Monday, June 01, 2009

More Fake Publicity - Eminem & Sacha Baron Cohen

Did anyone watch the MTV Movie Awards last night? Have you seen the video where Sacha Baron Cohen in his character Bruno "accidentally" fell while doing a high wire stunt and landed exactly in Eminem's lap in a very sexual position? If you read the commentary they all say that Eminem was visibly angry and stormed out of the Awards. Blah, blah, blah.

Everyone knows Sacha planned to land on Eminem. That part is obvious. Some sites make it seem like that could have been an accident. Uh huh. You want to know why Eminem was in on it also? Because MTV kisses the ass of everyone who is halfway famous who is willing to agree to come on their shows. Oh, and he provides them videos which they like and for which they don't have to pay any money. Oh, and through his connections could really make life miserable for MTV when they are trying to get other guests. Eminem knew exactly what was going on the entire time.

See for yourself. The video has been blurred so it is safe for work.


  1. I figured it was a set up. The both have something to promote. I love that no one in the audience knew. Zac Efron didn't know what hit him.

  2. I wish it were real. M&M seems like a real jerk (yes, I know how it's really spelled but don't care and would say something stronger but want to keep it safe for work). He deserves a stranger's butt in his face!

  3. Set up or not, funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

  4. they're both douchey. me no like.

  5. I thought it was hilarious, and I enjoy both men ;)
    Sounds like the review are still mixed as to whether or not Eminem was in on it - if he wasn't, it'll be hard to ever convince him to come back.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. we all know sacha baron cohen knew what he was doing but i dunno about eminem. he seems petty enough, and he threw a shit fit at the 2001 vma's when triumph started bothering him.

  8. hasnt he also been kind of homophobic? I dont know what to think about his reaction.

  9. ... *one pic is* "worth" a THOUSAND 'WORD's... (hint: copy & paste *URL*)...

    ...-> <-...

    ..."Em" ANUS*.

    ... 'NUFF SAID.

  10. @ CLASSALPHA - Wow, is that how copying and pasting works?

    @ linnea - I'm not sure Eminem has ever been full-on homophobic. He admitted later on life that the misogynist/homophobe etc. thing is part of his "Slim Shady" character. I've also read a few interviews with him (and saw him say on Kimmel) that say Elton John has been a good friend since they performed together, and has been a sort of "sober sponsor" since getting clean.

  11. when in doubt, Sacha Cohen falls back on naked (or mostly naked) slapstick humor; not all that funny IMO

  12. I read that eminem knew sbc was gonna fall on him, but he didn't know that he only had a thong on.

  13. "I'm not a homophobe - I'm friends with Elton John." Doesn't quite cut it with me.

    If he was in on it, he could have given a little smirk on his way out, or he could have come back.

    Decent seats for the seat fillers.

  14. Eminem is actually really quiet and nice, at least he was when I met him. And short;)
    These people are entertainers folks, not sure why or how he would be bothered. It's more likely he wanted to ditch the show early and was given a perfect way of doing so while keeping up the 'thug' image.

    I will say this though, Kim really is batshit insane.

  15. I don't get him either nun.
    I've said it before, though. Not a fan of those who try too hard to be funny.
