Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Has Died

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett on the same day. Wow.

From TMZ

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.

Jackson had 13 number one hits during his solo career.


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Fabulous! said...

gladys and coopers mom, thank you for that- you're both very sweet! i actually feel a lil at fault for this, i've been reading the boards long enough to have known better who he was- had i known i wouldn't have acknowledged him. reading things like that about a barely deceased man just struck a chord with me, you know? it's so disturbing.

anyway, my bad for feeding the trolls, i'll try not to do that again. and thank you for being sweet to me about the situation.

Katja said...

Max why are you using the crude descriptive term nigger?

If I were you I'd be hoping that Homeland Security peeps are not monitoring this board because dude you are a freaking terrorist IMO trying to incite violence.

Fox News talk show host, Bill O'Reilly, regularly called him "Tiller the Killer" and described his clinic as a "death-mill" BILL! IS this you?? Bill is a freaking Nut JOB wow! Crazy!
Seriously, If this was all you had to listen to. wow. thank you bbc

So 'Bill' this sure sounds like the crap you sling.

When is the last time you were in a normal, average persons environment? Beverly Hills etc is not normal. Seriously.

And for the record. I 100% believe that pedophilia is a mental illness (like all sex crimes) that cannot be cured.

I did (some) Graduate research in this and (at that time) rehab was not effective with sex crimes.

Maybe someone has found a cure. Well it wouldn't exist if that
were true.

So Max either you: are a victim, a perp,a psycho stalker, an instigator, a right wing talk show host and or or a total FN job.

Please let me know so I can round file you properly. Have a really good life!

P.S. The people you are attacking (I'll include myself) are entering/in the Menopause age (born 1960+) so little man prepare to duck and run b/c you are pretty much a creep taunting the "I am women movement"

GladysKravitz said...
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Cooper's Mom said...
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Cooper's Mom said...

Max: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. You have to be one of the most despicable creatures i have come across. Do you harbour so much hate because in fact your daddy raped you too? Fuck you. Seriously, I hope i never come face to face with you because i will fucking kill you.

Fabulous! said...
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Fabulous! said...

ooh! think he got deleted! /angels singing..

back to mourning MJ. i'm still in denial a little bit. prayers to his family and children. my heart aches over this.

Unknown said...

I am sorry for his family's suffering, I want to get that out of the way. I do feel for their loss today.

He was a prolific pedophile. I know someone who worked for the law firm who handled his payouts to family's whose children he abused, there were almost 20 cases, 10 of them were over 10 million dollars each. There was nothing nice about this guy, he was a wealthy pedophile who bought and paid for sex with children, because he could.

I am glad he no longer has access to the children that were sold him, and no doubt being used for sex too.

Sorry but the person I was told this too signed an NDA but was so sickened by the situation they ended up quitting the job in the law firm. Please don't feel bad about his passing, he doesn't deserve it. He leaves a legacy of music and destroyed children in his wake.

ablake said...
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Clanger said...
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Pookie said...

ror/max: ENOUGH. i know you have issues and i feel for you, but this most recent manic episode of yours is beyond your normal vulgar vomit. it's not acceptable and everyone is right to call you on it. we are a GREAT community and should act accordingly. we should build each other up rather than tear each other down. you are most absolutely entitled to your opinion. what you are NOT entitled to is CDANer bashing, racism and pot shots. stop it NOW.

rip michael jackson. may god be the strength and comfort to his kids.

Clanger said...

I am still shocked by yesterdays events.

As I had time to think about it, I wonder something. Would we really be loathe to say that MJ just might have been the "Elvis" of our generation? I know, I know. There was so much negativity and speculation surrounding MJ the past 15 years or so, but think about it. He probably was one of the most influential artists of our time. And even Elvis had his downfall at the end with all the drugs, etc.

The ones I really feel for in all this, are his kids. I can only hope they are able to finish growing up in a reasonably "normal" childhood. Their father certainly never had that, and I think the rest of his life was spent trying to live out the childhood he was never able to have.

I will admit it, I have made my share of MJ jokes over the years. Who hasn't? But I think it's time we try to look past the bad, and recognize that somewhere, deep down inside all of us, there is that little Moonwalker trying to bust out. I was never a real fan of MJ after Thriller, but I am still able to say I was shocked and saddened by his passing.

RIP MJ. I hope you can finally rest in the peace you certainly never had in this lifetime. Thanks for the memories and the music.

lutefisk said...

Well said Ms. Leigh & Bionic Bunny!!!

What a sad existence it must be to have to keep creating alter egos on the internet to make yourself feel important.

