Friday, June 12, 2009

Madonna Can't Be Bothered To Pick Up Mercy From Africa

The government of Malawi made it's decision. The judges got what they wanted and probably the family of Mercy got what they wanted and so now Madonna gets what she wanted. Another kid. Madonna won the ruling in Malawi yesterday and so you would expect her to be overjoyed with the news and rush to Malawi and pick up her new daughter.

You would be wrong. Madonna doesn't have time for that kind of stuff. She is going to send a private jet for Mercy and either Madonna's lawyer or the director of her Malawi charity is going to make sure Mercy gets on the plane ok to head back to NY.

Can you imagine? If I were the Malawi government and saw that this person who wanted to adopt a kid so much isn't even going to come to the country to pick her up I would cancel the whole thing immediately. If she can't make the effort for this then when will she ever make the effort in the future? Kneepads reports on this like it is the most natural damn thing in the world. Tell me all of you who have adopted international children. Did you just have someone put them on a plane and meet them at the airport? Hell no. What kind of parent would you be if you did that? So why does People or US or any of the other magazines allow Madonna to get away with it? Are they afraid of her? Does she have pictures of them having sex with Sandra Bernhard?

You make the effort even though you don't have the money Madonna has. Are you telling me that Madonna can't spare 36 hours of her life for this kid? She can't find the time to fly there and back? If she can't find the time then why on earth do any of us expect she will later? The government of Malawi should realize that all they have done is sell a child to the person who could offer their country the most money. I hope they are proud.


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