhaps after the alleged assault you are bleeding. Perhaps you would like to call emergency services, whether it be fire or police. Perhaps you are fortunate to have a cell phone or are sitting in the lobby of said hotel which also has numerous phones scattered around the lobby and other environs for the use of hotel guests and their visitors. Perhaps if you are not staying at hotel which has magic fingers there is a front desk person who also has a phone. Perhaps there are numerous people sitting in the lobby who also are fortunate to have a phone. Would it not make sense that if you needed said emergency services that you would pick up one of these many phones and dial for assistance?
Well if you are Perez Hilton, apparently the way you call for emergency services is to Twitter a message to your website and have one your five year old readers call emergency services for you. You repeat the process until the 5 year old realizes that even they know how to dial emergency services and they realize they really need to stop reading Perez.
-- I'm in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please.about 5 hours ago from Sidekick
-- I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick
-- Still waiting for the police. The bleeding has stopped. I need to document this. Please, can the police come to the SoHo Met Hotel. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick
-- I spoke to my lawyer. I really need to talk to the authorities. Please come to the SoHo Met Hotel. Have called the police. Need them here. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick
-- The Toronto police are here now. Thank you. Please stop calling them. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick
-- Thank u all from the bottom of my heart for ur concern. The police are investigating the assault now. I did the right thing by reporting it. -- about 3 hours ago from web