We need to separate Michael Jackson's incredible talent from his mental illness in order to really appreciate him. The whole thing is so sad.

itsy said...

Lol at the people who feel the need to post the SAME EXACT THING repeatedly. *coughClangercoughandothers*

Uh, we read you the first time.

Clanger said...

Thanks for noticing, Itsy. Some of us were really tired this morning, and by the time we got to work this morning went to read the comments didn't notice you had to hit the "newer" button to view the most recent comments. So sorry to reiterate myself. I honestly didn't feel like taking the time to retype my thoughts out all over again. :P

vitazza said...

Ditto@ Clanger!! RIP MJ Thanx for the many years of Talent......

Dick Insideu said...
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Ror said...
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GoddessNow said...

Apology accepted. I hope MsLeigh sees this.

Enty you would have so proud of your loyal readers last night.

P.S. (Rebuke button still on standby)

amanda rae said...


I certainly hope you get as offended when "people of color/minorities" or whatever the PC term du jour is makes racial slurs against white people, because if not, you're a fucking hypocrite. And you just KNOW you are ridiculous comparing calling someone the "N-word" to terrorism. It's not a nice word, obviously, but do you REALLY want to censor people, even when they say something offensive? Because it's a slippery slope.

They already put a guy in jail here in VA for calling someone the "N-word", what's next? Putting political protesters in jail? I certainly hope you see where I'm going here. You cannot and SHOULD NOT censor people, no matter what, because it will not end well.

Also, I'm a right-wing, O'Reilly-watching, Glenn Beck-listening, Republican-voting, gun-toting, Bible-reading chick, and I'm sure you're aware of the bashing I get...hell, you were just dishing it out yourself! But that's OK because I'm a "bigot" simply because my political opinions are different than yours. However, I will never allow anyone to make me ashamed of my "right-wing extremist" views, because I came by them honestly, through tons of reading/research from BOTH sides, and I can utterly guarantee that I can destroy any liberal in an argument, at least until they start with the dialogue ending name calling that they love to trot out when they see they cannot win....

I think liberals are naive, ignorant and ill-informed, but I would NEVER EVER bash them the way they bash us. But I suppose we are not worthy of respect, although you certainly expect us to respect YOUR opinions...more hypocrisy, but hey, what are you gonna do? I could ask you all, out of politeness and respect for other viewpoints to knock off the constant republican bashing, but you know you won't. So really, who is the problem here?

I'm sure I will get flamed to hell and back, called a troll, told my comment is too long, etc...anything so you people don't have to take a long look at your behavior and see that you are hypocrites of the worst stripe. But I just thought you should know how ridiculous some of you look when you do the EXACT SAME THING that you condemn others for doing.

lmnop123 said...

Michael Jackson was one of the most talented entertainers in the music industry. As a music lover I am aware that a talented celebrity is becoming extinct so therefore I am extremely saddened by the loss of good talent.

I do however believe that Michael was guilty of pedophilia and long ago stopped celebrating the man that he became.

That being said perhaps this is not the time or place to VENT about his sexual misconduct.

To Zandra I do appreciate your insight. Maybe we can all learn a lesson on how to express an opposing POV with tact and class.

Thank you.

lyz said...

Yes, MJ WAS a music icon. His music changed dance, music and music videos forever. BUT those accomplishments don't overshadow what he became...which is a freak...a's horrifying to think what being his CHILD would be like!...His music was his past. His deviant behavior was his present.

The tragedy lies with his children. I'm afraid they will go from the frying pan into the fire. I see nothing but more manipulation in their future. Who is there to rescue them? Their mother who gave them up for $$? His greedy family?

WBotW said...

Be proud of yourselves for kneeling at the altar of a child molester who bought and abused kids to satisfy his sexual needs.
Maybe when it's your kids being raped by an adult whom they idolize you will understand why it is NOT okay to forgive the evil that monster wrought.
He raped children and then paid off their families. Do I think those families are guilty of abusing their kids too? Damned straight I do; I wish someone would've actually acted in those poor kids' best interests. As far as Michael goes, I hope he's getting it up the a$$ in hell right now, by a huge, freakish monster who ignores his screams and pain for all eternity. Because THAT is what he deserves, not acclaim for music he put out DECADES AGO.

Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...

If you mourn Michael Jackson, ask yourself if you would celebrate his life if it was your son he molested?

Cooper's Mom said...

Max: I'm not celebrating his life. I'm kind of stunned by it because it was so unexpected, but i'm not mourning. I'm quite surprised by the number of my facebook friends back home in London who are all of to the MJ vigil right now... You certainly wouldn't find me there.

