Friday, June 12, 2009

Maybe Tameka Foster Isn't Alive After All

Remember that story In Touch ran yesterday saying that someone had filed divorce papers in the Tameka Foster/Usher marriage? Yeah, well it turns out that no one has which means that Tameka, may in fact, not be alive after all.

According to TMZ they went through every courthouse and there were no divorce filings from Usher or Tameka which means of course that In Touch got it wrong. It happens, but we should have known something was up when they didn't say which party filed for divorce. I can't imagine Tameka filing for divorce, because for one I am not sure she is actually alive. I want to see photos.

TMZ also says they have sources who spoke to Tameka who had no idea about any divorce, but had not been able to get Usher on the phone for a few days. OK, again, no definitive proof that Tameka is alive. It is a source and not Tameka directly. In fact, if she were dead it would explain her not being able to speak to Usher the past few days, and why she couldn't speak directly to TMZ. If she is alive then the marriage is over. You can't be married and have two kids and have cell phones and assistants and not get to speak to each other if you really care. It just doesn't happen. So, IF she is alive and IF she hasn't spoken to him in a few days, then I would say the marriage is over. It would be an official split.


  1. Oh Tameka is alive, she had been actively fighting with another blogger (via twitter) a few days ago regarding this situation with him and another woman. The blogger was clowning her about being in denial about her situation.

  2. How do we know Tameka is "manning" her Twitter account? LOL.

    Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. The Paris/Ronaldo gossip is taking a back seat.

  3. lol @rebecca well by all accounts (and from her mouth) her twitter account is real and she posts on it regularly. She had to unfriend (sandrarose) because she was really going at her about usher cheating (tameka and sandra hate eachother and sandra constantly rips tameka apart.)

  4. This whole situation stinks like Paris Hilton's bedsheets! As much as an attention seeker she was before her "medical" visit to Brazil-yall she had her claws in Usher deep-all of the sudden no pictures, no Jet magazine, no magazine covers such as " I had a plastic surgery nightmare". I know we are in a recession and getting a lil nip and tuck is not cheap, but this whole thing of going to Brazil?!-I am just saying. And trust-she has got lots of friends/frienemies in Atlanta who would be more than happy to spill details for a little bit of pocket change!

  5. Let's just change the title of the articles to Tameka Must Be Sick or Tameka Must Have Found Another Money Pit.

    I certainly can appreciate and understand the reason behind the snark but this is the second article with a title that suggest she's died.

    The fact that she hasn't been seen and hasn't made a comment is worthy of reporting but the teasing doesn't have to go as far as saying she's dead.

    Unless... you're serious.

  6. Enty, there are recent pics of Tameka on She is not dead (which is tacky to suggest) she is just embarrassed and ashamed. She did all of that famewhoring and hating Usher's mother only for him to listen to his mother and dump her.

  7. Oh, come on. The only way this wouldn't be funny is if she really is dead.

  8. "In fact, if she were dead it would explain her not being able to speak to Usher the past few days..."


  9. Hmm, so are you suggesting that Usher killed her?

    Naw, he's too darn cute for that. Oh, wait. But speaking of cute, I always thought he was so much more attractive than she is. Plus she seems bitchy. What was the attraction?

  10. OMGawd. Who cares what the headline says. Its obvious Enty is kidding. If you cant handle it, then you shouldn't even bother reading any of the gossip sites. If she is dead, it just means one less fame wh***. And if she is alive, thank GOD she's not whor*** it out to annoy us. LMAO

  11. who believes the gossips of In Touch? every week,it's Pitt/Jolie split or Pitt again with Aniston!

  12. I don't care if he's gay or straight or he killed Tameka...he's a doll to my mentally handicapped brother everytime he shops in a certain store in Woodstock, GA. Oh, and Tameka has always been a bitch. Hasn't been with Ursh the last few times my brother has seen him.

  13. is he or is he not on the d/l? i thought this was 'public' knowledge??

  14. Tameka sighting alert- She is not dead. As a matter of fact, if I did not know better I would have thought she reading CDaN because she showed up at the premiere of the Eddie Murphy flick in GA w/her mom, 2 of her boys by her ex husband and the youngest by Usher.

    So it either a PR scam to boost sales of his upcoming record (I thinkhe sold more as single artist).
    He will be filing soon. Where there is smoke, there is sometimes fires.

  15. "You can't be married and have two kids and have cell phones and assistants and not get to speak to each other if you really care. It just doesn't happen."

    I adore my husband and yet haven't been able to speak with him in days despite us both having cell phones. He's stuck on a business trip to a place between two mountain ranges with absolutely zero telephone reception, and the place they're staying is a hunting lodge with no land line...thank God for email! Of course we don't have personal assistants being poor working schlubs, but yeah, there are still places in this old world where there is no cell phone reception, not that I think Usher frequents them!

  16. Oh Eileenie, please tell me which store in Woodstock you are talking about so I can get a job there! If Usher is about to be single, now's my chance! LOL
