Thursday, June 25, 2009

Marlon Brando & Jackie Kennedy Did The Dirty

If you believe the claims in a new book being released by author C. David Heymann, than you can believe that Jackie Kennedy in 1964 had a sexual relationship with Bobby Kennedy and also had a fling with Marlon Brando. No Kennedy biographer believes the claim that Jackie and Bobby had sex, so you can take the Marlon Brando speculation as just that as well, but it's an interesting item to discuss. Heymann says he obtained the original transcripts from a book Marlon Brando had written and in them, he had talked about his fling with Jackie, but that because she was friends with an editor of Random House that the passages were cut. Uh huh.

The first time, "according to Brando, [their] three-hour meal included a good deal of drinking . . . Jackie and the actor danced and drank. During their dance, Jackie, deeply attracted to Brando, 'pressed her thighs' suggestively into his. They danced again, then sat down and began to 'make out,' " according to Heymann.

He relates: "In Brando's words, 'From all I'd read and heard about her, Jacqueline Kennedy seemed coquettish and sensual but not particularly sexual. If anything, I pictured her as more voyeur than player. But that wasn't the case. She kept waiting for me to try to get her into bed. When I failed to make a move, she took matters into her own hands and popped the magic question. 'Would you like to spend the night?' And I said, 'I thought you'd never ask.'

A week later they managed to find some time again but that was also the last time they were together. I am still having trouble imagining Jackie Kennedy and Marlon Brando making out. I'm even more shocked this rumor never came out before. If Marlon really wrote that you would think that someone, somewhere would have read it and talked about it before now. They just don't seem like a good match. I also think my judgment is clouded because I can only ever think of Marlon Brando has the Godfather Marlon and not as the 1950's and 60's version of Marlon. I'm not buying it.


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