Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jon & Kate News - Ick Nast Brother To Be On TV

It was my plan to skip Jon & Kate for at least the next few months, but I figured I would write one more just to kind of piece together all of the news and rumors floating around the internet. As you would expect, Monday night's episode on TLC set a new record for the show which just goes to show you that announcing your divorce on television is the new way to go for reality programming.

Kate Gosselin is on the cover of People this week and says she feels like she failed. Damn, where is my violin when I need it? It didn't take her long to martyr herself. The interview with her was actually conducted last week and People held off on the story because they wanted the exclusive and are big ass kissers even to a reality star who no one will remember a year from now. Hopefully. Continuing with the martyr theme, US Weekly is reporting that Kate is still wearing her wedding ring. I think that is to convey to all of us that she hasn't given up hope of a reunion. I think there is plenty of blame to share here. I also think that Kate has a PR person and Jon thinks PR is a place in the Caribbean you go in the winter.

If you believe the NY Daily News, then I think we may all want to tune in to the relaunch of the show in August. Why? Well they say that Deanna Hummel, the 23 year old teacher who has the best brother in the whole world is going to be on the show. Considering there have been no pictures of the couple together and that Jon seems like he wants to cruise the high schools for dates, I don't know if this is true. I want it to be true. You just know if she comes on the show, TLC will make sure her brother comes on the show. Then you know what happens? Ick Nast isn't just written, it's spoken. Even I would would watch Jon & Kate to see that happen. Well, not the actual show. But, I would watch the 10 second YouTube clip of him saying it.

Finally, there were reports yesterday that the renewal ceremony last year was fake and the couple already separated. TMZ explains the divorce laws of Pennsylvania and how the couple have only been separated recently and not two years. My understanding is the way they chose to go about this, and TMZ goes into greater detail is Jon & Kate can't get divorced until after they have waited two years. So, there is a good chance TLC can spin about a 10 part reconciliation season down the line.


  1. The Ick Nast brother would be the only reason to watch it. I still haven't watched it. I just can't bring myself to watch a show about 8 kids, their bitchy, controlling mother and spineless dad.

  2. Being a divorcee in PA...there is only upto a 2 year wait if the other party does not wish to divorce. Otherwise if both parties are in agreement (to divorce) it takes about 3 months until it is finalized. Just sayin'.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    he was kind of ick.nast! if I remember right.

    But unfortunately, we are stuck with Kate. Jon will get arrested for stat rape, and he'll be in the news off and on, but I think the paps will avoid him. Kate was the drama on that show, and she loved it. And for sure she's getting 80% custody of the kids.

  4. thank you Enty, i had to school my local radio station on how to find accurate info about this instead of reporting false information.
    how freakin hard is it to read TMZ before you go on air?

    they love me

  5. tmc is going to milk this for all it can squeeze out of them. wow. how pissed will hate be if ick nast brother is on!

  6. eep. ^hate = kate. (typo, but freakishly fitting).

  7. If you guys saw the show, you now those four crooked houses they bought for the kids? I looked up the company and each of those "customized" things STARTS at $5,000! That's at least $20,000 FOR PLAYHOUSES! Unbelievable. Those kids are still gonna hate her in a few years. Mady (the surly twin) already does.

  8. I can't believe myself, but last night as I was flicking through channels, I landed on E!'s "Jon & Kate: Separate Lives" special and I watched 2 segments of it.


    Anyway, on one of the segments the Ick! Nast! brother was on and giving an interview about Jon & Deanna in the apartment he shared with her. He talked about disturbing sex sounds etc.

    I finally changed the channel after they teased that when they came back after commercial, the Ick! Nast! bro would show DEANNA's OLD BEDROOM where the disturbing sounds came from!

    I can't beleive this shit.

  9. LOL @ Nature girl.
    "the 23 year old teacher who has the best brother in the whole world"
    This was the highlight of my day.
    Thanks enty!

  10. there are other states with rules like that. she just checked both boxes to get things started. but if jon agrees to a divorce, they will be in 3 months. if he protests, then it's 2 years. it has nothing to do with whether they have been together or apart.
    i do think the renewal thing was just for show. i doubt if things have been rosy with them for some time, but i think the shit really hit the fan in the last several months.

  11. i think once she got wind of him spending trying to spend HER money on a condo in Trump tower she lost her shit and filed.

    i think that's what her whole "i have to protect myself and the kids" is about..$$$. pathetic.

  12. I see a DUI in Jon's future, I see Kate on a future episode of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here and sadly I see years and years of therapy for all of the kids.

  13. I watched her "I always call this the kid's house". Bullshit, I watched her stand at the kitchen window and call it "my kingdom".

  14. Her personality is as ugly as her hair. I can't wait to hear the brother say those words but I'll catch it on YouTube.

  15. Can we vote to ban these useless fuckwads from the site? Pretty please?

  16. Enty, I don't watch the show but I can't seem to stop reading about this trainwreck.

    My prediction: they'll figure out the only way to keep the gravy train going is to stay together. They'll work things out "for the kids". She'll write a book on how God saved their marriage and speak at churches about her struggles with her marriage.

    Do I win anything if I'm right? :p

  17. On the show this week she made a big deal of saying how it was the kid's house and how that's always how they referred to it, but on the episode where they moved in, she was looking out the kitchen window and said "All mine, as far as the eye can see." Ick. Nast.
