Monday, June 15, 2009

Lindsay Lohan The Thief Strikes Again?

Holy Moly is reporting that London police want to talk to Lindsay Lohan about $50,000 in missing jewels. Lindsay, who in the past has kept her thievery to furs and items from friends may have some knowledge about some jewels that turned up missing after a magazine shoot. According to sources, Lindsay loved the jewels and kept asking if she could have them. They of course told her she was completely nuts. Who is going to give her $50,000 worth of jewels? She would just sell them anyway.

The furor started when the jewellers asked the magazine where the jewels were and the magazine said they didn't know. Everyone then pointed the finger at Lindsay who refused to call them back or get in touch with them, so the magazine and the jewellers called the cops.

I'm sure Lindsay will say it was all a terrible misunderstanding and that when everyone said no, she thought they meant yes because it was the UK. You know driving on the left instead of the right and so she was confused. I would love for her to go to jail for this if she did it. I mean this is all alleged. Of course even if she did do it she won't go to jail. All of us would, but she always seems to get away with taking stuff. Apparently they are afraid of her monstrous career as an accomplished actress. In the article, Holy Moly refers to another shoot also in which Lindsay allegedly took a bunch of Louis Vuitton stuff and never returned calls and just kept it. Are there any bridges she can still safely walk across?


GoddessNow said...

Somehow I am not surprised by this.

Anonymous said...

why does anyone hire her for anything? does anyone seriously believe she is a good spokesperson for any product? esp high end stuff like jewelry, clothes, luggage, etc.

Sinjin said...

She's going to get LICE all over that fur! According to a BI I read on Dlisted, a makeup artist found lice on the eyebrows of American actresse who was in London recently! How f'ing filthy do you have to BE to have them THERE?!
I will have a fit of immense proportions if I have to EVER sit next to this filthy ashtray on a flight!

MISCH said...


Unknown said...

I'm beginning to think she's a meth addict. She looks ghastly, with pasty skin and deep sunk eyes, the lice and the filthy apartment (from when the police were called and thought it was ransacked) are typical of a methhead, so is all the theft for undoubted hocking.

Man, who woulda guessed it watching 'Mean Girls' 5 years ago?

mooshki said...

Andy, beginning to think?! LOL!

califblondy said...

They're stupid for hiring her in the first place.

Isn't she wearing a stolen coat in that picture?

RocketQueen said...

Ted C has suggested in all his "Morgan Mayhem" vices that meth IS her primary drug of choice these days. So does Lainey, actually.

I still can't believe she got away with stealing that fur coat some time ago. I would bet a month's salary she took these jewels, too. A bit of jail time would do her good.

Sinjin said...

A commenter on Blind Items who's a mom wrote that she had to do research on lice when her kids got infested. Apparently, if they're on the eyebrows or eyelashes (shudder) they aren't lice, they're CRABS! DUN DUN DUN!, LOL.

Wonder if she got 'em from Wonky McValtrex or from her general whoring ways.

Miranda said...

I really loved her in Mean Girls. I mean, she's a total trainwreck now but when she was a teenager, I thought she was a pretty decent actress and stupidly adorable. Now I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole for fear of contaminating the pole.

jax said...

you know i wondered if the celeb with lice in the eybrows was Britney,but....damn Lilo, check for crabs BEFORE you take the dollah.

Pookie said...

"Apparently they are afraid of her monstrous career as an accomplished actress."


Maja With a J said...


Anonymous said...

Andy - Ent had a few blinds when LL came out of rehab about her needing to visit the dentist who specializes in celebrity meth cases.

.robert said...
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Unknown said...

@DNfromMN - any link to these past blinds? unfortunately, i hadn't found out about enty then...
Also, you see new pics of up LL on Lainey? gawd she looks horrendous, with an enormously bloated gut and super skinny everywhere else.

lmnop123 said...

This is soooo sad.

Why is it sad? Because the diseased b***h is NOT going to jail!

If she didn't go to jail for taking someone's car and running over there foot, then she sure as hell won't be going to jail for $50,000 worth of jewels.

She'll just say it wasn't her or she'll return them infested with crabs.

Remember she returned the fur coat filthy and full of cigarette smoke.

Ayesha said...

Of COURSE she stole the jewelry. I just wonder who fenced them.

