Thursday, June 18, 2009

Liv Tyler Would Hate Kate Gosselin

Yesterday in Santa Monica, Liv Tyler was on her way to lunch when she spotted the woman above yelling at a crying child in a stroller. Apparently Liv didn't take kindly to how the older woman was treating the child and went and had a few words with her. OK, so she had more than a few words. Liv also did some finger pointing and gesticulating. I think that is the first time I have ever used that word on the site. I'm pretty excited about it. If Aubrey O'Day reads it though she will probably think it is a new way for her to earn money.

Anyway, at one point Liv threatened to call the cops and I guess that made the woman calm down some. After Liv checked on the child, she went on her way and went to lunch but not without a few parting shouts from the older woman. I'm guessing Liv would not approve of the way Kate Gosselin parents.


  1. She may be right about the other lady's parenting, but I don't approve of that outfit. Course, I wouldn't call her out on the street for it, though.

  2. eeep. took me forever to read this b/c i couldn't get past liv's 1988 high-waisted shorts.

    teehee, audrey making $ from gesticulating? i'll pay her if she can pronounce it. ;)

    ok. wow.seriously high waisted shorts. i can't get over it. they traumatize me.

  3. kudos to her, i think. i think every decent parent/guardian has yelled at a kid. it's not right, but it happens. and then the kids become 'immune' to the yelling and start to ignore it. haha. yelling doesn't work, but even the best of them do it. seldom we hope.

    hopefully, the older lady was having one of those days.

  4. is it just me, or did anyone notice Enty pulled a switcheroo on Liv's name to liz?

  5. ooooh! They both looked pissed! But them shorts gots to go man!

  6. I need more details before I decide if Liv is a hero or a buttinsky.

  7. Sorry but I am old school I think there are too many children not being disciplined enough nowadays. Too many parents afraid of spanking their kids for fear of having them taken into child protective services. I feel very sorry for this future generation!

  8. I was going to say...unless you see someone beating their kid..butt out!

  9. Oh, i live in a country where it is illegal to spank children and I really had to keep telling myself to keep calm when I saw that in the us... I mean, really, here it is COMPLETELY frowned upon and you can end up in jail. So we are at rather opposite ends here, Montana!

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Jasmine - I saw the Liv/Liz thing. I'm sure it's just a typo -- makes me wonder if FW's name is Liz though. ;)

    I don't think it's fair to fingerpoint and gesticulate at people, but it's fair to ask if someone wants some help with a difficult child.

  11. i remember oprah having a show where a mom from denmark said it's illegal to spank a child. i will say this...

    if a parent's ONLY form of discipline is spanking, then they may need better parenting skills . AND if a parent believes that they are a better parent because they do not spank, well imho i disagree.

    the lack of parenting (modeling behaviors, guidance and discipline) to me is a form of child abuse. whether one spanks or not.

    i work five days a week with kids, and a few of them i could jack them up. i have to keep reminding myself that it's the parent and not the child.

    i, too, feel sorry for many kids in this generation.

  12. @ Pookie
    - I was right there with you...before I read the text I thought the lady was yelling at Liv for pulling her shorts up so high.

  13. oh, i agree with that - i think there are plenty of children who need better parents, parents who are not trying to be their best friends but actually RAISE them. I think all children need discipline and strict rules to follow - they thrive on that. I do not, however, believe that you need to physically harm them to achieve this.

  14. ^^^lady linnea, i respect your beliefs, and i am sure that you are a good mom. :)

  15. Didn't say the woman was spanking the child, only yelling. My thing is that when you actually have children, you occasionally lose your grip. You can't reason with all of them, some of them are just plain difficult. I don't hit my child, but then, she's never behaved badly enough to warrant it.

    What can be frustrating is the cultural divide. When I worked in children's clothing, there was a distinct difference in how some cultures disciplined their children compared to others. Some were too complacent and basically useless when it came to discipline, which to me is the same as being incompetent, and others were far too aggressive in their tactics.

    Denmark is supposedly the happiest country on earth. I'm thinking they way they do things might be the way to go.

  16. I'm proud of Liv for stepping up and saying something about this situation, which is seeing a child in distress. She is a mother, after all.

