Friday, June 19, 2009

Katherine Heigl's Movie Career A Bust - Hello Grey's Anatomy

As you know by now I don't watch Grey's Anatomy. It isn't that I don't like much of the cast, because I do. For some reason I just never started and I hate coming into a show several seasons late. You just never get into that rhythm or fully involve yourself with the characters. Anyway, I don't need to know anything about the show to tell you they are getting screwed over by Katherine Heigl and don't really care.

Katherine Heigl bad mouthed everyone on that show just like she bad mouths everyone with whom she has ever worked. Katherine was ready and did throw Grey's under the bus until she realized that maybe her movie career wasn't going to be as good as she thought. That maybe getting kicked off a movie might be a sign of things to come and no paychecks to bring home.

So, instead of trying to talk her way out of the last year of her contract, now Katherine is all smiles and hugs and how she loves Grey's Anatomy and she never wanted to leave. She was just tired and cranky and hopes everyone will forgive her and please, keep paying her until she can make it big as a movie star and throw you all under the bus again.

I'm wondering also if she told TR Knight she was going to stay on the show. Maybe she thought, "hmmm, he can go and I can stay and be the biggest star on the show." More like the biggest diva, but whatever works. So, I guess she survives her tumor or cancer or whatever for now.



  2. i've never watched the show either. and here i thought i was the only one., that's serious backpedaling. i wonder how many GA bots will buy it? one-way ticket to Doucheachusetts, pls!

  3. I hadn't heard, what film did she get fired from?

    Poor TR. He's the one truly getting screwed by her antics.

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Between her and Piven, Karma is getting a pretty good workout.

  5. classic case of mediocre actress who got the big head and found out she's not quite as great as she thought she was.
    i can't stand her, and that show's been a joke for a few seasons now. i quit watching when izzie went after george.

    i'm so sick of writers who betray their characters. it happened here, it happened on 'nip/tuck', 'rescue me' and now 'WEEDS!!!!!!' pisses me off.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't get the hate. She's not the best actress in the world but then again, most in Hollyweird aren't either.

  8. i also want to know what movie she was fired from. enty must have gotten first dibs.

  9. i don't mind her outspoken nature, but it's never wise to shit where you have to eat.

  10. never seen it either. not interested in the least.
    and my favorite way to watch a series is wait a couple of years and get the whole thing on dvd, anyway. no stupid cliffhangers or commercials to deal with.

  11. I think the movie she got booted from is "Valentine's Day." She demanded millions for minimal work, maybe even more than Julia Roberts who's in it.

  12. I wonder if this is what he's talking about?

    "Katherine Heigl has hit another stumbling block on her way to movie stardom. Sources say the actress, whose just-concluded season on ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" might have been her last, was dropped from a top-tier ensemble cast in the upcoming romantic comedy "Valentine's Day" because she demanded an astronomical salary."

  13. Hey Weezie, great minds! LOL

  14. I'm an unabashed Grey's fan, but I favour Sandra Oh over Heigl anyday. That said, I still like Heigl, and as Quintessential Southerner said, I kind of dig her outspoken nature. Of course, if she ever really puts her foot in it, I'll be right on board with y'all, without a minute's hesitation. Until then, I am not one of the haters, and most of the stuff she's criticized in the past I've agree with. I know, I'm in the minority.

  15. Be glad, those of you who never started watching. The first season was amazing (imo), second was good too, so I can't let go of the show, no matter how much it sucks now.

  16. I watched Grey's early on, and like nancer, hated the Izzie and George affair and stopped watching regularly. I usually only watch it when nothing else is on.

    They've already done the Meredith in the spirit world with her dying/dead mother story. They have to kill both of them, and not do an entire episode around them in the spirit world because there'd be no point to that unless someone was coming back. Unless they do it ironically, and Izzie survives as severely brain-damaged and has to be shipped off to long-term care, and Alex has to deal with the guilt of overriding her DNR.

    Since TR won't be back at all, and apparently Heigl will be, maybe she will just be a ghost for an episode. If I were writing it, I'd kill Izzie, and bring George back long enough to ship him off to Iraq. Whatever they do, I'm sure it will just piss me off.

  17. Don't quite get it, how could she be "kicked off" a movie she didn't even signed a deal for yet?

  18. if there is another spirit episode, i will for sure stop watching it.

    ah, who am i kidding? I wont...

  19. Katherine Heigl is the new David Caruso.

    ...even though I admit to being a sucker for Horatio's one-liners and sunglasses.