And which rocket scientist LET her steal them? I would have assigned someone to take custody of the jewelry as soon as the shoot was finished.

But she is just vile.

Ms Cool said...

I'm going to start begging for a ban. I can't bear to read about this mess anymore. She's not worthy of the attention.

nancer said...

i wish this bitch would fucking go away and take paris hilton with her. i'm SO sick of reading about her empty, selfish little life.

.robert said...

Oops, I see Lisa-O had already answered my lice in the eyebrows question.

That is so eyebrows are always itching, I wonder why? oh well.

How can you get away with stealing 50k worth of jewelry? It isn't like she is some important, connected actress, so I say prosecute. What is ridiculous is you can go to prison in England for not paying your TV license fee. I recall when I lived there that a mother of 4 or 5 kids, on welfare in welfare housing was locked up with murderers for failing to pay the TV taxes, but this skanky drug addled brat will get a walf...

.robert said...

...or a walk for those that don't speak mumble-ese

Tania said...

exactly! If she kept asking for the jewels, why didn't somebody take that as a signal to keep an eye on the damn things?

CDAN Mod said...

this story is funny, and some poor employee is getting chewed out for not knowing better.

Sierraton said...

Hello. I lurk here a lot, but I haven't commented on here before. So let me get this straight - is this magazine Holy Moly the same one that Lilo stole the Louis Vuitton stuff from as well? OF COURSE Lilo is going to swipe those jewels, espeically if she got away with theft at the first photo shoot!

Why in the world did they trust her again?!?

Alex de Campi said...

I'm just amazed that whatever stylist did the shoot (and was thus personally responsible for choosing, borrowing and returning the jewellery) didn't bag and check all the items from the shoot at wrap. That's some seriously unprofessional behaviour. (Or the stylist nicked it him/herself and is trying to blame it on Blohan....)

jax said...

let me guess, she's going to claim they were stolen with her purse at the airport and when everyone finds out, they mysteriously turn up by am anon good samaritan?

sorry, i've heard this tune b4, but last time it co-starred Harry Morton.

ardleighstreet said...

Why would anyone hire her for anything? Why let her be around $50,000 in gems?
Heck gawdy 25 cent bubblegum machine jewels are too good for LaLohan.

This trainwreck is as good as Parasite's getting her house robbed everyother month.

City Councilman Doug said...

Sitting behind me, my husband sees her picture and blurts out "WTF is that? The honey nut Cheery Ho?"

ardleighstreet said...
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WTF said...

What ever happened to the jewelry Winona Ryder "borrowed" that came up missing?

newsgrrl said...

Thumbs up to City Councilman's hubby for that excellent descriptive :)

Dead Angel said...

Typical junkie behavior. I will donate a kidney if that movie she's supposed to be in has her cast by the start of the shoot. She's about 1 year late in her next rehab stint.

devildana said...

I just have to get this out or I will explode. I would not let her suck the spunk out of my dog's ass. I am so sick of hearing about her. I swear to God we need to Petition ENTY not to post anything about her, unless it is her obituary. She is THE example of everything that is just fucking wrong. Someone should kidnap her, shave her fucking fake extentions, make her eat shit for a month, sew her infested cunt up, and then throw her in a fucking wastewater treatment facility. I take that back, I don't want toxins like that in the water system, even in North Korea. She is the definition of Maggot Douche.

ahdaboom said...

what is wrong with her? is she in the "i'm the hottest thing out there" fantasy wing with heidi and spencer?

and i agree, people need to stop working with her. she's over.

stiffkittens said...

devildana - why does your dog have spunk in it's ass?! lol...

The LV thing sounds like a BI.

Also IA that this hussy is on meth. She looks like Wino (bloated belly and all). I think she should be added to the 'put on an island far, far away' list.

Anonymous said...

Not at all surprised.

Isn't she supposedly broke as hell? I can picture her hawking the stuff for cash to support her (and White Oprah's), ahem, habit(s).

And who the hell is actually dumb enough to keep hiring that mess in the first place?

i am a princess, yes i am said...

I find it funny that this story made my local news on at noon.

monalisa999 said...

Damn. I wish the magic PR fairy would yoink her out of this nonsense. She has so much potential to be a serious artist but there are all these numbskulls f*cking with her to crank out those record and film profits. Not too mention the tabloids...Gahh!


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