  17. @ everyone. apparently the agency that was selling these photos said that Liv threatened to call the cops.
    x17online is saying that they have video of the woman hitting the child on the chest, who knows why? she couldn't have been acting up that badly while sitting in a stroller. Liv apparently saw this while driving by, gets out of the car to make sure the child is OK. the woman doesn't take too kindly to this and starts yelling at Liv that it is none of her business. the woman supposedly did not speak english well, if at all, and so there was the language barrier. when Liv threatened to call the cops that is when the woman began to calm down. all Liv wanted to do was make sure the child was ok.

    Sorry for the excessive use of the word 'apparently', but that is only because that is all the info I have and it has not been verified (from what i've seen).

  18. kat, good point! i'm lovin' this dialouge. i bet enty is too.

    when i interact with the little devils that patronize my place of work, i am careful not to 'destroy their spirit'. i am firm in tone, so they know i mean business, and they know what to expect from ME for certain ill behaviors. teehee.

    now even within the same cultural group, there are variations on discipline tactics. some african amers believe in spanking, and some do not.

    i was spanked as a child when it was warranted, but there is only a small "window of age" for spanking to be effective.

    i believe that spanking a child in middle school, or approaching middle school, is too old for corporal punishment.

  19. @quintessential southerner - Why thank you. This conversation is a lot nicer than the ones people usually have regarding this topic. And I think i WILL be one day, but unfortunately not yet! :(

    I also think there is a big difference between threathening a child with punishment, and handing it out afterwards, and reacting instinctivly to protect your kid.

    Example: I think its ok to slap your kids hand if they are one year old and are reaching for a hot stove. I think a parent does that kind of automatically and it is just to try to protect them - but taking an older kid and placing them over one leg for a spanking, that is something else entirely.

  20. for all we know that lady could have been the kid's nanny and the parents are clueless to her treatment.

    good for Liv.

  21. it THAT is the case - can you imagine all of a sudden seeing your nanny all over the internet being yelled at by liv tyler?

  22. If real harm was being done, then good for her. I can't think of a single reason to spank or hit a child who's strapped into a stroller, so if there was any hitting going on, it was wrong (IMO). As for someone yelling at their kid, she should mind her own business.

    However, I do believe in sparing and judicious use of spanking on the bottom for serious offenses.

  23. NOYB Liv. If all she was doing was yelling, walk on by. Hopefully to the Gap for new shorts.

    (And I love Liv.)

  24. I have given the eye of death to anybody being mean to a young child. I can't stand it. I read that Liv dialed 911. I hope it's true, if for nothing else to scare the crap out of meanie Nana.

    I saw a woman strung out on drugs with a baby at a fast food place once and that child's face still haunts me.

  25. Uh oh - apparently Rob Pattinson got hit by a cab in NYC (he's okay). The fangirls are going to lose it! LOL

  26. @QuintessentialSoutherner-I completely agree with you, speaking as a (now adult) child of a mother whose only form of parenting was to grab whatever was handy to punish her children. The physical disciplinary action was no longer as effective once my brothers and I got older and began to realize it was a form of child abuse and knew enough to tell her so (still didn't stop it though, until we were physically bigger than her).

    Even so, I still do believe there are instances when no other disciplinary action is effective and other methods don't have any results on the childs bad behavior.

    Of course, this is speaking as a female who is not yet a mother,has no desire to be one any time soon or maybe ever AND also can't speak from the vantage point of being involved in childcare as a profression. Although, my opinion has been shaped from personal experience (that of my own and other females in my family), so to each their own :)

  27. If she saw the woman beating a kid strapped into a stroller she should have called the cops.

    It must have been something serious as I bet large she never intended to be seen by the public in that outfit.

    Also, l and i with the right hand, z is left pinkie and v is left index, so maybe EL isn't a touch typist, but I still see that as a hard typo to make.

  28. Well done Liv Tyler!

  29. wow,i wish liv had been around when i was a kid. my family alone would have worn her out.

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  32. There's really no way to tell if Liv overreacted or not.