Thank you for apologising. Though I have to tell you that you deeply, deeply upset me with your comment (you know which one). I couldn't stop shaking and I haven't been that angry in a long time. But, again, thank you for apologising.

AvaMore said...

Jeff Goldblum Death Reports a Hoax
26 June 2009 6:26 AM, PDT | From | See recent news

The internet was abuzz yesterday with reports that in addition to Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett’s deaths, that Hollywood had also lost Jeff Goldblum, star of USA’s Law and Order: Criminal Intent in an accident in New Zealand where he was alledgedly filming a movie. But rest assured Goldblum fans, the early reports of his death were absolutely False, and generated via the web. In addition to the Goldblum hoax there was also a slightly less circulated hoax yesterday about Harrison Ford disappearing while on a boat in the French Riviera, which is also totally untrue.

Goldblum’s publicist released a statement last night saying, “Reports that Jeff Goldblum has passed away are completely untrue. He is fine and in Los Angeles.”

Ironically enough, Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford will co-star in a movie together next year called “Morning Glory,” a comedy, set in New York, about a failing morning news program,


Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Blogger said...

Todays Headlines:
Michael Jackson Dies, Children of the World Rejoice

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the trolls.

Unknown said...

Enty, are all these statements from famous people about these passings all being ghostwritten by the same 5 or 10 publicists?

Anonymous said...

We should respect the dead, simply because they're dead? What kind of fucked up logic is that? Hey everybody, news flash, stop talking smack about Hitler. Respect the dead. Give me a break. Whining and crying because people are criticizing your decision to blindly look the other way. There is no excuse for child molestation, not even a shitty childhood. I had a super shitty childhood, and you don't see me sharing beds with underaged boys. I'm sorry, I won't be mourning a child molester.

And NO HE WAS NOT ACQUITTED he paid the family off so he didn't have to go to court! And just because you're acquitted, doesn't mean you weren't guilty....hello R KELLY!

Maja With a J said...

The first time he was accused, it was settled out of court ("paid the family off"), the second time he was acquitted. It's the payoff that makes me think he wasn't guilty. Because if I believed that my child had been molested, no amount of money could make me settle out of court. I would not stop until the offender was in jail with his dick cut off.

And do I even have to point out the difference between Michael Jackson and Hitler?

Well, just in case I do; Hitler didn't write "Billie Jean"!

I say GOOD DAY!!!

Maja With a J said...

Either way, hopefully now the truth - whatever it is - will come out.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it was just an example. I don't think we should have to pay respect to a dead person if we personally disagree with decisions they made in their lives. Oh but I forgot, MJ wrote Billie Jean. That makes everything ok, all better. Its ok to molest children so long as you entertain millions of people.

And you say what *you* would do with your child, but that's you. I've heard fucked up stories of women who deliberately allowed their children to be molested by men they were being paid to sleep with, terrible things like that. Who says the kids' family was blameless?

Out of respect for the suspected victims alone, I won't be mourning this man.

Dick Insideu said...
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jax said...

ya the parents were totally innocent in all this, kep taking money from jackson AND kept letting theur son go over there.
he may not be innocent, but those parents pimped their fucking son out.

just wait and see, this kid will come out and tell a whole different story. IMO.

i wasn't involved in the BS last night but i personally don't take the apology from Ror or Max. dude, you pull this racist psycho shit ALL THE TIME. and it will happen again. fail.i'm sorry but you said some pretty nasty and disgusting things and a little sorry ain't gonna cut it. we all know your true colours Ror. agree or not i really don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

I agree the parents are also culpable, whomever they may be.

I hope the truth comes out.

For now though I'm personally going to drop this. I have many friends here and I respect your right to remember and mourn the man as he was, and not who he became.

CarolMR said...

As someone who was sexually molested as a child, I am finding this non-stop woshipful cable coverage revolting. I hope MJ is at peace, but I hope even more that his alleged child abuse victims find peace.

Dick Insideu said...
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Maja With a J said...

"...mourn the man as he was, and not who he became".

Well said.

jax said...

Max Gosoaus said...
jax: suck my cock like the punk you are.

LOL! i'm a girl you fucking moron and i'd need a magnifying glass and a roach clip!
but thanks for proving my point you psychopath! learn some self control! boohoo your brother and all your girlfreinds were abused, so was half the fuckin population, doesn't give you rights to be a general dipshit to those you encounter.

two words:

arrested development.

bionic bunny! said...

i'm with jax.
somebody's back-peddling awfully fast, and i don't believe for an instant. i believe that last comment proves it.

