Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Nikki McKibbin Shares Too Much Information

Do you want to know how you know it is a really slow news day? The first sign is when I say to myself that a Lindsay Lohan story or a Paris Hilton story might be necessary today. Don't worry I will talk about celebrity babies and engagements before I break down to that extent. The other way you know is when FOX's entertainment column, runs a bit today they picked up at the season finale of American Idol. That was last week. Not exactly breaking news, but hey, I am all for anything that is vaguely interesting today.

Do you remember Nikki McKibbin from American Idol? She finished third in the first season of Idol and will always be haunted by the fact that she finished behind Justin. I think it is what led her to drink and do drugs. I mean, how would you feel about coming in behind him. That sounded kind of sexual didn't it? Not where I was going with that, but hey.

Anyway, Nikki dropped off the face of the earth and only reappeared when she was periodically arrested. She then decided to join Celebrity Rehab and says that next week she will be sober for one year. That is incredible and I am very happy for her. I do worry though that she has lost her self-censor button to her mouth. In that interview with FOX, she said this about when she was drinking and using drugs.

"I was a horrible person when I drank. I was awful and really mean and really angry and I started fights with people for no reason, I was a bad mom and a bad wife. I took care of my son when I was high and was driving to school drunk, I was just really bad off."

Now, I am glad she has managed to turn her life around, but I'm not sure we should know about her driving her kid to school drunk and high. Why is that something she needs to share? Now I will be wondering how many times she did it and if anything else happened to the kid while she was drunk or high. Plus, you just know that at some point the kid is going to read this interview and is going to have a lot of questions and maybe some issues with the way he was treated by his mom. Wouldn't this be better left out of the public eye? If she wants to tell her son at some point privately that is her decision, but this seems like something that should be better left unsaid. Do you think by her saying this it will help others in similar situations?


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