Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Madonna Gets Mercy - Lawyer Persuades Two Judges

Without actually saying this was some kind of bribe, I really don't know how to describe what happened. Apparently Madonna's lawyer, Alan Chinula has convinced two of the three appeal judges to let Madonna adopt Mercy. Alan also says the third is just about to agree. How in the hell do you know if a judge is about to agree to something? The only way you know they are about to agree to something is if you did something to make them want to agree. I'm sure Alan's legal arguments were great, but I have never heard of a system where you go to work on judges one on one to make sure you get your way. I don't want to know what went on. Well, actually I do want to know what went on. I just don't want to speculate about how you get judges to agree with you one at a time and know they are going to agree with you and can predict when they are about to agree with you.

On Sunday, the Malawi Supreme Court is expected to announce she can adopt Mercy. I guess they were shown enough reasons, (ahem), that Madonna is no longer subject to the residency laws for adoption. It is going to have to be something unique to Madonna or else every other person in the world who wants to adopt a baby will come to Malawi and take advantage of the loophole. I think the Madonna rule will be that if you spend a million dollars in the country, then they consider you a resident. If some of that million goes to some deserving people and family members than, that is all the better. So, basically if you have enough money you can go buy a kid and ignore the laws and do whatever you want. Yay rich people!!


  1. What about the Dad - or did he get paid off, too? Shame.

  2. Maybe the Malawi govt heard that she was shopping for babies elsewhere in Africa (I know I read that somewhere), and decided that they didn't want her to spend her $$ elsewhere.

    She's definitely une vache de cash.

  3. No offense at all but ... aren't there millions of children she could adopt? I mean, what is it about this specific random child that's worth this fight?

    I'm sure Mercy is a kickass kid but this adoption hoopla seems utterly ridiculous.

  4. I just don't see why she is adopting children when we hardly ever see her with them. I mean say what you will about Brangelina, we ALWAYS see them with the kids. Why adopt children only to have them raised by nannies?!?
    Then again it will be a financially better life than they would have had.....

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    About to agree = waiting for check to clear.

  6. Bad Fish, I think you nailed it.

  7. Well, we all knew this was coming. :( At least David will have someone to complain to about being ignored by mommy.

  8. fuck i hate this cryptic old bitch.

  9. Yes, to what jax said.

  10. Lainey just posted an article saying Madge's lawyer is denying the entire story. She's saying the media might be leaking false reports to torpedo the whole appeal process.

    If that's the case, ain't karma a bitch, bitch?

  11. What is Love?
    Baby don't hurt me,
    Don't hurt me,
    This child is going
    from a life without love or money
    to a life without love WITH money.
    Let Madonna have her.
    What could go wrong?

  12. I agreee with Miranda--why is she so obsessed with one particular child?

    I'll be impressed when some celeb adopts an older (5+) foster child. This? Not so much.

  13. @figgy, seriously, it doesn't make sense. If she just wanted to *help* children, she could provide oodles and oodles of cash to foster programs, after-school groups, whatever. Hell, she could adopt an American baby; there are thousands!

    This just smacks of ego gratification.

  14. B.S. story. I don't believe it for a minute.

  15. Mercy can be defined as Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power.
    So what you're saying is that she bought a baby.

  16. Why this child? I'm sure if Madge said aloud " I'm giving 1Mill for a child." She would get takers.

    Moosh, David has Rocco. He doesn't seem to get any attention from MommyMadge.At least when there is a photo op she hugs David.

    I can't wait 20 until they little guys write their version of Mommy Dearest.