@ms. leigh and cooper's mom:
don't let the assholes get you down, and i would still strongly advise you not to feed the trolls.

stiffkittens said...

I'm with Jax and Bionic Bunny on this one. No amount of apologising can make up for the kind of filth Ror spouts off to people.
There is no excuse for the type of person he is - and the very fact that he can turn it off and on so conveniently proves it's not some kind of schizo/manic problem.

Kudos for those that are being classy about it though - you're a much bigger person then i could ever be.

WBotW - I don't want to put words in Jax's mouth, but i'm pretty sure she meant no disrespect to victims of abuse when she wrote that. The venom seemed completely directed towards Ror (as in other people's misfortune doesn't give HIM the right to be that way).

jax said...

"I hope you get bent over the back of a truck REALLY soon and learn a bit about rape. Perhaps then you'll learn to have some fucking respect for survivors of abuse. I'm not referring to max's friends and family, I'm referring to 'half the fuckin population' whose pain you just mocked."

and how the FUCK do you know that i am not one of the fucking population WBOT? OR that i counselled youth at riskafter a date rape for years in high school?
go fuck yourself for wishing rape on anyone. you are no better than Ror and MJ then in that case.

Stiffkittens, thanks for having a brain in your head and getting my point. i see not everyone understands the point being made.

We all go through shit in our lives, doens't give license to come online and be an enraged abusive asshole because of it. making really disgsuting remarks about people and attacking them only to come online the very next day and give a fucking mea culpa. sorry, but we've put up with his shit long enough....under various personalities and screen names.

you only compromising your own integrity by sticking up for Max Anus, Wbot.

Cooper's Mom said...

Is Wbotw the same as person as Ror/Max? Cos he sure does sound the same. Wishing rape on anyone is revolting in the extreme. Seriously, you carry on about MJ being an animal but then you sit back and wish these disgusting things to happen to another human being. That's sick.

If MJ had even looked sideways at one of my kids i would have ripped his fucking face off. Same goes for you Ror/Max/Asshole.

Maja With a J said...

WbotW - I actually heard the swoosh sound when my comment went right over your head. I think there was a little echo too.

blankprincess said...

WBotW said...

"I hope you get bent over the back of a truck REALLY soon and learn a bit about rape. Perhaps then you'll learn to have some fucking respect for survivors of abuse. I'm not referring to max's friends and family, I'm referring to 'half the fuckin population' whose pain you just mocked."

OK, WBotW, you might want to put on your reading glasses and sound out the words if you are going to keep misreading and misunderstanding posts so badly. I know how condescending that is for me to say, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt of being an intelligent and mature person who I am HOPING just said this garbage in the heat of the moment.

First: Wishing rape on somebody--ANYBODY, including the sociopathic poster on this thread who seems to think that a teensy "I'm sowwy" will make up for last night's bullshit--is just so incredibly messed up. You do realize that you have now wished upon someone the very same thing you profess to hate so much (because it has ruined your life?), don't you?

Second: Jax's comment amout "half the fuckin population" being victimized by abuse hardly "mock[s]" their agony. In fact, it points out the overwhelming severity and rampant nature of such abuse, in that it has literally affected ALL of us, whether directly or indirectly. Check your facts--have you ever heard of the "1 in 3 girls" and "1 in 4 boys" figures?

Just calm down. There are much healthier ways of dealing with the anger, sadness, depression, rage, anxiety, and everything else that abusive experiences can cause. If this topic upsets you so much on a mere blog, I would recommend not reading it for now so that you can avoid being triggered. I will pray for you that you get the kind of help that you need, whether the victim(s) on whose behalf you speak include yourself or not.

Judi said...

ENTY, ISPs can be blocked. It's past time.

Dick Insideu said...
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Ror said...

OK no lifers. Time for a REALITY check.

NO! I'm NOT Max, or WTOWB or whovever that is. I'm just me, I have NEVER posted as ANYONE else EVER on here. Because I have a life. But, as usual, you'll believe your own bullshit anyways.

I honestly can't stop laughing my ASS off at all of the inane comments on here. I NEVER said a single word about his talent or his contribution to the music industry. All I did (as usual), was MAKE A JOKE. It's not my fault that most of the people on here have just as much of a lack of a life as they do a lack of humor.

It truly amazes me how I always am accused of being someone else, I'm a 'hater', etc. But the same people who make said comments display SO much hate a sentence later at me! Hypocritical, no?

Although I DO agree with a FEW commenters on here, rest assured haters, I am not them.

