Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Karen Mulder Arrested For Threatening Her Plastic Surgeon

Do you remember Karen Mulder? She was one of the supermodels of the 1990's. She used to earn almost $20,000 a day at her peak. Today she is sitting in a French jail for repeatedly calling the office of her plastic surgeon and wanting some procedure reversed. According to French police, Mulder allegedly called and "was screaming and shouting about the operation and became extremely threatening. There were repeated calls to the female surgeon who was extremely scared. The suspect is being interviewed."

Mulder, who is 39 has long suffered from depression. In fact according to the Daily Telegraph, Mulder "attended a psychiatric hospital in 2001 suffering from chronic depression, blaming it on drug addiction during her modeling days."

She has also attempted suicide at least once since she retired from modeling.


  1. Wow. That's really sad. I'm not sure if jailtime is needed, however...

  2. Was the plastic surgeon named "Scully"?

  3. she probably got a melanie griffith lip job and it kicked her over the edge.

  4. ditto nancer.


  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Never heard of her. She looks very beautiful. Too bad she ended up being paranoid or whatever she now has.

  6. Chronic depression. Bummer; I loved her way back when.

  7. Oh, that's sad to hear. I loved her when she was modeling back in the late 80s and early 90s. She was fabulous. I remember her walking for Versace. So great. But she has had a lot of problems through the years. I hope she gets some help.

  8. I'm just amazed at how lovely and bare the old magazine covers were. Nowadays there's so much writing you can't even see the model's face.

  9. I feel bad for her. Modelling seriously fucks people up.

  10. Poor spoiled and arrogant bitch.Plastic surgery is not a treatment for depression. No excuse.

  11. no, but it sure as hell is a symptom!

    i feel compassion for ze nutjobs that can't see they need help.

  12. When I was a kid, I used to wish I was a model (thank God I grew out of that!) and Karen Mulder was my favorite. I never knew she had depression, attempted suicide, was a drug addict and now this. Wow. Like someone else posted, modeling really does fuck you up! People think they have everything, so why does this happen to them? I guess it makes sense because modeling is the most superficial biz there is, even more so than acting and music, and your "expiration date" as a model is up quickly. Any soulless industry like that will do a number on one's psyche.

  13. Or is it women who are really pretty that are often quite psycho? (to use a not so nice word). I have a friend who is drop-dead gorgeous and she is pretty psycho. Just a theory! Don't know why that is though. Maybe they feel they can never really tell if people really like them or just like them because of their looks?

  14. ALEXA, JEALOUS MUCH? Your looks provide you no room to go off the edge. You don't have that luxury. You aren't pretty.

  15. Sickitten, wow, clueless much? Why would you make that assumption? I did not even mention what I look like whatsoever. Let me inform you, honey. I am very pretty and have NO problem getting dates. I'm petite with blond hair and blue eyes, in my late 20's. I just don't consider myself supermodel-looking like my friend is that I mentioned. My posts were not even nasty. Your comment certainly was, though!

  16. Damn bitches, get a grip!

  17. Here is a little proof that Depression really is a chemical issue. If rich georgous people get depressed ...
