More Fake Publicity - Eminem & Sacha Baron Cohen
Did anyone watch the MTV Movie Awards last night? Have you seen the video where Sacha Baron Cohen in his character Bruno "accidentally" fell while doing a high wire stunt and landed exactly in Eminem's lap in a very sexual position? If you read the commentary they all say that Eminem was visibly angry and stormed out of the Awards. Blah, blah, blah.
Everyone knows Sacha planned to land on Eminem. That part is obvious. Some sites make it seem like that could have been an accident. Uh huh. You want to know why Eminem was in on it also? Because MTV kisses the ass of everyone who is halfway famous who is willing to agree to come on their shows. Oh, and he provides them videos which they like and for which they don't have to pay any money. Oh, and through his connections could really make life miserable for MTV when they are trying to get other guests. Eminem knew exactly what was going on the entire time.
See for yourself. The video has been blurred so it is safe for work.