Friday, June 12, 2009

Jon & Kate Have Some Competition - Six More Kids To Be Exploited

Usually you only see kids exploited one or two at a time so this whole multiple thing is really allowing kids to be exploited at a much faster rate which in this economy is probably a good thing. I mean, the only way this economy is going to get back on its feet is on the backs of our sextuplets and septuplets and octuplets. To show that they are willing to do their part for the exploitation of kids for the economy, WE TV is set to air Raising Sextuplets which as you may have guessed from the title is about raising sextuplets.

It involves the Masche's who I guess were the subject of some special back in 2007 when their sextuplets were born. Anyway, they say they are different from Jon & Kate and have learned from their mistakes. They also say they will quit the show if any of the kids doesn't want to do it anymore. Once you have wiped the tears away from your eyes from laughing so hard, they also said they don't want to think of the series as a paycheck. Laughing again?

Why else would you do the series then? You want to show the world what it is like to live with six kids? I think we all have a pretty good idea of what it is like thank you. I hate when people lie to themselves. They are for sure already counting the money and wondering what they have to do to get on the cover of Kneepads. I am already predicting that by this time next year there will be more families with multiples than ever before. They will all want the opportunity to make money and 99% of them won't. I bet there are hundreds of sextuplet births next year as people try and cash in. That is the problem with these shows. Sure, all these kids are getting exploited, but think about parents who only have kids for the money or possibility of a television show. When they don't get one or only four or five of their children are born alive as opposed to the 8 they were hoping for, what kind of life do you think those kids are going to have?


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