Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jonathan Rhys Meyers Loves Airport Bars

I don't think Jonathan Rhys Meyers is alone in his love for the airport bar. Watching one week of Airline will pretty much tell you there are a lot of people who love airport bars. I am one of them. In the past I will admit that I may have imbibed a bit too much in an airport bar. But, in my defense, there is nothing quite like the feeling of having a Bloody Mary at 9am while you watch people scurry off to wherever they are going.

After I watched the show though, I got smart and now just drink heavily on the plane. It is much harder to get you out of a plane than to deny you boarding. Thank you Southwest for that tip. Anyway, as you will recall Jonathan had a little incident in the Dublin airport a few years ago where he was arrested in the airport for being drunk and disorderly.

Yesterday in Paris he was at it again. He got into a fight with police at the airport and did a do you know who I am thing before throwing euros at the police, telling them he was rich and then said, "You wanna hit me? Hit me!" They chose not to hit him. They were probably afraid he would start Twittering and asking for help. After he spent some time in jail and sobered up the cops released him and presumably he left the country.


  1. Do you think the turkish boy asked for help via twitter too??

  2. I was in an airport bar in Ottawa after my mom died last year~ got so drunk that the stewardess wouldn't let me on the plane~ then they called security. The security guard said "Ok, you are going to jail." I explained what had just happened and he allowed me to go to a hotel instead of jail~ had to come back the next day COMPLETELY hungover, $350.00 in the hole from the hotel room at the last minute, sad and sleepless~ it sucked and completely took the joy away from drinking at airport bars...:(

  3. I think he's taking his King Henry role a little too seriously...

  4. maybe he didn't want to get tasered and killed by the dirty RCMP..oops my bad that only happens in Vancouver.

    the first time JRM was arrested was a week after his mom died i think,so he gets a pass.

    this time tho, sober up!

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "They were probably afraid he would start Twittering and asking for help."


  6. Love him. Love, love, love, love him. I don't care how petulant and moody he can be. He's a fantastic actor and so very easy on the eyes.

    Please post more photos and dirt on him. Fascinated by this creature...!

  7. "They were probably afraid he would start Twittering and asking for help." teehee, owned!

  8. God damn he's hot. I'd totally hit it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. lol @ Jax - no doubt.

    Oh JRM, he's clearly struggling with sobriety. Continuing to drink makes it hard to quit the bad shit.

    I love a good airport bar myself.

  11. Ok, time for rehab! Again!
    I really love him, but he's self distructing himself to death. Somebody grab him and take him to get sober. Please!

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    LOL @ afraid he would start Twittering and asking for help.

  13. Oooh, what is it about an airport bar? I love 'em too. Who cares how much the drinks cost? I'll have as many as I can before my flight.


    (sorry....i couldn't resist.)

  15. Drinking at an airport bar feels naughty & clandestine. Like you're having an affair, or about to. It doesn't feel like that at a regular bar. Is it just me?

  16. Does anyone remember when his mother died and he was seen walking down the street with a bottle of bourbon in his hand wearing UGG boots and crying? I felt so bad for him.

  17. Airport bars are the only place I order Long Island Iced Teas.

  18. "clandestine" WTF? I don't know where that came from. Must be my Gloria Swanson alter-ego.

  19. mygeorgie - I totally agree! Also I think it's because it's the only place where it's totally acceptable to be drinking alone :)

  20. I love them to...but never thought about why. Rocket Queen is on to something.

  21. I love them to...but never thought about why. Rocket Queen is on to something.

  22. If JRM loves the airport bar, maybe I'll spend more time hanging out at them. I love him, crazy coke eyes and all.

  23. Anonymous5:26 PM

    i'm with equinox - would totally go there crazy eyes and all!!

    and i hate flying (well the whole take off and landing thing) so the airport bar is my saviour - you are not so nervous after a few drinks (and - if it is a long enough flight - valium!)

  24. Nice pic - shame about the addictions....

    I can't drink before or when flying, I wish I could, because it's so damn boring! But I find the hangover comes too soon (like within an hour) and is worse than usual. Something about the cabin air or the altitude, dunno.

  25. Anonymous5:22 AM

    JRM was lucky he didn't cross paths with JT and gor all shot up by the military guy with the big gun.