    I've worked with the public before and sometimes parents seem to be borderline abusive when chastising their children. However there are times that the child is being bratty or disruptive and the parent seem to think it's cute. When that happens I want the parent and the child banned from my space.

  33. I wish Liv was around when I was young, too. :-(

  34. i've stopped in markets and what not and made comments when people are yelling at their kids. and i certainly yelled at mine. BUT, the difference is in what is being said. when people are swearing or calling their kids stupid, or being verbally abusive, it's not for the child's safety or the public's well being.
    i doubt seriously that the woman was just "yelling".
    so i say, good on ya, liv!

  35. I agree with jax that this may have been a nanny. she looks a bit old (Not to say she's past the child-bearing years, just a hunch)

    The woman was probably being very harsh and borderline abusive which is never cool. I cannot be a hypocrite as my daughter has been spanked a handful of times, but I can say that I don't agree with needlessly screaming at your child, abusing them, or using violence as a consequence for inco-operation. My daughter has been spanked a few times for lying and once for repeating to steal. She also had toys confiscated, t.v privileges banned and went to bed early. I don't get the spanking just for the hell of it. It's just a parent being a bully.

    Parents really need to take the time to explain things to their children, talk to them. Of course, to each their own, and whatever works. Spanking and screaming all the time don't work for me and I have a very challenging child.

  36. I would rather Liv have taken a stand then to see something wrong to have happened to this child without someone speaking up.

  37. @ardleigh

    I don't have any children but I would rather be embarrassed than let someone beat on a small child.

  38. LOL at "I'm guessing Live would not approve of the way Kate Gosselin parents."

    Exactly who does??

  39. damn, that is a horrific outfit.

    and i agree, she should butt out.

  40. KAT- 'the Happiest country is Denmark'

    What country has the highest tax rate?

    Denmark has the highest income tax rate, with its top-taxed citizens paying 68% of their hard-earned crowns. The basic tax rate begins at 42%.

    Denmark takes care of ALL of the needs of its people. I had a Danish roommate whos family I questioned for hours. Lovely people, fantastic life views and great food (lots of salt licorice-yum).

    Anyway, when her brother and family visited as Green Party member I asked questions.

    I saw with new eyes what undoing our hidden taxing of the poor/middle classes could do for the U.S.

    We had an Apt. in Venice Beach but the Santa Monica Homeless were the topic of the day. I remember her brother telling me that in Denmark is is difficult to -become- homeless. You are a rebel against society if you choose to be shelterless. In Denmark the Government chooses to keep people in Apartments and off the street.

  41. Ps maybe those are baby shorts. I had to go really high or way below my whole tummy area when I was with my now (12 yr/7th grader) What!! I'm still supposed to be.. uh yeah responsible. sigh. kids can be so fun.

  42. I've been "reprimanded" by people in stores, twice. Pissed me off to no end. Why? In both cases, my kids were being super bratty.

    In one, my then 4 yo threw something on the store floor because I wouldn't buy her a doll. So I told her to quit her nonsense. She already had a million dolls that she wasn't playing with. Someone had the nerve to say to me, "I'd be ashamed if I were you, talking like that." So I shot back, "It's my kid and my business." The woman slinked off into an aisle, after getting the stink eye from other shoppers.

    I wasn't screaming. I was talking sternly. Maybe that was too much for this shrew and her precious angel to hear.

    For the record, I don't scream, and I rarely spank. If I do, it's a swat. Sometimes you have to tap kids to get their attention when they're being obnoxious.

    I've learned not to judge parenting situations in stores based on what I see. Who knows what happened beforehand?

    Which is why I can't say who was right in this situation, until more details come out. If the woman was being borderline abusive, more power to Liv. If she wasn't, well, butt out.

    (Someone called Child Protective Services on me years ago because I, here we go again, tapped my son on the butt. In this instance, though, someone from my DH's family was feuding with me and did this to get revenge on me. Luckily, the CPS people caught on to that and dropped my case. That shit shouldn't be allowed. If you do a Google search, you'll see plenty of this nonsense...feuding neighbors, inlaws, whoever, calling CPS to "stick it to" someone. Meanwhile, the real abuse cases get swept under the rug. Sad.)
