Monday, June 15, 2009

Lindsay Lohan The Thief Strikes Again?

Holy Moly is reporting that London police want to talk to Lindsay Lohan about $50,000 in missing jewels. Lindsay, who in the past has kept her thievery to furs and items from friends may have some knowledge about some jewels that turned up missing after a magazine shoot. According to sources, Lindsay loved the jewels and kept asking if she could have them. They of course told her she was completely nuts. Who is going to give her $50,000 worth of jewels? She would just sell them anyway.

The furor started when the jewellers asked the magazine where the jewels were and the magazine said they didn't know. Everyone then pointed the finger at Lindsay who refused to call them back or get in touch with them, so the magazine and the jewellers called the cops.

I'm sure Lindsay will say it was all a terrible misunderstanding and that when everyone said no, she thought they meant yes because it was the UK. You know driving on the left instead of the right and so she was confused. I would love for her to go to jail for this if she did it. I mean this is all alleged. Of course even if she did do it she won't go to jail. All of us would, but she always seems to get away with taking stuff. Apparently they are afraid of her monstrous career as an accomplished actress. In the article, Holy Moly refers to another shoot also in which Lindsay allegedly took a bunch of Louis Vuitton stuff and never returned calls and just kept it. Are there any bridges she can still safely walk across?


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