MJ was talented, yes. He was also a drug addict. He was also a pedophile. Yeah, innocent people pay of a boy 20 millions bucks. Un-huh. Sorry, don't make him out to be 'holier than thou'. He was just a singer who was extremely famous. And extremely fucked up.

Sorry. Sorry if you can't handle the REALITY. Sorry that I'm not someone else. Sorry for your lack of humor. Sorry for your spouses!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! God I crack me up!

Cooper's Mom said...

Max you're disgusting, really you are. I rejected your apology because how could it possibly be sincere when you then go onto wish rape and misery on other posters? It completley undermined it.

Jungle007 said...

What I fond amusing is all the hypocrisy. I just searched Michael Jackson on this site and read some of the comments from the last couple months. I understand the whole "respect for the dead" thing, but I don't feel the need to act like I care about someone whom I think so poorly of. I will refrain from sharing my true feelings for MJ, but I want some of you to go back and read the shit you wrote about him before you act like you were his #1 fan. I cannot sit and act like I'm sad when I am 100% unaffected and tired of listening to hypocrites talk a bunch of trife b.s......

Cooper's Mom said...

Wow, i'm literally speechless. But not for long, you sick fuck. How do you come up with such shit? I hope you never get the chance to have children because they're going to end up as fucked up as you. Rot in hell, you fuckwit.

Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Cooper's Mom said...

Sticks and stones, dickhead. Grow the fuck up and get some help.

sassafrass said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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ChrisH said...

Jesus Christ, dude. Did you stay up all night to write that bollocks? That says it all, really. No matter. They'll all be deleted soon anyway.

Just wanted to state my sadness at the passing of a legend. Which he always will be to me. I think he was a tragic figure, an incredible talent, and since he was a huge part of my formative years, I'll miss him.

Also: I'm sorry for all the posters on here who are attracting this freak's vitriol. You all seem like lovely, reasonable people, and none of you deserve this. The internet's a strange place, huh?

GladysKravitz said...

I will not feed the trolls.

But I will say that Cooper's Mom seems like a normal, intelligent woman who should be treated with respect, and that she has my support.

I suggest that anyone who finds comments so offensive that they feel personally assaulted (as I have in this thread) write to Enty to ask him to delete those comments. I don't know if he can ban people, but a girl can dream.

sassafrass said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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mygeorgie said...

Jesus. Moving on............

I loooooved the early MJ. Bought myself the Thriller album the same time "rebounders" came out (those tiny bullshit trampolines) Played Thriller & rebounded for almost 7 hrs straight in my parent's basement. Literally could NOT bend my legs for almost a week. Like, pogo walked. What an ass. A long story, but I will always remember MJ as the guy who tortured my aching teenage heart & gave me leg cramps.

Early MJ was talented, adorable & 'other worldly'. Older MJ became strange, surreal & troubled. Everyone has a darkside. His, sadly, just took over and now overshadows his former potential.

Cindy said...

How many of you morons yelling about mourning MJ mourned Charlie Chaplin when he died? or even knew he was a child molester? I am sure that the people (like myself) who mourn the loss of Michael Jackson are mourning the loss of his TALENT, not the loss of his sick side, if indeed those allegations were true. What gives you the right to tell anyone who they can mourn? Mourning is PERSONAL and you don't have the power to tell me or anyone else on this site (or in the world) what they can FEEL about anyone.

Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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Dick Insideu said...
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MichaelJacksonRapedMyAsshole said...
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MichaelJacksonRapedMyAsshole said...
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Cooper's Mom said...

MJ/Raped/ME - max, is that you? Listen, you really, really need to get some help. IF what you say actually happened then my heart breaks for you, it really does. But you have to help yourself because, lets face it, nobody else will - believe me, i know.

stiffkittens said...

Har fucking har:

Enty, please use the ban hammer.

Cooper's Mom said...

Yeah, i looked it up too. But, you know, there are some very damaged people out there who thnk it's ** Fun ** to impersonate people who have endured sexual/physical abuse at ANY time in their lives -esp as children.... Because there is no fucking fun involved... please stop with this relentless abuse. It's not necessary.

stiffkittens said...

The 'MJ victim' is a troll. Don't pay him any sympathy:

The Mad Crapper/JohnThrobs/MichaelJacksonRapedMyAsshole = the same person (all making up the same MJ story, incase they have been deleted).
The Mad Crapper is a troll that likes to talk about his bowel movements. He also thinks he was both a lawyer and a victim of Jackson :/

MichaelJacksonRapedMyAsshole said...
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